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Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies


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Just had an epic fight with the most recent Legacy Boss:




Rhapthorne really has me on the ropes here. Just me left standing, and with only 31 HP. If I can recover from this, it'll be quite the victory. Luckily, I have the Paladin's Coup de Grace: Knight Watch.




I attacked on the 1st and the 2nd turns, using the 3rd...




...to cast Kerplunk.




Nigel & co are back.


Rhapthorne hits hard, but that makes the likelihood of a Coup de Grace stronger. Once all four of us can do one, we activate...




...A Co-op de Grace!




In this case, Soul Asylum. Rhapthorne toughed-out all three turns, but Nigel and Kate healed us whilst Gra and Dave carried on attacking.




Don't feel sorry for him, he's level 99.








Uneven EXP. I think it must be related to how many turns each character took part in.




That was a long battle.



Only one more to go. Now, if only there was an awesome game out this week to keep me busy until the next boss, like a Zelda or something...

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Oh, so Knight Watch does protect you when you use Kerplunk, always wondered that, but never had the opportunity to try it.


Still working on little old Murdaw myself, got distracted by E3 and 3DS updates. He's level 84 now, so not long left. Noticed he likes to use Disruptive Wave on the first turn now which is when I setup :mad:


Overall he's not too tough though, his Blinder attack is pretty rubbish.

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Oh, so Knight Watch does protect you when you use Kerplunk, always wondered that, but never had the opportunity to try it.


Well, you still have to be revived, but it's useful in that it guarantees you will be able to do whatever move you want. For instance, if the Legacy Boss has higher Agility than you (and they're all faster than a Paladin), he might K.O. you before you get to cast Kerplunk.


Still working on little old Murdaw myself, got distracted by E3 and 3DS updates. He's level 84 now, so not long left. Noticed he likes to use Disruptive Wave on the first turn now which is when I setup :mad:


Overall he's not too tough though, his Blinder attack is pretty rubbish.


The ones with status attacks are irksome though, because you have to use a Sober Ring (or whatever's appropriate) instead of your favourite accessory. It's sometimes necessary though. For the record, mine are:


Paladin - Armamentalist's Album (increases chance of Coup de Grace)

Gladiator - Critical Acclaim* (increases chance of critical hit)

Sage - Lucky Charm (increases evasion)

Priest - Mercury Prize - (increases Agility)


* still love that pun

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Well, you still have to be revived, but it's useful in that it guarantees you will be able to do whatever move you want. For instance, if the Legacy Boss has higher Agility than you (and they're all faster than a Paladin), he might K.O. you before you get to cast Kerplunk.


Thought Knight Watch protected your from dying but, ironically, just found out out it doesn't the hard way :laughing: Guess you just took the photo before it killed off your Paladin. And yeah, the Paladin's low speed is a bit of a pain.


Using Spring Breeze hats and Sober Rings to protect against Dazzle.

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Thought Knight Watch protected your from dying but, ironically, just found out out it doesn't the hard way :laughing: Guess you just took the photo before it killed off your Paladin. And yeah, the Paladin's low speed is a bit of a pain.


Oops, sorry about that.


I don't mind the Paladin's low speed, as Knight Watch always goes first regardless. On the occasions when we're all attacking, though, I would rather my Paladin acted before the Gladiator, as the latter is stronger and has more chance of getting a Critical Hit which, considering the multiplier system in this game, is best if it's 4th in the chain.


Using Spring Breeze hats and Sober Rings to protect against Dazzle.


The Sober Ring is 100% effective though. The Spring Breeze hat has high Magical Mending, so is good for your Priest (if you're not using the Agility-boosting Phantom Mask), but Murdaw has an ice attack, so I would wear Fur Hoods instead.

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Oops, sorry about that.


No worries, not your fault :)


I don't mind the Paladin's low speed, as Knight Watch always goes first regardless. On the occasions when we're all attacking, though, I would rather my Paladin acted before the Gladiator, as the latter is stronger and has more chance of getting a Critical Hit which, considering the multiplier system in this game, is best if it's 4th in the chain.


