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Posts posted by Dcubed
What a bloody day to go on
So very sad
Looks like Wii U GamePads are region-locked as well
I don't know if this is well known but I only just found out about it. This is pretty dumb, imo. I absolutely hate region locking. I think it's archaic and absurd (although with global releases being a lot more common now it's never too big an issue).
That was misreported. They're not actually region locked, it's just that you can't use a US Gamepad to do a system update on a JPN Wii U. In all other circumstances, foreign Gamepad's supposedly work just fine.
Makes sense since the Gamepad has its own internal firmware. Using a US Gamepad on a JPN system during a system update would result in the US Gamepad's firmware being overwritten with the JPN Gamepad firmware (meaning that it will no longer work with US TVs with the remote function, possible incompatibility with games that store data on the Gamepad itself etc)
Think the new monsters have different attacks and patterns so I doubt there are any clones. Can't speak from experience tho. And rathalos/rathian aren't clones. They look similar, have similar moves, but they are quite a few differences between them to make them have their own feel and impression on the player.
Like Smash Bros clones?
Guys, does anyone know:
- How many hours into/at what point in the game does the new content (the monsters, not the equipment) pop up?
- How many of the 30 new monsters are clones? (ie Baggi/Jaggi, Rathalos/Rathian)
The new content is interspersed with the old, so you'll find new quests scattered amongst the old as early as the 1 & 2 star quests.
Can't remember how many monsters are clones, but the majority of new ones come from Portable 3rd IIRC.
Soooo......any Monster Hunter news?
There's a Capcom Unity blog going over some of the localisation choices and why some monster names were changed/unchanged from the JPN version...
Interesting stuff
Otherwise... It's out in Japan and (surprise surprise!) it's supposedly the dog's bollocks. That's about it in terms of news :p
Did you sent any msg to support service?
I did about a week ago. I haven't received a reply...
I'm gonna wait another week before sending another message to them though, as I doubt that I'd get a response over Xmas week.
Of all those games, Pikmin is the only one worth a damn. The WHOLE rest can and should get canned for all I care.
The rest are cheap and graphically unimpressive. What did we get when the Wii was announced? An official promise of Mario, Zelda, Smash Bros and Metroid within 18 months of release. Plus that Nintendo showed off Project Hammer and Disaster: Day of Crisis. Didn't they also show Endless Ocean while they were at it?
Yes, they did show a lot more of the Wii's future lineup upon its unveiling (as they did for every previous console and handheld).
However, that is a deliberate decision with the Wii U. Like it or loathe it, Nintendo have embarked on a strategy of not announcing any games outside of the launch window (up until March, with the exceptions of the early announcements of SSB4 and Bayonetta 2) and also seem to be preventing 3rd parties from discussing their games as well (if out-of-nowhere unveils like F1 Racing Allstars are anything to go by...)
While I think that it's a terrible strategy, the lack of currently announced future titles doesn't mean that nothing's coming. They could have a monster lineup for the 2nd half of 2013 and we'd be none the wiser.
You are not going to be pleased then, its not either of them...although i could see Sega releasing Billy at Easter
Nah I doubt it. If he was an Easter character, people would've discovered it by now, just like how they found the special Xmas unlockable character...
Can all stadium pieces be found in the desert? Only found one piece and that was it. Am now simultaneously stuck in world 2, 4 and 5 :p
They're all there, though for one of them you will need to venture elsewhere...
Yoshi Sphinx, World 2-1 (follow the hint given in the World 2-4, the sandstorm stage) and World 2-4 itself (You will need to go to Sunshine Harbour first and find the Vacuum Cleaner there first though!)
Yeah they took me forever to find. Thought they were in World 3!
Anyone know if it's possible to disable the auto-save on this? I'm not a fan of it having to save every single time I visit a different area.
Not that I know of...
BTW: I've just finished the second world (after spending ages running around trying to find the damn tablet pieces and doing some of world 3's levels first)
OMG LOL @ the Murials in the Stadium! Mural Toad is best Toad
Also FYI, if you must take on a horde, if there is anything you can "slide under" use it to your advantage. Lead the horde to it then slide under it to the other side. The zombies will try follow, while they are crawlling through ready your bat and stand near them. You'll get the "hold ZR to finish it" prompt cause it is crawling in the ground and get a one hit kill
Take them out one by one as the try crawl through.
This is very handy for that horde that attacks the Safe house, use the "slide under" bit to the right of the door of your safe house as you go out.
Yup, I've been abusing this like a Mofo. Works a treat
Thoroughly enjoying the Christmas theme to the eshop. Nice touch Nintendo!
Yeah that's one of the big advantages in going with a HTML5 approach with the Wii U eShop. They can make layout changes like this on the fly with no need to update the console itself
Thought this was quite interesting. Nintendolife interviews Matt Bozon:
So, a Wii U Shantae was on the cards, but the they decided on another handheld game instead. I wonder if the plan is to make everything in pixel art first, then make a hand-drawn HD version as and when deemed necessary?
They probably didn't get very far with the Wii U version. They probably toyed with the idea of having it as a Wii U title for launch, but when that proved to be unfeasible, they shifted that to the 3DS and ported MSF instead.
That being said, I think a Wii U version of Pirate's Curse is inevitable at some point...
So, I have £60 of vouchers to use in HMV. Should I get this game? I've liked the Paper Mario games before despite my hatred of turn-based RPGs (my favourite Paper Mario is Super Paper Mario) but am on the edge with it...
Honestly... I'm not 100% sure. The gameplay is fantastic, in that the battle system is unique and interesting, despite the complete lack of RPG elements (it's also quite hard, though perhaps not B&W2 Challenge Mode level hard), the puzzles are well designed with very little handholding, the level based structure of the game works very well (it's quite similar to Super Paper Mario's levels, but with 3D environments like PM1 & 2 and backtracking is a constant element that is done really well, with return trips always remaining interesting) and it's just all round fun to play...
