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Smoking ban comes kick in on July 1st 2007


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As the title says the date the ban starts has been set as 1st of July 2007. As a non smoker this won't affect me to much I think the only time it will be a problem is after a few beers I like to have a smoke and when i'm in a club I pretty much chain smoke. It will be interesting to see how the public act when it kicks in I suspect there will be some people that will still give it a go for a while.


Anyway what are everyones views?

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Well my dad owns a pub, and my dad and his partner and her daughter live up stairs. Its all just been done upstairs and really really nice. Only problem is the smoke drifting up through the floorboards. So yes as I stay at my dads sometimes it would be nice for everything not to smell of smoke.


So yes I'm happy about it :D

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Well my dad owns a pub, and my dad and his partner and her daughter live up stairs. Its all just been done upstairs and really really nice. Only problem is the smoke drifting up through the floorboards. So yes as I stay at my dads sometimes it would be nice for everything not to smell of smoke.


So yes I'm happy about it :D


I'd love to own a pub.


- - - - - -


About the issue, all I can say is what took them? Make it socially unacceptable, so kids think it’s even cooler!

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As the title says the date the ban starts has been set as 1st of July 2007. As a non smoker this won't affect me to much I think the only time it will be a problem is after a few beers I like to have a smoke and when i'm in a club I pretty much chain smoke. It will be interesting to see how the public act when it kicks in I suspect there will be some people that will still give it a go for a while.



Anyway, as I hate people smoking, naturally I see this as a good thing. And seeing as it's a habit with no redeeming features, it's good for everyone in the long run. Win-win.

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This sucks.


Why? Because most of my friends smoke. They already take breaks in the middle of movies and gaming sessions to go downstairs, outside and smoke. Now they're going to have to go outside in the middle of hanging out at the pub? *sigh*

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I don't know what to think. I smoked a lot at 18/19 then gave up. Now I can see both sides of the argument.


Pros and cons of smoking seem complicated to me. Smoking causes passive smoking. So I guess the bottom line is that smoking can't be seen as something one person enjoys at his own expense; it expends other people and environment.


I don't know if I agree with it, but it does seem logical. In the end I think people would accept it here (or be resigned to that fact).

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I avoid pubs and it's largely because of the smoking. Alright, I don't like being around people drinking either so this probably won't affect me at all. Never went to pubs before, still won't go.

Though, I think the further marking of smoking as anti-social/stoopid is a good thing.

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This sucks.


Why? Because most of my friends smoke. They already take breaks in the middle of movies and gaming sessions to go downstairs, outside and smoke. Now they're going to have to go outside in the middle of hanging out at the pub? *sigh*


They need a break in the middle of a movie (why doesn't spell checker know the word movie)!? Jesus can't they even wait a couple of hours!


Pros and cons of smoking seem complicated to me. Smoking causes passive smoking. So I guess the bottom line is that smoking can't be seen as something one person enjoys at his own expense; it expends other people and environment.


There are no pros to smoking!


I personally think this is a wonderful thing, 6am on July 1st can't come soon enough!

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FANTASTIC- is all I can say, I hate smoking it is a vile habit that should be banned from the face of this earth.


Anyway more serious, I am glad it is finally coming into force, non-smokers such as myself should be allowed to go out on a night without having to run the risk of ill effects of passive smoking. One other less serious side effect is when you wake up, hung over and ur clothes and hair just stink of smoke YUK! I hate it when smokers say its their right to smoke, its not their right to make us all inhale it...

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Heard it's gone down pretty badly for pub owners in Scotland.. all the heavy smoking addicts are drinking beer at home instead.


The influx of new non smokers hasn't been good enough to keep pubs afloat.. when you consider energy costs of keeping a pub warm are pretty high. It's not good.

But I hate smoking with a passion.


So wahey, maybe this will help a lot of people quit.. thus they will have more money to enjoy their lives for longer with less stress (hopefully)


I will also note that it's good that it's banned in the workplace too.. people who take smoking breaks work 30 minutes less every day than non smokers (and get paid) over a week that's 3 hours wages.. over a year it's something like £4000!

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Heard it's gone down pretty badly for pub owners in Scotland.. all the heavy smoking addicts are drinking beer at home instead.



That's what i thought will happen. When the ban comes into effect, it will be pub owners who will end up losing customers.


Saying that, i know a few people who can't stand smoking. Especially when you go out somewhere and some drunken idiot breathes smoke right into your face. That's lovely! :heh:


So yeah, great for us, bad for pub bosses. As i'm not a pub boss, yaaaay.

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I'm a smoker. I can go a few hours without a cigarette, popping outside the pub isnt a big deal.


However, whens this ban coming in where we can't smoke in public? e.g. walking down the street? when are we going to be told you have to have to have payed off your morgage before you can smoke in your own home? After christmas you have to be over 18 to take your driving test. I know there are plans to put the smoking age and when you can join the army or navy or whatever up to 18. Seems rediculous how strict this country is becoming, when imo there are worse problems they could be dealing with.

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