The speeds not normally an issue unless your Paladin is the last one standing, and they get attacked before they have a chance to move.


The Sober Ring is 100% effective though. The Spring Breeze hat has high Magical Mending, so is good for your Priest (if you're not using the Agility-boosting Phantom Mask), but Murdaw has an ice attack, so I would wear Fur Hoods instead.


A quick Insulate solves that problem ;) Gave my Priest the Mercury Prize to help her move faster. Dazzle isn't really an issue for her since she rarely attacks so maybe I will switch to a fur hood I suppose.

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Bridal month is over. After 2 weeks. Oh well. This weeks is Gal Gear 3 week.


This weeks quest reward is rubbish, but I thought the quest itself was quite entertaining.


You need all of Borya's gear to complete the quest.



Dhoulmagus is currently level 41, mostly distracted by OoT 3D, but it's a nice diversion.

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Oh, dash it, I've been lazy with the DLC and may not have got all the wedding gear. I may not be able to complete the Wardrobe 100% in the end. Oh well, I'm exausted, to be honest. Looking forward to beating Nocturnus at 99... after that, I wonder if I'll ever load it up again.

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You can buy another set of Rusty gear from the DQVC this week in case you wanted another set or Erdrick's gear, or are missing any.


Mega thanks for that, I'd never have known about it otherwise. Erdrick's is my favourite helm, so it'd be nice to get another. For some reason, I have a strange compulsion to make another "Erdrick's" set, even though only the Helm has advantages over the other equipment.


I'm starting to regret being lazy and not connecting to DQVC over the past fortnight. I wonder how long the shopping will go on for after the last Quest has been released?

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I'm starting to regret being lazy and not connecting to DQVC over the past fortnight. I wonder how long the shopping will go on for after the last Quest has been released?


At least another year hopefully. Japan still gets updates. They've got stuff like the re-vocation medals. I'm sure they confirmed it will be still up for a while yet, although it might just end up being repeats.


I'm gonna have to play DQ IX this week ain't I to stock up on some rusty gear. Damn you Ike. *shakes fist* And there I was gonna start into DQ VI this weekend! :heh:


You'll never escape DQIX :P

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At least another year hopefully. Japan still gets updates. They've got stuff like the re-vocation medals. I'm sure they confirmed it will be still up for a while yet, although it might just end up being repeats.


You can buy the Revocation medals? Wow! Two "Honour Amongst Thieves" will make stealing seeds that much easier (with "Medal of Freedoms" for the others) and multiple "Critical Acclaims" should help with the bosses.

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I was on holiday last week, so missed most of the Erdrick's/Rusty and Orb sales.


Been fighting the final Legacy Boss, which is a strange feeling, but it's 100% completed my Defeated Monster List. Nice couple of Accolades to go with it. I consider beating him at level 99 to be the last real "challenge" in the game, so I'm looking forward to doing that and starting Dragon Quest VI.


The only thing that's bothering me is that I never picked up Borya's Boots, and apparently DQVC is the only way to get them (becoming a Mage then speaking to him doesn't work). However, this week's sale is "2nd Chance" week, so hopefully they'll be amongst the goods on offer.

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The only thing that's bothering me is that I never picked up Borya's Boots, and apparently DQVC is the only way to get them (becoming a Mage then speaking to him doesn't work). However, this week's sale is "2nd Chance" week, so hopefully they'll be amongst the goods on offer.


His boots is the reward for getting 30 tags so it available in-game.


Final quest went up this week (sniff), I still have a few left outstanding.

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Hmm...I might have to go back into it...but...I done everything >_< Nothing to do bar the get one or 2 things that are online exclusive(Oh and alchemize a couple of more things and the quests I can't do yet).


Looks like someone may have caught up and surpassed you!




