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The Legend of Zelda:Twilight Princess


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Just finished it for the second time. What a fucking game.


You know what? I have to agree with this. I've only recently got this game, and as a fairly long term Zelda fan (started with A Link to the Past on SNES and have played them all since) I kinda expected it to not be that good. Much like the Mario games, I expected the series best days were behind it now, especially after the disappointing Wind Waker.


I think it's fair to say that Mario really surprised me with Galaxy, and so has Zelda with Twilight Princess. I got TP for Christmas, and in spite of being heavily into Galaxy at the time, it managed to relegate the game while I explored Hyrule once again. What an amazing game. How come there's such cynicism around it? It has absolutely blown me away, and what with this and Mario Galaxy, I'm playing games just like I used to do years ago - for hours on end. What have I been playing in the years in between?

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If i stay in a part 3 hours, i go imediatly to the Guide xD


I simply can't handle :|


(More two times in Guide on the Goron Mine, this game is really hard to me xD)


Good luck Maase!


If you haven't played these kind of games before then they can be quite challenging at first. After a while you will walk into a room and see everything in there and be able to tell almost instantly what they are for. It's a good question to ask yourself: "Why is this here?"


Are you enjoying experimenting? A trap I often fall into is trying to complete the game too fast and find that by rushing, I'm not really enjoying the expreince?


EDIT: Don't feel too bad about the guide, if you really are struggling (like 3 hours a room, ouch!) then it's not your fault is it? I hope you get to feel the enjoyment of completing it though.

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Zelda seems to promote rushing, with Navi telling you where to go every 30 seconds and Midna showing you the locations on the map. :shakehead


So true...


This is not the first experience on this type of games, i had Ocarina of Time and played a good while, i made a promisse i will not go on Walkthroughs again for my life, but since then, its been some long minutes in the Temple of Water xD

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So true...


This is not the first experience on this type of games, i had Ocarina of Time and played a good while, i made a promisse i will not go on Walkthroughs again for my life, but since then, its been some long minutes in the Temple of Water xD


That was by far the most annoying dungeon i've ever done...

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Today I started this one again, after finished it 100% one year ago. Well... I find the lack of more voices disturbing. I don't mean voice act but there are some dialogs where you don't listen a single "Yaaah" :p or nothing. It's by far the most claustrofobic game I've played. I still love it but I prefer WW so much more. It's full of life. Or the great clock town of MM.

And Hyrule never looked as magical as in Ocarina.


But it's a great game and I just want to have more to play with this quality :)

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I started replaying this again a week or so ago. Only played it in short bursts due to doing other things but it's lovely to play.


Just done the second temple and on my way to the next area. Lovely game, if only it had more Tri-Force in it and it would of surpassed OOT for me.

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I started replaying this again a week or so ago. Only played it in short bursts due to doing other things but it's lovely to play.


Just done the second temple and on my way to the next area. Lovely game, if only it had more Tri-Force in it and it would of surpassed OOT for me.


I tried to play it the other day but the Ordon area just saps the life out of me :zzz: But I like doing things like swimming in Lake Hylia with that tranquile music or looking at the beautiful Zoras and their shimmering skin - the game is beautiful.

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Damn, this Temple of Water is damn anoying xD


But i will not use any Walkthrough, the map is so huge X_X


...Don't wonna seem rude, but you WILL need the walkthrough...Unless you are like me, who completed that temple in an hour. ^^ Theres one part in end thats a bit annoying where you have to swim under water through cracks in the rocks...Enjoy. :)

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I did it :)


It taked me some time, and it was hard, but i did it.


The Boss was Easy (But i loved the battle), and this new cutscene rulled :D


Im enjoying even more the game ^^

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The Water Temple was hard, I found. But, the awesome boss fight more than made up for it. I orgasmed during it, I'm sure of it.


I've been meaning to replay this game, I've got a few weeks coming off uni soon, so I will do it then.


Yeah the boss fights might be easy but the dungeons are somewhat hard. Specially the Water Dungeon in order to continue the tradition. It's really awesome.

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Water Temples are always hard, just like Hellfire said, it's tradition for those ones to be a bitch. But I never thought it was too hard, sometime bits I stopped and went "Ahh it's simple really"


Exactly. If you have the mind for it, the temples are straight-forward. But the WW and TP ones felt too straight-forward.

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Damnit, now im at the Oasis Temple, its too hard to me


But i have promissed, and i will not use a Walkthrough :)


Everyday, i will try to find, and if that takes 10000 days, bad luck xD

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Oasis!? Arbiters grounds!!! Please remeber that lovely name...Unless Maase has the game in a different language? That temple was a bit 'meh', it has nothing on the Spirit temple but ofcourse the boss and the item you get makes up for it. Plus after that you see the cool cut scene.


Actually, I think the temples get a pinch harder after AG.

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MY GOD!!! Best Boss ever (untill now lol)


I loved the skull, i loved the object, i loved the final battle (the two parts where simply epic)


Is there any way to repeat a boss without having to make the game again? That was memorable ^^


The only part where i was stucked was to find how to rotate that object, i finally understanded after 60 minutes that it has to be with the Wolf.


Godamnit, this is gonna stay in my memory for years ^^

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