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Posts posted by Dcubed
They funded it in order to pimp Internet Explorer, which is handled by a different division to the Xbox.
Regardless, it's a large amount of money from the very company that they're supposedly completely impartial to (not to mention that IE9 is actually on 360 now anyway...)
It's all the same company and the same money. Microsoft is not Sony, their divisions actually work together
You see a greater conflict of interest every day, as videogame websites survive on the advertising money of publishers.Precisely my point. It's standard fare amongst the big sites. This is just yet another example of it happening (albeit one of the clearest examples I can think of) and at this point I don't trust anyone (haven't read a review on one of these major sites for years)
Has anyone seen any examples of Nintendo doing these sorts of dodgy dealings? Given the contempt for them that is held throughout the media at large, I don't really see anything to suggest this to be the case (aside from the strangely universally positive reviews for SMG2 and Skyward Sword - which I'm sure they had to pay for, regardless if the games deserved those scores or not)
I do know that they sometimes hand out some cool swag with the review copies of their games, but nothing of any real monetary value or anything suspiciously influential. Certainly nothing like the $800 swag bags that were given away for Halo 3 reviewers who would treat the game favourably, or those free TVs given out by Sony, or EA's blacklisting of reviewers who looked down upon Battlefield 3... http://www.gameranx.com/updates/id/3354/article/ea-caught-attempting-to-manipulate-battlefield-3-scores-in-norwegian-press/
I'd be surprised if it broke even (not including all the public money they got for free, that'll be their main profit) or lasts six months.
Well it looks like Gamestop will be stocking it in the US at least!
That's a pretty good sign for its future chances
Way to kill off any shred of credibility before your site even officially launched
(For those who haven't followed the story - basically this "independent" VG site recently released a wanky documentary about the founding of the site, never mind the fact that it hasn't even fully launched yet... Turns out that the documentary was bankrolled by Microsoft!)
(Arthur Gies is the Reviews editor of Polygon)
The sad part is that I'm not even surprised or phased by this sort of thing anymore. Pretty much every major gaming site is nothing more than a puppet for the big publishers and MS/Sony's PR departments
Still haven't picked it up. Haven't had any free time all week!
That will be rectified come tomorrow, which will be La Mulana day for me!
After I read that Sega's apparently offering Rhythm Thief for free on a certain platform that the media can't stop talking about I've decided to not support Sega anymore, unless they will also release new games for free on platforms I own such as the 3DS. Why would I pay 25 quid or more for a game others apparently will be able to play for free?! So unless I misunderstood something I'm not going to get this game anyway.
That's not the same game as the 3DS one, it's a spinoff.
That being said, I wouldn't be surprised to see an inferior version hit iOS eventually (like what happened with the first game)
They haven't actually announced game and accessory prices yet (in the EU at least) so whatever you see for them will probably be placeholders.
I miss the old YouTube app
Don't like the standard Google one.
Maps is a disaster, don't like the updated Music app design, App Store takes longer to load...
Just about the only good thing about iOS6 so far for me is the updated Safari app. Really nice upgrade all round (full screen is a god send!)
Something must be different now with this contract, otherwise this would not be true:
Eurogamer: I spoke to Unity CEO David Helgason about this today, and he reckons this deal with a platform holder may be unprecedented. "It's definitely a Unity first," he said, "but as far as we can tell it's also an industry first."
Or am I missing something here?
I think this is granting Nintendo an unlimited use license that they can give out to 3rd party devs for free (like with the Autodesk and Havoc tools).
Is Unity usually free of charge for commercial releases? (I'm pretty sure the SDK is at least)
A March release has really surpised me though. I thought the release of 3G HD Version was the signal it was behind schedule but it would seem not. Now it makes me wonder if it will put off perspective buyers who have 3G and know this is 6 months round the corner. Not that it will be a probem for us. They'll probably be gearing up for 4G before we see this version.
They're almost certainly being done by different teams (Tri U Wii U is probably being done by Eighting - who also did the grunt work on the 3DS version) so I wouldn't have thought that Tri U Wii U would have any effect of MH4's development.
With MH4 featuring online play however, I wouldn't bet on seeing a Wii U version. It may well still happen, but there's much less incentive for them to make a Wii U version of MH4 than there was with Tri U (and no excuse for Capcom to not localise it!)
I am surprised no one has posted this here
This is a huge deal for WiiU eShop and opens up the door to small developers to bring their portable smartphone games to WiiU.
While it's nice to see, it's not unexpected. Unity did support Wii after all...
So it seems that we'll be seeing NintendoTVii in the UK/EU after all! (http://www.n-europe.com/forum/showpost.php?p=1490519&postcount=3512)
We can confirm that there are plans to release a service similar to Nintendo TVii in Europe for Wii U. The full details of this will be confirmed at a later date.Bring it on!!!
Pokémon names, the occassional key
Bummer. Oh well, still looks fun anyhow (and that Keyboard alone looks to be worth the price of entry!)
The ps3 had got progressively more ugly as time has gone on. I'm still gutted my phat broke. I couldn't justify buying a second hand one over a slim but I think it looks weedy by comparison. The new looks even worse.
Pretty much. It started out ugly and went downhill from there.
Shame really cause the Vita is a really nice looking machine (as was the PS2 Slim and the PSone)
Wii U is turning out to be quite the indie haven! A good few must haves already for me! (especially Toki Tori 2 - can't wait for that game
Am I right in thinking that you can't select multiple songs to download in a single transaction though, meaning you've got purchase each song individually?
