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Posts posted by Dcubed

  1. Just seen it and I loved it. That being said, I must say that it didn't feel as lighthearted as I would've liked and a bit too similar in tone to the to the LOTR trilogy, while the one scene which I was hoping would match up with Fellowship (Riddles in the Dark), did not (I think they missed a trick by not having Gollum speak the same line he did in the intro of Fellowship, though the scene was wonderful regardless)


    They'd snuck in quite a few nice bits from the Appendices very well, like the White Council scene with Galadrial (I think the flashback to Moria was also a part of the Appendices rather than The Hobbit, but I don't really remember - been too long since I have read it last!)


    It was slower in pace than the LOTR movies for sure, but it doesn't get boring at all. They did a great job of representing pretty much all of the original material, or at least all I remember of it (don't think anything was cut out AFAIK, though I must confess that my memory is not the best) and it does leave me wondering what is left to add into the Extended Editions... :hmm: (content from Silmarillion perhaps?)


    All in all, very happy with how it has turned out. Not perfect, but still wonderful. Looking forward to watching it again (gonna watch the 3D/48FPS version on my second viewing; I'm immensely curious as to how it looks!)


    Still not sure how they intend to draw out 3 movies worth of content from the one book, but I have faith that they will deliver. They've done a fantastic job so far! :D (and of course that's to say nothing of the LOTR trilogy ;) )

  2. http://www.pockett.net/n15527_Divers_Capcom_Arcade_Cabinet_sur_Nintendo_3DS_Wii_U_PS_Vita_PS3_iPhone_iPad_en_plus_de_la_Xbox_360




    No list of games yet, but the front cover aludes to it at least including Legendary Wings, Commando, Section Z, Gunsmoke, Trojan, UN Squadron, Black Tiger, Ghosts 'N Goblins and 1942.


    Since Backbone are out of business now, I think it's highly likely that the collection will be done by Iron Galaxy Studios (same people who did Street Fighter 3 Online on PSN/XBLA), so the emulation quality should be much better than previous collections :)


    While I'm not that interested in the Wii U one (since I'd rather see them released as Virtual Console Arcade games, in order to guarantee perfect emulation), I'm really keen on getting them on 3DS at least! :D

  3. 5 games that I could play forever... It's a tough choice because variety is the spice of life for me! (I don't necessarily play my favourite games on a regular basis) But here goes!


    Advance Wars Dual Strike: This is truly a game that I could happily play until the end of time. Endlessly deep, hideously addictive and with endless challenges and content. It's also both great fun in both single and multiplayer! I choose this one over the other games purely for the larger number of characters and potential game mechanics in play with the level editor, but I'd be just as happy with any of them really!


    Mario Party 3: No two matches are ever the same with the MP games! With luck playing arguably a larger role than skill in these games, anybody can win and anything can happen! I've played and own all of them (yes even Advance and e!) and Mario Party 3 is my favourite (oh how I :heart: you Game Guy and you too Reverse Shroom!) I still play all the games in the series on a regular basis with my friends and I don't think I will ever tire of them :D


    Panel de Pon GCN (AKA Puzzle League/Tetris Attack): THE greatest puzzle game of all time by a landslide. Endlessly addictive, unbelievably deep and skill based and another game that provides a wonderful single and multiplayer experience. It's the kind of game that you just lose yourself in, trying to endlessly improve your skills (this is the equivalent of hardcore fighting games for me, in the way that you never stop wanting to get better!). I pick the GCN version over the others for the 4 player multiplayer and because it has the best physics and scoring system (DS version has floaty physics, SNES/SFC version has a nasty scoring bug). All the versions bring something to the table that make them unique and interesting, but the GCN version is my favourite :)


    Perfect Dark: In addition to being the single greatest FPS of all time, with impeccable level design, an amazing myriad of weapons, wonderful music (the whole shebang), this game also combines elements of Puzzle League and Mario Party for me. The single player is relentless in its difficulty at the higher levels and offers endless possibilities for improving speed running times, while the multiplayer is so rich and customisable that anything can happen. It's impossible to get bored with this game and I don't suspect that I ever will :D


    New Super Mario Bros Wii: I could pick any of the Mario titles as some of my very favourites, but this one is probably the most replayable of them all. The level design is my favourite of the 2D games and the multiplayer element keeps things feeling endlessly fresh (especially when you add on Coin Battle mode!). Add on the speed running element to the single player and I could probably happily play it till the end of my days :D


    I should also add that Nintendo Land is looking like a likely candidate to add to this list. I don't see myself ever getting bored with it! (Though it's too new for me to add to it really)

  4. Answer to both: The amount of work it takes to port games to a new system.


    But they have to port all the other games to a new system anyway!


