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Big Red

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Posts posted by Big Red

  1. Agreed, Echoes is the most purple game ever and the design seemed lazy. I hope the 'twilight' part of the new Zelda doesnt bore me like Echoes did.


    headen, hold your tong on matters of the twilight....... we love the zelda :heh:


    im lookin forward to it anyway the second one might be a pit "purple" but i think they will goe all out for this one


    especilly if its one of the revo's first games, i just cant wait to get it on that controller, i have a reaction time that can rival a ninja or any contender.....

    so bring it on baby :grin:

  2. chips and a small pizza,thing 2-10 for creativity.


    but i have lost the will to cook as i lost my hous at uni and had to move into halls.

    so their is a deffinat lack of interest to cook on such an inferior device.


    i will rate my meal last nigh at a place called joogleberys. i had 6oz burger chees and bacon

    10-10 (for a burger i hear you cry.) why yes as it was no ordinary burger made by a mere mortal it,desended on to the plate from the hevans above, and had all kind of seasonin inside mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm my mouth waters just to think of it

  3. not realy lookin forward to the new sex box. as the old one was a bit naff, ( my thouts)

    and most of my mates that bought one were unloyal dogs who had no place to go,after their was no more sage, or they didint like playin games as it was for kids. but the sex box captured them on the markating. now they try to talk to me and tell me things as if they all have jobs with bill gates. and no all the ins and outs of the industry


    (he lifts one eye brow)


    howerver i would like to finnaly play too human as its been one of the longest advertisd games i have ever looked up. (skips over 3 consoles) indeed! and perfect dark 0 as they stole my preshus from us...


    i will say one thing more thing about the x box, is that i did like the live addision to it.

    but this doesent matter any more as all the next gen consoles can go online, thus loosing its biggest selling point.

  4. iv said it before, and i will say it again, taquila.


    the only thin that can over ride this is ray & nephuews over proof jamaican rum, but its not every day you see this in a bar.


    non alchoholic drink would be apple juice mmmmmmmmm apples

  5. i used to do a bit of promotions, and my favorit freeb was about a years supplie of vimto.mmmmmmmmmmmmmm vimto.and i also had a garage full of good fellas pizza,mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm pizza.


    but now i cant eat goodfellas pizza any more(too much of a good thing turns bad)

  6. A plane ticket so I can go visit my girlfriend ;_; I hear florida is alot nicer this time of year. *hates cold*


    florida is great this time of year pending on where abouts you are. because it still can get a bitter cold as england, but a 20 min drive in most directions can sort that out. but were ever your girl lives i would advise not to walk around to much as you would be seen as being from the ghetto :shock:

    and dogs like to chase people on foot. and its no fun runnin from a doberman in the heat,


    but for christmas i would like their to be no more christmas again, EVER.

    bah humbug.

  7. 6th form, year 12 :P


    Doing English Lit, Psychology, History and Media Studies.


    Had a migraine yesterday... hurt like hell :(


    dont have it yet, but it will come later. for now im just left with the shakes, as i have not yet been to bed.


    i hate authographical drawin, it sucks hard. so much easy'er to move obects around a 3d inviroment on a computer


    it does every thing for you, and you get to sleep - now i have to endure the rest of the day in a librey task. right now is the only time i wished i was back in school or collage :sad:

  8. Big Red - 7/10, didnt like you to start with but do now


    Raining_Again - 9/10, would have been 10 but for one little incident.


    ahh thank you jon, feel all warm and fuzzy inside. you get a 8.55 and thats only becuse the sex box should be a rev :heh:


    rainin again -10 i love the sig and avatar - reminds me of stressed erik animation. i was thinkin about usin that for mine :)


    the guy above (sorry didnt look at name) :o but i love the ninja theam 8

  9. Well you see I was going to go to uni this year but didnt feel ready and what not so I decided to do a local art foundation to kill time and make sure I didn't lounge around doing nothing. I may end up lounging around by the looks.


    it,s not a bad thing, some guy on my course is 34, and hasent had a job for 10 years, now thats loungeing!!!

  10. i usesd to think i was batman!, when i was about 3-4 i took my little pedal car to the top of the stairs, take quite a few steps back from the edge, and with a leap of faith peddale like a child posesd. it was around 15 steps to the bottom, in a small house.

    the result was me layin on the floor with a very bloody noes. WINNER


    another time i thought it would be good to drink a bottle of ajax bleach, and i do mean the hole bottle. after about an hour i was found behind the couch in a ball, triping my little bollocks off, (i was ok in the end, after a frantic dash to the hospital, to get my stomach pumped.


    ther are maney, maney more storis like this, wich would probably explain why im so damaged now...

  11. Im not ashamed of anything that i do, if you want to discuss it, this isnt the place. stop going off topic.



    now now!l

    you see it sucks being the guy, you dont ever get things planed for you, and taken out as such. so this is why i dont go on as many dates any more.


    i do hate supprises but, i dont like to no all the details like im planin a milatary opperation, it just takes all the fun out of it :(

  12. I hated school, but college was fun - the first time. Did my A levels and that was all rocking, cause I aced them with ease but I've gone to a different college to do an art foundation and I dunno, its just not clicking. I may drop out, its just so blah. And I think I could do with some time off before uni, just to relax as I rarely relax.


    art foundation courses do tend to be a bit crap, thats why i didnt do one.

    to get into uni i just went down with my portfolio high jacked the nearest tutor and, blah blah blahed my way in. :awesome:

  13. evilmurray, that has to be the best thing i have heard all day.it would be like going to a big party, were thers lots of ladys, and floating the girl your with

    (floating - to get rid off - or to ditch)

    dont worry guys and gals, i dont get offended easy. hide like a riano, some mite say.

  14. my god this is the third time of writing this,just one reason why i cant take my time to read every thing, becuase the compurter likes to crash.


    but hear it goes.....maybe im just in that 10%.lazzie yes, (at times pending how the day has been or rough weekend) time to check every thing without spell chek, no, have a dictionary to hand, no


    if you no dislexic people you would no that their is differnt levels of it,differnt ways it can affect you(one has nothin to do with the other)

    but thank you for puting me in your genral dislexia boiling pot!!


    i think if you actually look at my posts, from when i was asked about punctuation, you will find their is an ever growing attempt to correct this

    (if you look you will find it)


    always do i try to stay on a topic, but i find my self havin to do this because peolpe cant read one or two words.


    and if you cannot read or follow what i am writing, how on earth did you right back in such detail, about somthin you can not read.


    love the local neighbour hood negro

  15. If you had a girlfriend you wouldnt need to do any of the above. All you would need is a pen and paper and try writing something. She'l probably laugh harder then she has ever done in her life.


    true! :kiss:

    whats with the had!.i only just split up with my girl 4 days ago.(naggin, german,baby wantin loony) now the cats away the mice will play(we like the ladys from malta!!)


    and yes i am dislexic if thats how you spell it.but i never came to this place declairin im a fukin payed writer or somthin.and most people on hear are quite safe, altho some are bit anal (which is not always bad thing) but after tryin to desifer the fuckin architectural launguage all day and lookin at straight lines i kind of stop carein how the structure,punc,spellin go on a forum.but obviously some one has to do it.

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