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Posts posted by Dcubed
Fun fact: Mass Effect Trilogy is supposed to cost 49,99€ in Europe, whereas Mass Effect 3 for Wii U is listed at 69,99€ among many retailers
Yeah. ME Trilogy comes out earlier and is cheaper than ME3 Wii U.
PS: Regarding this conspiracy "nonsense" That old Reddit rumour did actually mention a release of Mass Effect Trilogy on Wii U...
As an reward, EA received development kits even before Ubisoft, Valve or Tecmo Koei. Many of EA's studios were interested, especially Bioware who have been wanting to put their own games on a Nintendo system for ages and finally had the technical ability to do it with a Mass Effect Trilogy port and Dragon Age 3 on slate for the system.Oh and this was several months ago, LONG before knowledge of this collection was made public...
So I'm genuinely up for turning this fully on EA and helping an effort to completely VITO this edition. Anyone who is buying a Wii U needs to understand who poor value for money this is going to be.
No need. EA have already VITOed it themselves. This version will bomb harder than MGS3D (and that's exactly what they want to happen...)
It's just like the Capcom tests that you can't win. If it sells, then it means that EA can get away with shovelling shit at us with no value at full price and will probably give us Mass Effect On Rails Edition. If it fails, bye bye support all together...
The only thing we can hope for is that Nintendo do something about this themselves. They're the only ones who can do something about this situation (be it sorting out some sort of temporary moneyhat deal, a dedicated Origin store on eShop, or publicly shaming EA and denying them the right to publish on their platform altogether)
Oh and now this comes out of EA...
Lol! Who is ME3 WiiU aimed at then?
Where did you get nunchuks for £4.99?
Game were recently clearing stock of original style Classic Controllers and Nunchucks for a fiver a piece. Couldn't resist picking up a couple of fresh ones at that price!
Conspiracy theories might be fun, but in reality its in EA's best interest for the Wii U to be a healthy platform. It's pretty silly to suggest they're out to sabotage it, much more so that they want their own products to fail.
There are currently over 120 million PS3 and 360 consoles in people's homes and zero Wii Us. Publishers are risk-averse at the best of times, so it's not surprising that they're reluctant to bankroll projects for unproven hardware. Is this a self-fulfilling prophecy to an extent? Sure, the Vita's a great example of that. But it's cowardice, not conspiracy.
Makes perfect sense to snub Nintendo if they can't steal away their royalties. Their company philosophy is much more intertwined with Microsoft (especially with Peter Moore as their internal mole) and to a lesser extent, Sony.
Having a strong Microsoft and Sony is much more beneficial to them than having a strong Nintendo, because their relationship with those two is far better. With EA sharing a very similar vision of where they want gaming to go as with MS and Sony (big super high budget titles where they only need to throw graphics and marketing money at a project to succeed, without worrying about gameplay - an eventual scenario where only they will survive - and dominance in the mobile/social space by acquisition), supporting Nintendo to any significant extent simply doesn't fit into their plans. Securing Wii U Origin exclusivity would've been a massive coup that was worth pursuing however if they could trick Nintendo into falling for it (like they did with Sony and the original SNES CD addon)
This is what EA do. They've done it time and time again. They're liars and crooks; always have been and always will be.
Woahhhhhh, slow down. You're not serious are ya
That rumour is months old and I see no reason to not believe it (hell I actually predicted that EA would try to pull a Sony/Nintendo Playstation way back in 2011 when they appeared on stage and then later those comments from Iwata at one of their shareholder meetings came out about them wanting to work with an outside partner on the Wii U online service...)
It's also the type of thing that EA has pulled before in the past (see what they did with completely abandoning the Dreamcast after failing to blackmail SEGA into giving them exclusive rights to all sports games on the console...)
Surely they have no choice now but to put this 'on hold' and instead release the trilogy on Wii U at a later date within the launch window?
I mean it'd be the right thing to do, but then again with EA publishing it...
Of course not. The only reason why this Trilogy pack even exists (at least this early - it probably wasn't going to be released this early, certainly not within 9 months of ME3 itself launching!) is to ensure that the Wii U version is DOA, thus providing the perfect excuse to kill off any future support for the Wii U when it "fails to sell to expectations".
EA are backstabbing Nintendo in response to them refusing to make Origin the exclusive online service that runs all Wii U titles/eShop. It's also why Madden 13 and Fifa 13 Wii U are both gimped in comparison to their PS360 counterparts and why they're shy to announce any future support. An "unprecedented partnership" indeed...
Just bought a couple of new nunchuks for the first time since Wii launch day and am surprised to find that the thumbstick is rubberised and the underside has more texture. The original ones are as smooth as a baby's arse in comparison.