    They always ignore the first game when it comes to series re-releases. It's just like HOTD1 :(

  5. YEAH! Got my sticker book! :D


    BTW, I've been playing this on my daily commute and I'm really surprised at how portable friendly it is! Even when I've only had a short amount of time to play it, I've been thoroughly enjoyingy my time with the game :D


    I'm up to World 2-2 and loving it so far. The save points are plentiful, but the enemies are tougher than past PM games, so it balances it out nicely. Not much in the way of story so far, which feels weird, but I love pretty much anything that comes out of the mouths of the Toads :laughing:


    The visual gags are also really well done. You can really tell that thu actually physically modelled each environment in real life before rendering them in 3D on the 3DS! Kersti is also a nice partner, knows when to keep her mouth shut (the game has very little in the way of handholding really) and delivers some good lines that fill the hole that Goombario and Goombella have left :)



    All these revivals of the classic point-and-click genre games has me wondering why this insanely awesome franchise isn't being 'revived'.

    Who has the right?


    Disney do...

  7. "Coming Soon"



    I just think this will be ported to the iOS.






    Now everyone can play back their memories of FINAL FANTASY in an endlessly expansive app: THEATRHYTHM FINAL FANTASY!


    THEATRHYTHM FINAL FANTASY, the first music game in the FINAL FANTASY series, has been augmented with more songs and new playable characters to make it easier to dive into and play than ever before! Now it makes its debut as an iOS app that allows for communication with users from around the world in an unlimited adventure!


    ■With Quest Medleys, every time that you play, it’s a new adventure! New enjoyment to be found in each game!

    The iOS version of THEATRHYTHM FINAL FANTASY adds the Quest Medley mode, where you can play through songs you’ve purchased in a rhythmical gauntlet! Each quest is a set made up of a single FMS and a single BMS, and each time that you play, you will find yourself facing different songs, different levels of difficulties, and different rewards for completion—enjoy the thrill of a music game where the sense of adventure never fades! Being able to play on your iOS device by touching anywhere on the screen gives you more freedom as a player, as you operate the game with ease.


    Music Stages in the iOS Version

    ・FMS (Field Music Stage)

    Slide across the screen in undulating waves that rise and fall in time to the slower-paced songs in these stages.

    ・BMS (Battle Music Stage)

    Flick and tap to the furious beat to hit the Triggers flowing before each character in these fast-paced songs.


    ■Leveling up your character hinges on clearing tough songs! What else could you expect from a FINAL FANTASY music game?

    Each time that you play through a song, your characters will gain experience. This app makes it easier than ever to enjoy developing your characters, as you simply level them up and the abilities gained by doing so are automatically equipped to your characters to be triggered during the music stages. In addition to the three regular scores of differing levels—the Basic, Expert, and Ultimate scores—you’ll gain a further three Illusive Scores for each song: arrangements of the regular scores with similarly varying levels of difficulty. Collect the shards of these Illusive Scores by clearing Quest Medleys and open up new adventures. Whether you are a novice or an experienced veteran, you’ll be able to find a way to play that fits your level!


    ■Use Twitter to tell the world about the scores you create yourself and share them with players everywhere!

    Players themselves can create their own original scores by trying their hand at the Compose Scores mode! Upload your scores onto the server, or download the scores made by other players around the world—it is the players themselves who make the challenges of this game beyond limit. When you link the app up to your Twitter account, you can Tweet not only about the results of your play but also announce the uploading of your original scores to the server. And who knows—you might even find some scores made by the developers and the creators among the original scores uploaded each day!



    *When loading the application for the first time, please ensure that you have a stable wireless connection.

    *This app may not function properly on the iPhone 4 and the backgrounds in the FMS and BMS will appear as simplified versions.



    Compatible with the iPhone 4, iPhone 4S, iPhone 5, iPod touch (5th generation), iPad2, new iPad (3rd generation), iPad (4th generation), and iPad mini. Compatible with iOS 4.3 and later.


    No EMS stages. Quest stages are probably just a watered down version of the dark notes.


    Sad. The game deserves much better than a neutered iPhone port :( Would not want to play a version that has you covering up half the screen with your fingers, nor one that is missing the EMS stages, the Chaos Shrine/Dark Notes and Streetpass support.


    The Compose Scores mode is a cool concept, but it goes against what the game is about really and feels really out of place. I'm sure that this is much more worthwhile than localising DQM 3DS or Bravely Default... :mad:

  8. I'm now looking to get my next retail game/s for Wii U, thought that the prices might have dropped slightly since launch, and although some have, many of the multi-platform titles still remain more expensive on Wii U compared to other systems. :hmm:


    Admittedly with all of those examples above, the games have been out longer on 360/PS3, but it's still annoying.


