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Posts posted by Dcubed

  1. Bit of new info about the eShop release process. You know how the Wii U brought in a new set of relaxed rules that allow developers/publishers to set whatever price, release date they want and how they can set their own sales as they wish? And also allowing them to release patches as and when they want with almost no interference, save for the lotcheck process? The one that basically makes the eShop the console equivalent of Steam? (As well as a supposed 85/15 revenue split in favour of the developer/publisher)


    Well it seems that they've started applying these rules to the EU 3DS eShop too, according to the creator of Gunman Clive! (Who's game is coming out on December 20th)




    Supposedly this new policy hasn't yet been reflected in the US store, but it's still great news! Means more sales, more reliable release schedules and hopefully more support for the 3DS eShop (the new system is working wonders for the Wii U, so here's hoping that it's also reflected on the 3DS! :) )

  2. You're already seeing some layman apps like Youtube and Google Maps hitting the console, but don't expect a deluge of them.


    As for the games themselves, the barriers to entry are lower than the competing platforms, but it's still not open to garage devs (you need a business address to become a licensed developer) so it's still a clear tier above iOS and other similar platforms.


    Expect some of the more popular games and apps to make it across, but it won't become the free for all that iOS is.

  3. Called the top 5, but I never expected Skyward Sword to get knocked off the top spot! Also I don't remember Galaxy 2 getting voted so much, so it comes as a surprise to see it beat out Xenoblade and SSBB!


    Monster Hunter Tri is lower than I expected, while DKCR is higher. Of course, all 10 deserve to be there.


    A fitting conclusion to a great list and a great console! Here's hoping that the Wii U can live up to its predecessor : peace:

  4. This is the same restriction as on 3DS, which blocks you from watching 18 rated videos until a certain time. The part about it blocking access to the game's page or the ability to purchase it however is completely different and unacceptable.


    That being said, it looks more like a bug than an intended feature, as there's no such block on 3DS and seems to be limited to Europe only. I'd expect this to be fixed in due course.

  5. Hey guys, remember the 50hz slowdown problem that plagued import PS1 games like Tomba and Alundra? Well it seems that they've been fixed! :D




    Hey there PlayStation Blog. Christmas is right around the corner and MonkeyPaw Games would like to add to the list of good things that you could be doing during the holidays.


    First, we have some fantastic news for our fans that downloaded our classic titles Alundra and Tomba over the past few months.


    These games were emulated from their North American versions. In the process of emulation, the games were afflicted with periodical slowness during some video cut scenes and audio playback. While the games were still playable, they suffered in that users had to endure what was less than perfect condition.


    Users who purchased these titles can now re-download the game to get the newly emulated versions. There is no additional charge to do so. Of course, new users can also download the latest version through the PlayStation Store in the Classic section.


    For this, we would like to offer our sincere apologies and to thank users for their patience as we worked with Sony to correct the issues. It’s taken some time and we hope that we have not dulled your enthusiasm for the games!


    Emulation is a tricky process and many great games don’t get to see the light of the virtual Network shelf because emulation can’t guarantee the game will perform as it did in its packaged condition. These titles are 15 years old and so much can go wrong. But we still want to try to bring out classic games from the retro vault so we ask your forgiveness when problems like this occur.


    And with that, we’d like to announce the release of a title we hope will make up for your trouble. Tomba 2: The Evil Swine Returns is now available on PlayStation Store section for €7.99!


    We know Tomba fans will go bananas over the ability to romp through their favorite jungle quests with their pink-haired hero. And just for bragging rights, we’d like to announce that the game has been released before players in North America get their paws on it!


    So it looks like we’ve all been good and Santa will deliver on time this year. Again, we thank all of you for your patience and loyalty. May the holidays bring good cheer and health.


    So great news all round :)

  6. I did already post the 3DS lineup in the 3DS eShop thread, so maybe not.


    BTW, that's a killer December lineup for the 3DS eShop! Better make it last though, because after this month, your 3DS is going into hibernation until March! (as far as retail goes at least)

  7. Legend of the River King?! Don't think I've heard of that game before. Still its very nice to see GBC titles arriving, we need more!