Can't believe I've been gaming with it all this time
Funnily enough I just bought a new old style Classic Controller and Nunchuck myself! Feels lovely
TBH, Nintendo controllers hold up nicely even after years of wear and tear though. They've come a long way from the days of N64 controllers (broken analog sticks) and SNES controllers (broken start & select buttons, mushy d-pad)
So I finally got it! It's... weird! Best way I can describe it is like Metroidvania with Zelda style puzzles - though with almost no handholding at all!
I'm not too far into it (Still in the 2nd area of the ruins) but I'm really enjoying it so far. Jumping takes some getting used to, but I think I've got the hang of it now!
Combat is straight out of Castlevania (knockback and all!) and I can already see that there will be plenty of backtracking to do later on. Good stuff!
Music is absolutely ace as well!
There's a real sense of discovery when you figure out a puzzle, that kind of warm fuzzy feeling you get from solving the types of fiendish puzzles in Zelda. Great stuff!
Edit: OMG! The Holy Grail lives up to its name!
Oh man, I feel sorry for anyone who doesn't find it...
I see Japan is getting Mario Golf Gameboy Color version next week. Jammy gits!
No mention of multiplayer or transfer pak support though
Maybe when MG64 hits the Wii U VC?
Edit: Wow! Australia is getting VVVVVV next week (October 4), damn that's late!
I recently sent an email to Nintendo asking about the power supply being applicable in different regions, and some of their response pertains to Cube's argument, vaguely however:
Here's their response to my email; (I highlighted interesting parts)
Dear Lee,
Thank you for your email.
The Nintendo Wii U console will be region locked as with its predecessor the Nintendo Wii. Region locking does include but is not limited to, the games released for the console, both physical and digital copies and use of online services will vary between regions.
Any console purchased in one region and being used in another may have an issue with the power supply. If you do not obtain a power supply for the console from the region you are using it in, you will have to use a pin/power converter, and the use of third party products such as this is not recommended by Nintendo.
The online services offered in each region on the console will require an internet connection from the same region. If you use the console outside of the region it was sold in you may find that you have limited or no internet functionality.
We hope this information answers any queries you may have and that you enjoy the Nintendo Wii U and any other Nintendo products.
Kind regards,
Nintendo UK
That's almost certainly referring to services like NintendoTVii or BBC iPlayer, which would all be IP locked (as all VOD services are) or certain MMO games like Dragon Quest 10 (where the Wii version is IP locked). The vast majority of games however would be perfectly fine.
They're probably just covering their arses and playing it safe with the responses. There's absolutely no reason to believe that they'd use one and indeed no reason to use one. It's completely against their own (and their 3rd party publishers') self interests to do so (and also would make internal testing much more difficult!)
There are legitimate, probably financial reasons why this would be the case with the examples that you have given. Pokemon is a huge guaranteed seller with massive merchandise business so it's natural that they would have more resources localise.
A lot has to do with how the game is developed in terms of how connected the text it, how carefully it needs to be translated and so on.
Another point about US > EU localisation. US localisation usually only has 2 languages English and Spanish, if not just English. EU however has the full EFIGS (English, French, Italian and Spanish) if not more. So you have twice as much translation work to do.
So there are a lot of different reasons why the time varies. But let's face it, there are few times when you getting a game a bit later than you would like does little more than aggravate a gamer's need to have it now.
Kirby Superstar Ultra had almost no text to speak of (and even had the original full EFIGS SNES version's localisation already done - which was almost the same as the DS version's text barring a few very minor changes) NOE has always treated the series poorly (Mass Attack and Kirby's Return to Dreamland/Kirby's Adventure Wii being the only exceptions) and even now are not releasing the Kirby Anniversary Collection...
Why should we just accept their shabby treatment of the series? Why shouldn't we complain? How is it unreasonable to expect a game with almost no text to get released within a year after its US release?
This isn't Animal Crossing GCN we're talking about here!
My company deals with shipping goods in and out of the country as well as dealing with UK, EU and US laws and regulations on radio use and licensing the EM spectrum. From that point of view, I"m aware that every single territory has a myriad of different requirements that cannot all be met by one single product and so this leads to different products being produced for each territory.
Thanks to the different tax laws, this also means that companies have to completely re-price products to balance value as well as profit/loss. It's a horrible and fucking difficult balance.
To make sure that products meet the expectations of the customer and the laws of the territories different products have to be produced and the areas in which they are released contained.
But hey, it's not like I can't sympathise with some customers that want to get games released in their territory. In some cases games might sell better if they were allowed to be purchased overseas, as I know that in particular fan-crazed cases people would happily play them in a language that they don't understand!