    I just seem to have really bad luck with getting bargains. Whenever I buy a game at launch, it'll be going for a fiver or something ridiculous the following week. And when I wait to buy a game, it never drops in price! :heh:




    I never get any of the bargains. Everything that ever goes on sale is something I've already bought :(


    Worst thing ever for me was Soul Calibur 4. Bought it on the week of release at full price, literally a week later the price was slashed in half to £20 :cry:


    Haven't bought a Namco game at full price since then (actually, I haven't really bought any Namco games, other than Pacman CE DX and a US Tales of Graces import, since then anyway :laughing:)


    You're probably not gonna see any real bargains on Wii U games until after Xmas. Probably in late January/early February.

  9. Disney is swallowing up everyone at the moment, i think its more likely that with them already having bought up Marvel (for comics and movies), Lucas (for games and movies), they could probably make some use of Sega too, they have in the past published some games based on Marvel properties so it would seem like a good fit.


    They specifically said that they only bought them in order to own the Star Wars IP and to be able to make Episodes 7-9. Everything else (Indiana Jones, Lucasarts, ILM etc) was just a freebie bonus.

  10. The other companies aren't based in Germany. Nintendo is and has been since long before this law came into effect. All because they're based in Germany, they have to abide by the law in all their transactions, including international ones.


    That's very true, but there's nothing stopping Nintendo from setting off an off shoot company in another EU country to get around the issue, or allowing their distribution partners to run their own versions of the eShop to get around the problem.


    I'm not blaming them for the current situation as it's a fairly recent piece of legislation that they probably didn't anticipate coming into effect in time for the Wii U launch, but they should seek to do something to rectify the situation for those of us outside of Germany.


    Edit: Actually, scrap that last idea. Australia is even more restrictive for games than Germany is! Just run it from NOA's servers or from somewhere else.

  11. So I had a gaming weekend and my mate now wants to buy a Wii U. What are the best deals? Game actually don't have terrible deals however much I hate them, and Zavvi do the best basic package deals. Are these the best?!


    Other than smaller hard drive, no premium membership and no stands, is there anything else you don't get with the basic pack? I reckon that may be a good one for him.


    No Nintendo Land.


    If you're getting NL, there's no reason to get the Basic one. On the other hand, if you're not interested in NL, I see little reason to pay the higher price for te Premium (since an extra 24GB of storage is a drop in the bucket really. It's all about USB HDD storage anyway)

  12. I haven't been able to properly sink my teeth into this yet, but the games I have played have been really enjoyable. I haven't even tried METROID BLAST yet but from what I've heard I've got a lot to look forward to :D


    I love unlocking random things for the park, my favourite so far being the great deku tree. Though I think someone should introduce Monita to Logbox from Banjo Nuts and Bolts




    EDIT: In fact, both games are really similar in terms of style with the mix of fabric and... lots of robots.




    Yup. Been saying as much on Miiverse. BK N&B and L.O.G is the first thing I thought of when I first saw Monita and stepped into the plaza.

  13. Such a shame they treat it with such nonchalance, the kirby games/series have made up a massive part of my gaming life; and some people won't even get a chance to re-experience them!


    I don't normally promote piracy, but fuck nintendo! Go emu SuperStar - it's lovely and bright and got a brilliant soundtrack imo.


    Well, all of the games on the collection are available on the Wii and 3DS VC already, so it's not hard to see why they might not see it as worth releasing over here...


    The big loss here is the extra Kirby Returns to Dreamland/Kirby's Adventure Wii Challenge Mode stages. I haven't picked up the US version yet, but that's the sole thing I want it for (got all the games on the VC anyway).

  14. Disney have no real interest in the VG industry and have pulled out of console gaming almost entirely (Epic Mickey 2 aside - and after that bomba, Junction Point is probably done). With their only interest in the industry lying in merchandising their movie IPs with mobile and social games (admitting as much during their official response to the Lucasfilm buyout), they wouldn't want to buy SEGA.


    That being said, Sammy won't sell them off. They've only just restructured recently. Why would they bother to do that, only to sell them off right afterwards?

  15. It's probably another part of Ground Zeroes.


    They did say that two phantoms were born...


    Maybe they are actually both part of the same game? Perhaps MGS5 is actually two different MGS games stitched together (each one following a different "phantom")

  16. No chance that this is coming to EU now. They've already publicly announced that Nintendo has dropped all 1st party support for the Wii and NOE has never really treated the series well, with constant inexplicable delays and a general lack of care for the character (save for the sole exceptions of Kirby Mass Attack and Kirby's Adventure Wii, which both saw near simultaneous releases alongside the US)

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