Tiny Cartridge: What kept you interested in DQIX for so long? Was there ever a point at which you wanted to stop playing, but pushed yourself toward 100%?


Steve Stolin: The balanced “grindâ€. In DQIX, there are always a lot of things to be working on in the post-game and each of those accomplishment feed a few other goals. The weekly Quest releases were a big part of playing for the entire year. New legacy guests populating the Inn, Legacy Bosses, weekly DQVC themes.. I think the game itself pushed me to 100 percent.


What’s your history with DQ games and RPGs?


I’ve played & completed every mainline Dragon Quest game since I got Dragon Warrior from the Nintendo Power promotion. I’ve also played most of the offshoot games as well. RPGs are my go to games, especially the Square Enix games from 1990-2010. Yasumi Matsuno’s Vagrant Story & Tactics games are also my favorites.


What’s your favorite post-game content in DQIX? A certain DQVC item, item drop, inn guest, or quest?


The post-game storyline with Stella finally revealing her dream of opening a

… Some of the names for the legendary gear are great; “Infinity Trousers†are great. I really liked the throwback to the previous games with the Inn visitors from other Dragon Quest games and the Legacy Bosses.


What was the hardest thing to accomplish?


In the Alchemy, when you miss an Alchemiracle for the legendary gear there is a way to reset that item to a the previous state, but you have already spent your hard earned Agate Of Evolution & colored Orbs. For getting 100 percent Alchemy, you have to fill in these “reset†recipes, which means going back on some Legendary gear. The difficulty was convincing myself to reset my items.


Did anything special happen when you 100 percented DQIX?


You are asked for a few interviews from gaming sites. :) When completing Quest #184, there is a special message from Yuji Horii.


Now that DQIX is definitively done, what do you hope for out of DQX?


Done? There are still Legacy Bosses to Level 99 and more Accolades… Maybe one day I’ll play more to get those. For DQX, I trust Yuji Horii and the team to put together another great game. I really want another lengthy post-game with a new Grotto system.



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It's interesting that this chap has completed the Wardrobe, Items and Alchemy, yet not beaten the Legacy Bosses at level 99 yet. There's no right or wrong way, it's just interesting. That said, there's no way I'd reset any 3-orb equipment, Legendary or standard, until I'd beaten all the bosses.


Personally, I just want to achieve all the "challenges", and then I may well leave it. Still got Nocturnus to beat at 99, then need to do two Quests. One of them should be fine, but I can't do the other one until I've got those bloomin' Borya's Boots!

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Well Dhoulmagus is level 94, his speed is quite a problem since he can often move before I can.


Spent most of yesterday and this morning spamming Greygnarl for the Dragonlord map, first time I got it I accidently discarded it :mad::weep::woops:. Saying that I had more success than his 10% for some reason.


Tried my first alchemiracle today for the Dire-Critical Fan, but no success there :sad:

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Tried my first alchemiracle today for the Dire-Critical Fan, but no success there :sad:


No, that's a hard one. I've made three and failed. It needs Charm, right? None of the vocations have that high enough to give you an advantage with the alchemiracles. Togas need Charm too - I've made two of them and failed.

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Grrrrrrrrrr. I hate grinding levels! Dropped back into this over the weekend and started up doing Grottoes again (just standard ones. Nowhere near ready for Legacy ones although I think I could just about do Baramos giving it has the lowest attack of all the Legacy bosses) and after getting my first grotto with Atlas as the boss, I was swiftly put in my place with low end level 50 characters.


So I've been grinding LMS as they're pretty easy to find but so far I've only gotten to lvl 60. It's all well and good putting in post game content but if they don't put in the necessary areas to get you levelled up for it (outside of grinding) then it's kind of pointless.


Need to upgrade all my characters' gear as well. *Sigh* I now remember why I stopped playing. But I'm determined to get to some of the higher levelled grottoes. At least until I bother to pick up VI but that'll be more grinding.

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