But what I can't accept is people who complain about time differences of release. Harvest Moon on the GCN I get and that was stupid but people getting pissed about a game not coming out within 6 months of it's counterpart in a different territory? Get over it.
EDIT: Oh and great and logical words from Jayseven.
Now they may have very good reasons for instituting region locking and I perfectly understand why they do it, but that does not mean that we shouldn't complain about hefty delays that happen for no good reason (see Persona 4 Arena)
I don't expect simultaneous worldwide releases with every game, but having Europe wait 6-12 months after the US (or even vice versa with recent cases!) is inexcusable. There was no good bloody reason for Europe to have to wait a whole year for Kirby Superstar Ultra to get released in the EU, when that same company was perfectly able to release Pokemon B&W, the Zelda titles and even the last two Animal Crossing games at roughly the same time in both regions!!
And for those games which would have no chance of a western release and have little Japanese text, why not just allow people to buy them from an import section on the eShop? (like with Deathsmiles 2 on the 360). Hell they already do it with the VC!
Region locking in some form is arguably a necessary evil, but that doesn't mean that there aren't better ways of handling the situation and enabling people to buy and play the games that they would otherwise be unable to.
A target camera...as in a lock-on?
WTF? HELL NO....that is just something to stop the n00bs from bitching that they can't get their timings right.
Bloody hell, that better be optional
It's not a lock-on. All it does is make it so that the camera swings to face the monster when you press L (instead of swinging to behind your character like it normally does) and yes, it is entirely optional (when using it, double tapping L makes it swing to face behind your character as normal too!)
There's a good video explaining it (and the rest of the touchscreen stuff) here: Skip to about 3:15 for the Target Camera stuff
Relax, it's not a Zelda style lock-on; not even close.
when did this happen?! i will have to check that out
You're welcome, oh and before you ask, yes it will work on your UK PS3 perfectly fine without issues
OMG guys, OMG.
Aside from the abysmal load times, my other criticism of MH Tri was the lack of a lock on.
It's not a true lock-on (that would destroy the core gameplay that makes Monster Hunter what it is!) but rather it's an option that makes the camera turn to face the monster when you press the icon (or L) instead of turning to behind your character like it normally does.
Don't expect a Zelda style lock-on.
Entirely bad, in my opinion.
I've never stolen anything in my life, but why shouldn't I be able to buy things that aren't released here or get certain versions of them? In the days of the Sega Saturn, you could get a switch fitted so that you could play games from any region, and choose between 50/60Hz too - it was even encouraged in magazines. The fact we still don't have these features as standard decades later is a very disappointing aspect of the video games industry.
The way I see it, there are different groups in society: There are those who will wait for official European releases no matter what, and only buy what they can browse in shops - fair play to them. Then there are those who will go to whatever lengths they can to steal and obtain wholly illegal copies. The third group - the fans - will generally get products from their region, but may occasionally want to import something. What's wrong with that? It seems to me less and less games are being localised nowadays. Code of Princess, for example, was released in Japan and the US but not Europe. What harm could it possibly do to allow European 3DS owners to import it? It just seems mean-spirited to me.
That game is getting an EU release. Currently there are no 3DS games that are either coming out or are already released in the US that aren't also coming to the EU (though the EU does currently have One Piece Unlimited Cruise SP1 & 2 as exclusives that the US doesn't have)
It is EVILI've never gotten over not being able to get Chrono Cross.....the sequel to the best rpg ever made, that alone is reason enough to stop this madness especially now when there is no reason for any region locking on anything.
I really hope Sony eventually release it on PSN maybe in another 10 years given their current speed of psone classic releases
The game is already available on the US PSN store. You can just make a US account and get it right now (though you will also need to buy a US PSN store card to add funds to your account)
For what it's worth, it's a good game in of itself, but doesn't compare to the original at all IMO. Completely criminal that we never got it though (nor the original - but thank God that they released the original SNES version on the VC over here! 16 years late, but we got there in the end!
And if Nintendo wanted to be utter dicks they could have some kind of IP/DNS detection to further limit the console for importers, requiring them to spoof it (like what is required to access Hulu).Which is more likely than Nintendo simply allowing you to create an account for any region.
That's the thing though, Nintendo are actually pretty good to importers on the sly. They don't do any IP locking of any kind, they have a backdoor way of using foreign credit/debit cards on foreign stores that they've never blocked (even on the 3DS and they're more than away of it being there!) and they actually even already have a dedicated Import section on the VC! They also happily highlight foreign games, console variants and region exclusive products within their own games (Smash Bros), at trade shows and in the Nintendo World store in NY as well.
