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PAL Virtual Console Games Run In 50 HZ


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Thread Suggested By Dcubed


The Virtual Console has now gone live on PAL Wii systems, but all isn't as rosy as it might have been. We tested SEGA's Mega Drive classic Sonic The Hedgehog, and we weren't pleased with what we saw. Every PAL gamer's worst fear has been realised: Virtual Console games on the Wii are like they were when we originally played them. In Sonic's case, this means that it runs noticeably slower than the NTSC version and features sizeable borders at the top and bottom of the screen.


This is certainly a kick in the teeth for PAL gamers, who have only recently crawled out from under the heavy 50Hz rock that has plagued games for years. Now PAL gamers are used to proper PAL conversions and 60Hz gameplay options, and being forced to return to the 50Hz dark ages isn't something Wii owners expected.


All our efforts to force the game to run in 60Hz and borderless proved futile, with the game forcing the slow speed and boarders despite the 60Hz option being set in the Wii's video settings menu.


Link: http://www.pro-g.co.uk/news/06-12-2006-4221.html

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The funny thing is, that I actually (Jokingly) said the other day that NOE are so stupid that they'd probably make the VC run in 50Hz.


Strange how things work out sometimes...


(Huggles his US Wii :grin:)


I hope that, one day, Europe gets shifted by a giant Earthquake, thus making us part of America.


Then, NoE will be no more.

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Does it really make that much of a difference in N64 and 2D games? I guess it does mean we won't get some unreleased titles here, but stick it to the MAN by downloading the fucking rom and playing it for sweet, sweet nothing.


Does this definitely mean that we won't be getting titles that were unreleased in Europe?


If so, goddamn you NoE.

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Does this definitely mean that we won't be getting titles that were unreleased in Europe?


If so, goddamn you NoE.


I dunno. It's kind of bum-ramming if we get skipped on the games we never saw here as I thought that was part of the reason the Virtual Console sounded so appealing. It's still a brilliant idea, just not so brilliant now this 50HZ news has hit the Internets.


Is it not possible they could patch the console to run games in 60HZ properly?

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As I said in the VC thread, this is disappointing news.


But there's no need to panic. This does not necessarily mean that we will never see unreleased games in this region (Earthbound, Sin and Punishment, FF etc).


Right now, NOE are just using what they currently have. As 3rdC said, it is possible for the games to be patched (but I'm not holding my breath). Why should they have to go through a lot of hassle and negoitations to get the developers to remake the games when they already have PAL versions ready to go?


If NOE had to do that, the wait for VC titles here would probably be a hell of a lot longer.


Of course, I'm not totally happy with this, I'm just trying to imagine NOE's stance and why they would do this.


When the big titles like Earthbound start to hit VC, that's when we'll see if NOE will release them.


In the end, the PAL games are still the same games we grew up with. It's not like they suddenly became worse.

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To be honest, I'm just worried about whether or not this 50/60hz issue will prevent certain games appearing on the european VC system.


This really is an issue, alot of games seriously wouldn't come out unless down converted to 50hz or just never brought out.

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VC games are designed to make money from very little work. Its possible that we could see 60hz versions in time, but we might have to pay a little more. I seem to recall some (original) SNES games were given the proper PAL treatment, so hopefully anything since then will be fully PAL optimised.

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I think this is absolutely inexcusable, and I'm frankly put off the whole thing now - it's that bad in my opinion.


Sure, some later games got decent conversions here, even in 50hz, but earlier things both had framerate messed with (cut out frames causing stuttery, awkward frame timings) and some were painfully slow alltogether, most notably SNES and Megadrive things. For me this is an absolute deal breaker, and unless we - through miracles and happy magic certainly - get to download NTSC stuff here, the Virtual Console holds no appeal to me anymore. :(


In fact, way more :( than this post could convey.

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Guest Stefkov
I hope that, one day, Europe gets shifted by a giant Earthquake, thus making us part of America.


Then, NoE will be no more.

I would cry from happiness.

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This is utter bullshit. Why does Nintendo piss over their fans? With VC everyones first thoughts were this: "YEAH We're going to get those unreleased classics and old games better with RGB picture and 60 hz!". And now all that is ruined.

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