    Denpa Men, Crimson Shroud, Hydroventure, escapeVektor and Nano assault all in the same month? Good stuff indeed.


    Indeed. Goes a long way towards making up for the 3DS' shitastic Xmas lineup at retail for me :)


    That being said, I'll probably be getting most of those in January (still haven't gotten Denpa Men or Aeroporter either). Gonna need to space out these eShop releases over the next few months, because there's sweet fuck all coming out for the 3DS until March otherwise!

  8. Localisation is a bitch


    To play devil's advocate a bit here; Monster Hunter 3 U's localization has been finished since around April-June, according to various hints posted on GAF from people in touch with 8-4 and Capcom USA.


    They've been sitting on the 3DS game all this time, for the sake of releasing the Wii U and 3DS one simultaneously. But that comes down to Capcom and not Nintendo (they're just distributing and marketing the game)


    That being said, ACNL's delay isn't unexpected really. It is a huge localization job and was probably also affected by the fast-tracking of Pokemon B&W 2`s localization (it's not as much text as ACNL, but 4 months is crazy fast for a Pokemon game!). I bet that ACNL was originally planned for release in March 2013.


    Devilish Brain Training is probably pretty much done now, but it was originally planned for a December release in the US and got delayed, so something must've gotten in the way of the English localization, pushing the completion of it back a month or so (by which time, a March release is probably better for the game's sales than a late January/early February release and it covers the gap left by ACNL)

  9. So Nintendo published a list of upcoming games for 3DS... And there are a few surprises there :)






    Natsumi publishing something by themselves in Europe is also very unexpected and most welcome :)


    And surprise surprise! Cave Story has disappeared from the list yet again, with Nightsky delayed till Q1 2013 (The second delay in a line of many ones still to come I'm sure...)

  10. I think they stopped that due to backlash. Mine haven't expired in the past few months which is odd as they should have


    I got 7,000 Stars recently so ordered the SNES Classic Controller. Should be good!


    I've got one of those myself. It IS good ;)


    It's 100% spot on. Feels completely identical to the original :D

  11. Great to have Harmo Knight confirmed for release here and both Devilish Brain Training (totally called the name BTW!) and Fire Emblem are both coming much sooner than I expected.


    The Scribblenauts delay isn't that bad either. The Wii U lineup is spaced out quite nicely really. The 3DS lineup however is a big tumbleweed until March (when there's suddenly a big explosion of content!). The US schedule is far better than ours, with them getting FEA in bloody February :mad:


    I'd also be lying if the delay for ACNL and Pikmin 3 didn't sting something fierce :(

  12. The EU one will no doubt be much more interesting, because they HAVE to at the very least give us some release dates for 3DS titles (because currently nothing is dated in 2013)


    For what it was though (a quick pre-launch video) it was pretty good. Gave us some laughs and some surprises (Google Maps, Panorame View, new footage and info on Pikmin 3 and Game & Wario)


    BTW, there's a 720p version of the Pikmin 3 footage here


    :) So gooooddd

  13. WOW! Pikmin 3 looks stunning! :o


    Nice to see that they're putting the amazing lighting to use as a gameplay mechanic!


    Again though, it only shows you collecting treasures and there's no HUD on screen... Still not clear exactly what they're going for with the core gameplay focus with this (time limited, heavy character switching or not? What's the game's main gimmick that seperates it from 1 & 2? :confused:)



    And moving from fruit (banana) to veg (carrot)... WHAT DOES IT ALL MEEEEAAANNN!?


    So does ustream work with HTML5/gamepad? Gonna give it a try.


    It does. I'm watching it through my Wii U right now :)


    OH! So Game & Wario includes a Wario Ware mode as well! (that's a brilliant use of the second screen BTW!)

  15. Impressions from a certain Joe Merrick for ONM :)



    Great to hear a UK release is on the cards. All sounds rather promising. This'll be my first Mystery Dungeon.


    ONM isn't exactly the most reliable of sources, so I'd take their changes to the article with a grain of salt...


    That being said, I fully expect to see it get a western release.

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