It just seems stupid that they haven't expanded on their efforts. They already sell untranslated import games on their store, why not just expand it to include un-released retail games as well!? Everybody would win in that case!
Which is my problem cause I'm living in Japan D=
Oh I thought you had a UK 3DS...
Eh? My UK Conquest doesn't work on my Japanese 3DS
My US Conquest DOES work on my UK 3DS though. It's something to do with JPN systems that is blocked, US-EU cross region seems to be fine though.
Even though I knew it wouldn't work, I stuck my copy in my 3DS any way.. Nintendo, what have you become D=
Good thing I have my DS lite handy, hooray! And now for the big trade off, learning all the vocabulary I couldn't understand D=
Mind you though, there's a good chance that the US/EU version will be region free - if Pokemon B&W and Pokemon Conquest are anything to go by...
Good to hear, but also disappointing as it's unlikely we'll be seeing it this year if they're still just "working on it".
And where the hell is Sakura Samurai at?!
Wasn't that classification malarkey supposed to indicate that the game would be released soon?
Man, the eShop is becoming a right eFlop.
Knowing Nintendo, it'll probably just appear on the eShop next week with no warning whatsoever
(IOnEI Falcon, you're the man!
Interesting to see that JFG had almost all of it's soundtrack completely dumped when they redesigned Juno, Vela and Lupus!
This beta OST sounds very Perfect Dark esc! Also it seems to run a lot smoother than the final version does...
Perhaps it really was designed to use the Expansion Pak first and foremost, before support was dropped for some bizzare reason? (That would explain the mistake on the original box!)
So, latest news is that the Wii U will, too, be region locked. I was wondering what people's thoughts on this were, and whether you think region locking still has a place in the modern console market. Iiirc, both the 360 and PS3 were not region locked; as far as I'm aware this had no negative impact on them either.
So why do Nintendo still insist on doing it? Do you think it still has a place in the modern marketplace? Why do you think they do it? Poor decision, or good decision? Your thoughts, hit me with them!
It's a pile of crap and I hate it with every fibre of my being, but it's seen as a necessity because it allows publishers to retain rights control across individual regions. Many times you'll find that the same game can have its publishing rights split across different regions (The Mario & Sonic series is a good example, with Nintendo owning publishing rights in Japan and SEGA owning them in the west) and importing just happens to subvert the control that each publisher has...
If they're gonna enforce them, the least they could do is work to get as many games released worldwide as possible and enable importers to easily get the games that don't end up coming out in their regions. Hopefully with Nintendo moving over to an account system, they'll allow us to have different regional accounts on a single Wii U that enable us to access the different regional online stores (ALA PS360)
Hell, why not offer import games on the eShop that wouldn't otherwise be released at all!? Stuff like Senran Kagura or the Taiko Drum Master games! It's basically free money that they otherwise wouldn't get!
Got my first character up to Level 99 today!
Mainly thanks to Miratete's Memoirs.
Can that item appear on any stage, or are there only certain ones that have it? I wasn't paying attention to which stage I found it on.
Would definitely like to find some more of those though.
It'll only be on certain stages. Check your list of Dark Notes and see if it's listed as one of the droppable items (It'll only list one of the possible drops though unless you've completed it multiple times, so if it's not listed, you're plum out of luck I'm afraid - you'll just have to make a note the next time you find one!)
Mass Effect 3
in Nintendo Gaming
Posted · Edited by Dcubed
Their stock is tanking, the current gen console market is in tatters and there's a new console on the horizon that is breaking all pre-order records (which is also coming off the back of one of the most successful consoles of all time and one that EA publicly admitted that they missed out on) and is perfectly capable of running their games without breaking a sweat - and also where PS360 ports cost relatively little to produce.
You try justifying not releasing anything on the system at all to your pissed off investors
The ME3 port was a sweetheart deal to try and gain Nintendo's trust in the first place, to get their foot in the door and wriggle their way into negotiations to get Origin on that system as the backbone of Nintendo's online service, where they take a cut of royalties (just like the stunt that Sony almost pulled on Nintendo that ended up destroying the SNES CD attachment and creating the Playstation). Once that plan failed, they fast tracked development of MET/ME1 PS3 in order to get it out of the door and kill ME3 Wii U stone cold dead.
Why else do you think they would release a trilogy pack just a mere 9 months after the launch of ME3? (before even the GOTY edition of ME3 got released!) - releasing before ME3 Wii U and at a cheaper price to boot!
EA are not stupid, they know what they're doing here. The ultimate proof will be seen when the inevitable excuses come out about how ME3 Wii U's failure means that they won't be supporting the Wii U in the future. Don't expect any significant support throughout the console's entire lifetime (if it gets any EA support from beyond this point at all!)