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Everything posted by Iun

  1. The N-Europe Show - Hot Topic #5

    I would also like Zelda, however, I make no such promises as Fierce Link. Actually, Wii Sports looks to be the title I am most interested in. I'm far too lazy to actually go out and play tennis in the cold, so an indoors solution seems ideal. Also: Super Smash Brothers Brawl. I lost many an hour at University playing Melee instead of going to lectures.
  2. Okay, so here it is: The Wine Gum Challenge. I'm always boasting about how much I love Wine Gums, now it's time to prove it. Between now and the 4th of September, I'm taking bets on how many Wine Gums I can fit into my manly mouth: on the 5th of September, I will complete the challenge! Basically, the person who guesses to the nearest Wine Gum how many I can manage, will win a signed bag of Wine Gums and the hospital bill for the stomach pump! Bets are to be posted here, or to me direct: [email protected] A picture, proving irrefutably that I stuffed my mouth with Wine Gums will be provided as evidence! And remember: this has never been attempted before, I do not know the answer to the question!
  3. WINE GUM CHALLENGE TONIGHT! Yes, that’s right! The Wine Gum Challenge is going down tonight! How many Wine Gums can I fit in my mouth? Thank you for all of those of you through forums and email have given me your bets –all 150 of you… o_0 There is still time to get in for the 20:00 deadline tonight! So, if you haven’t placed a bet and you want the chance to win a bag of signed Wine Gums, email me as soon as possible! Sadly, no live feed is available, however, photographic evidence will be provided!
  4. Wine Gum Challenge Tonight!

    No! Eevilmurray gets nothing. By Order Of: The Belgians.
  5. Wine Gum Challenge Tonight!

    Well done Demonmike04! You win a bag of air!
  6. Wine Gum Challenge Tonight!

    AAAAAAAND THE MAGIC NUMBER IS....... 34! Well done to Conzer 16, PM me to get your prize! And thank you to all 100+ participants in this and other forums! Conzer16 guessed the EXACT number of Wine Gums!
  7. Wine Gum Challenge Tonight!

    Sadly the Wine Gum Challenge had to be postponed to tomorrow night - our mini camera went "phut" and died on us before te challenge could take place. A new camera is being sourced and the challenge will take place tomorrow night instead! All bets in threads count, and the person with the guess most wildly off may well win the spat-ot wWine Gums!
  8. Wine Gum Challenge Tonight!

    There will be an independant adjudicator - or should I say, several independant adjudicators who will oversee!
  9. Wine Gum Challenge Tonight!

    Ah ah ah! Iun's ugly mush overflowing with Wine Gums and saliva!
  10. Steve Irwin dies

    A great man indeed. There has never been anyone like him, and there probably never will be again. Most heartfelt condolences to his family, especially his children. I just hope that one day someone takes them aside and lets them know just how much of a legend he was.
  11. There is still time to get your bids in for the Wine Gum Challenge -happening onTuesday night at around 8pm GMT. The prize is a signed bag of Wine Gums and the person who guesses exaclty or closest wins! In the event of a tie break, I will aska question about my Wine Gum eating habits (ooh-er) and the person who answers correctly wins!
  12. Fire Flower #28 XD

    Muchos Gracias.
  13. Yeah the person filming is going to be there, just in case.
  14. I have a DSLR (I'm a pro photographer see) and I can borrow a camera with video. Don't have Skype yet but will probably be sorting that out fairly soon.
  15. Right, so far there have been over 100 bets on my Wine Gum Challenge on this and other forums! I am going to do a live video feed for this, but I need help on how to set it up!
  16. Aw...shucks honey... *hugs*
  17. MoogleViper! Come back Moogle... I didn't mean what I said...
  18. I have a love child? Wait a minute, I've had sex?!?!?!?
  19. Well, yes, they are rather delicious.... I wish I had some Wine Gums right now....
  20. The biggest challenge is not getting a lot into my mouth, but instead stopping myself from eating them straight away
  21. All wine gums are equal in my opinion.
  22. I swear this is all a onspiracy to get schools to buy more books. Sod the ruling, there are nine planets in the Iun Solar System! Do you hear me, 9!
  23. Hey, repeat numbers are allowed!
  24. I'll take any volunteers for assistance in getting this thing done live!