Yeah, one at a time. It's a pain to buy multiple songs at once when you're paying exact amounts (but if you've got funds lying around in your eshop account, then it's not that bad - downloads are nice and fast)
Also, is it better to play the game with items/abilities attached to the characters, or without for that extra bonus. As far as I can tell, that no item bonus is just for the high score, but does it effect the amount of XP/Rhythmia that you earn too?It's for high score and nothing else. Personally, I play with all equipment off for Challenge mode and with my stuff on in the Chaos Shrine.
Online play?! Well that guarantees its western release then
Amazing how the attitude in this thread has completely changed now!
The new weapons look completely awesome BTW!
Hmm, I thought that they were gonna get rid of the segmented areas though?
Also, why does this look worse than MH3U from a graphical perspective? (It's still segmented and doesn't seem to be doing that much more from an AI/physics perspective, so what gives?)
Either way, I'm sure it'll look much better on the 3DS screen itself
Hey, probably getting this soon; Just a quick Q. Do you get funny sentences and stupid stuff to type like in Typing of the Dead, or is it just Pokemon names and nothing else?
I just can't decide. I want the console because it's a new console, but none of the launch games.
So wait until the games you want actually come out for it!
Edit: Oh wait, hang on I forgot about the (probable) incoming shortages. In that case... time to broaden your horizons and give NSMBU, NintendoLand, Zombi U, Sonic & All Stars Racing, Scribblenauts Unlimited and Rayman Legends a chance! (Plus Fifa Wii U might turn out to be good, as well as Batman Arkham City AE and - as a real longshot! - Ninja Gaiden 3 RE...)
I'm curious as to what price the retailers are going to sell the 12GB flash based PS3 at.
If they can make it £150ish, there could be some brilliant competition come Christmas.
It's more expensive than the current 160GB model, so it'll be at least £189.99 (probably £199.99)
You can forget any idea of brilliant competition at that price (oh and apparently it STILL doesn't come with a HDMI cable
Edit: Maybe not... Sony does what Nintendoes (as usual!) it seems...
http://www.thesixthaxis.com/2012/09/19/scee-on-the-new-ps3-we-dont-set-pricing/“With regards to price, we no longer set an RRP, instead, that will be dictated by individual retailers themselves,”
I bet retailers will still go with at least £189.99-£199.99 though...
Here we go again...
I'll stick with my NTSC launch model PS3 thanks.
I wish my US 60GB model didn't die, I miss it so much
Only a 25% size reduction? Not impressed. It's also ugly as shit (now it looks even more like a grill!
And has that price actually gone UP!? Even the wonkily sized 12GB flash model is more expensive than the cheapest PS3 today! (and that can't be costing them nearly as much as the HDD model!)
WTF is Sony doing!? Why aren't they lowering the price and doing a Vita bundle to take on the Wii U and boost Vita sales!?
Yeah, I'll definitely be grabbing that one.
Any other tracks you'd recommend for me? Keeping in mind that I prefer more rhythmical/upbeat stuff.
It's annoying how there's no preview for songs from the DLC list.
Also, what's the deal with purchasing extra songs? Do you need to have credit on your eShop account beforehand, or can you just add it directly in-game?
You can add funds from within the game itself (you can also pay exact amounts, just like in the eShop - it's the same interface for the most part)
You could always use YouTube for song previews, but for my own recommendations I'd pick any of the battle music from FF3 and FF4, Matoya's Cave, Cosmo Canyon, Ride On, FF9 Battle Theme, FF9 Battle Theme 2 (warning, hard!) or Force Your Way (warning!!! Hardest song in the game by far. May cause irrepressible tears, unceasing cursing and permanant psychological damage from the sheer difficulty!)
Give them a listen (they're all fun to play, though some are pretty easy)
Do we know anything about the control schemes for all these games.
Just wondering how many nunchucks will be needed really. Somehow I got by on the Wii only having one! But is everyone who isn't playing with the GamePad in this gonna need both for most games do we think, or will it be Wiimotes on their side or something?
Most just require the Wiimote on its side I believe. Out of the ones we know about, only Metroid Blast and Zelda Battle Quest require the Nunchuck (they also happen to require Motionplus BTW!)
Also, half of the time it seems like the notes that you're hitting don't relate at all to what's going on with the music.
They almost seem to be randomly placed.
It's not randomly playing notes when it changes. What's happening is that the note charts switch from the melody to the harmony and backing tracks during certain songs (The tunes in the Chaos Shrine however are somewhat randomised, using modified forms of pre-set note chart portions).
You're right about a lot of the songs not having any sense of rhythm though - especially FF12's music. I'd have to agree that you get more out of this game if you're a fan of the series (and that FF4's Boss Battle theme is the best in the series! - It's also one of the most fun songs to play BTW! Well worth the purchase!
I kinda like the fact that not all of the music in the game is exactly rhythm focused though. It's nice to play to some of the more sedate and ambient music as well from time to time, even if it isnt necessarily a good fit for rhythm gameplay (Rabanastre fits this description nicely!)
The Verge/Polygon: Funded by Microsoft (Videogame Journalism in a nutshell)
in General Gaming Discussion
No I know that, but my point is that Microsoft employ the same overarching strategy across all its divisions and that they all work together towards a somewhat shared goal (albeit oftentimes against each other)
If Polygon here were being paid off by Sony Pictures or Sony Music, there would be no real issue, since they are effectively a completely different company to Sony Computer Entertainment. However, Microsoft is just Microsoft. It doesn't matter what product was being sponsored here, there is a clear conflict of interest at play here and their credibility (of what little there is in this sector of journalism
) is shattered completely by this scandal.