... but there's almost no story whatsoever! If you enjoyed the other Paper Mario games for their stories, crazy characters and silly sidequests, you won't find that here. That's not to say that the NPCs you encounter aren't funny, because they are (in particular the Toads are a riot!), but you won't meet the likes of Grubba or Grodius and the lack of partners does make for a bit of a lonely experience all round (though Kersti is a good support character, with some good lines).
Now I'd hazard a guess and say that you'd enjoy it, given how story light most of the Pokemon games are and the Sticker Museum collecting aspect may appeal to that OCD side of you that can't help but "catch em all!", but be warned that it is extremely story light and doesn't feature any new characters outside of the Mario canon like Count Bleck or the X-nauts.
I've wanted to play these 3 games for years and years. I've held out hope that they'll all get a proper re-release at some point down the line (I refuse to pay the ludicrous eBay prices for the Earthbound cartridge (especially when the other 2 games are impossible for me to play legally - and I also refuse to play a substandard version of Mother 1 or 3 through crappy emulation or an unofficial fan translation)
This is the most positive sign I have ever seen about this ever happening. Don't let me down Nintendo!
That's much earlier than I had expected!
Dare I hope that NOE may follow suit with a Feb/March release? (PLEASE SHIBATA!!)
Yes, I'm actually finding the opposite! Going back to the XL's screens makes me appreciate anew the 3D and how crisp and vivid they are. Even the menu on the bottom screen looks 'tighter' to me. On the Upad the appearance varies from game to game, with the likes of Batman and Nintendo Land looking good, but I think Mario looks pretty rough and faded. The compression can't really cope well with likes Sonic Racing.
Although the 3DS has visible pixels, they're the actual pixels, rather than blurry compression artifacts. I think that's the difference for me.
To be fair, those two games kind of represent the worst case scenarios (The colour red compresses really poorly in general and S&ASRT uses some really aggressive form of anti aliasing that makes the game look very soft anyway - something that ends up looking blurry when compressed for the Gamepad)
In general, I'm really impressed with the Gamepad's image quality (colour saturation aside). I'd say it's very comparable with the 3DS display (and much clearer than the 3DSXL!) in terms of picture clarity.
But in regards to the physical image size, I'm still fine with the OG 3DS size really. Always thought it was a nice size in general (being the largest non DSiXL Nintendo handheld screen at the time of its release).
Has anyone else been spoiled by using the GamePad? I like using the off TV feature when I can and after using it for so long i'm finding it hard to go back to the 3DS. I've tried starting Paper Mario 3 times now and I just can't adjust to how small the screen is.
Funnily enough, not really. I kind of expected that I might do, but no. I think the 3D might be part of the reason for that though (gives you a wider field of view and a true 16 x 9 aspect ratio, but only when it is turned on)
Plus I was always a big fan of the GB Micro anyway :p
Great read, although alarming as hell : o Makes you wonder if Nintendo has really been the most sensible one in the middle of all this arms race...yep, I still don't approve of their constant and totally weird shenanigans, but at least they're not pushing the productions costs into the stars. Right?
However, what is the alternative then? I mean there's no denying the fact that even though costing fortunes to make, these triple-A titles can be just amazing games to play. Also, it's quite a natural tendency of the human mind to push the boundaries as far as you can, hence the bloated productions, I guess...So what are the possible scenarios then? Crash and burn, then what?
(c.f. environmental issues, i.e. people using all the resources of the Earth and...then what?)
The alternative is to make games with reasonable budgets (with projects that have been managed well and not just littered with wasted time and staff, ALA Rockstar and Team Bondi) that sell themselves on their gameplay, instead of their flashy graphics and lavish production values.
I'm suspecting an Acclaim kind of thing, where various publishers pick off the franchises like a pack of mangy vultures.
Pretty much. The name might still exist in some fashion, but they're gonna go the way of Acclaim and Midway.
Might be a good chance for Nintendo to pull a Bayonetta 2 here and "steal" some Wii U exclusives...
Clearlake have bought the company, but there's basically no chance of them keeping them running. They've almost certainly bought them for the purpose of selling off their assets upon their bankruptcy.
Didn't even last the rest of the year. It was always inevitable, but I thought that they might at least be able to hold on a bit longer.
Now there are only 4 major Western 3rd party publishers left (Activision, EA, Ubisoft and Take Two)
Very sad to see them go
Two new packs, supposedly the final ones to be released...
OMG @ the Impossible Pack!!!
I love how they just list the difficulty as "Danger"
Hope they do another batch of DLC packs later on down the line...
Some positive words about the eShop from Shinen here
But more importantly...
And more games are absolutely coming to the platform. We were initially teased with a comment that two more projects are in the works, and that Nano Assault Neo only "scratched the surface". After pushing for more details we were told that one of the games "is in the racing genre", which is all we were told.A Wii U sequel to F.A.S.T? Yes please!
Wow, surprisingly impressive but seriously, why couldn't they just use the arcade version?
It's neither version, but rather an all new port from the ground up. It's the only way they'd be able to add 3D (since there's no way to get depth from emulating a 2D console game)
You can also notice this by the fact that the game's native aspect ratio isn't 4x3 like the SMS version...
The 'Other' Wii U Thread
in Other Consoles
Yeah, it would do.
It's easy to forget that the Gamepad does have it's own simple CPU/GPU/Internal memory and Firmware when you consider that the Wii U console generates all the Gamepad images; but it does have all these things and that needs to all work properly when you install new firmware.
It's the same reason as why you can't install Japanese firmware on an EU Wii/DSi/PS3 etc.