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Midnight Launches


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Apparently its lashing in Dublin, and the wind is really strong too. I have to catch a bus at 8, and I'm not looking forward to standing in the wind and rain for 2 hours. With a DS or not.....

Yeag mate its pissing here too, and Im not all that far away from Dublin


There arent any midnight launches, Ill just run down to the store collect it and go!!!

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IT's pissing down here as well, good thing I'm taking the car Down and parking up near Gamestation so I can run in, grab my stuffa nd jump back in the car, I was gonig to walk it down but the feeling of Walking back and forth home at Midnight inBarnsley isn't the best thing especially when Carrying a console home and you've got to go through some dark areas >>;;


Quick question, The Clasic COntroller Does come with 2,000 Wii Points right? I was thinking of picking it up if it did or jsut wait until later to get it, but if it coems with them I'll get them tonight, But Zelda and Red Steel FTW Tonight.

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Apparently its lashing in Dublin, and the wind is really strong too. I have to catch a bus at 8, and I'm not looking forward to standing in the wind and rain for 2 hours. With a DS or not.....


Yeah I'm just home from college, and I got completely drenched going for the bus.. Standing around for hours in this weather will be disgusting for you, but it's completely worth it so you can get the Wii tonight, i'm so jealous :bouncy:

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Yeah I'm just home from college, and I got completely drenched going for the bus.. Standing around for hours in this weather will be disgusting for you, but it's completely worth it so you can get the Wii tonight, i'm so jealous :bouncy:


Im completely rethinking my plan now. Apparently the inner south city has had its electricity cut off, and coupled with the heavy rain and windy conditions I think I might wait until tomorrow morning tbh.

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Im completely rethinking my plan now. Apparently the inner south city has had its electricity cut off, and coupled with the heavy rain and windy conditions I think I might wait until tomorrow morning tbh.


You might as well take a look outside in an hour or two and see if there's any sign of improvement in the weather, ya never know, might improve a bit. You don't happen to know when GAME is opening tomorrow morning?

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Asda Bexleyheath - Number 8 out of 10. Wooooooo


Plus I have my reservation at WHSmith which I'm going to give to my brother and his G'friend, and they're sorting me out £30 profit.


So I had no pre-orders, and I have two systems, and £30 profit. Think I did pretty good.


Going to Asda for midnight to pick it up, as they gave me a slip and told me to go home.

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I love it. I'm from Germany, we never had anything like that there - shops have to close at 8pm.


Actually considering going down a bit early, but then again it's cold, it's windy, it's not a very nice area and I might actually get mugged.


So, on second thought, I think I'll still show up there at 11:45 :) After all, my preorder was confirmed - it'd be different if I was going to HMV London...

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Actually considering going down a bit early, but then again it's cold, it's windy, it's not a very nice area and I might actually get mugged.



Reason I'm going late(ish). My friends mum is driving us down, and i believe she is kindly going to hang about to give us a lift home. Instead of my initial go down at 9 wait around and taxi home.

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In a bit of a fuss here, anyone fancy giving any advice? My Wii is nicely on the way from Amazon for delivery tomorrow, but my 2 games seem to not have been dispatched yet, and probably will not come until Saturday - not good.


My local gamestation is doing a midnight launch. Do you reckon this allows you to turn up without a preorder and simply buy the games? If I leave this until tomorrow the likely situation is that Amazon will have shipped the games and I can't cancel. If I go to the launch in an hour and a half do you reckon there's a chance of getting the games?


I realise I can ring them but I'd like an ask around first.

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Hey Shiekah.. That the kinda situation I'm in too.


Got my Wii Preoredered with Game ready to pick-up tomorrow morning.

Play 3000 have let me down byy not shipping Wii Play and extra Remote, and I was wondering weather I could just show up at a Gamestation (Bury) and bag what I can ::shrug:


Anyone with any idea?

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Already rang Gamestation, and they said they were only allowing for people with preorders to get stuff at midnight. My 24hr tesco didn't get any Wii stuff in, but said that the nearest 24hr Tesco that did has had people queuing up since 2 in the afternoon. Guess I'll have to wait until Saturday then. I can always download some VC games. :)

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