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Big Red

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Posts posted by Big Red

  1. hey hey hows it hangin good to see this place is still on the go. weres my best mate john st :0) he still around. did i miss anythin interestin....


    hey pink lady likin the pics some people do have a sense of humor i see. i think 8 only because chomp was my favorit in mario.


    do you not have to leav the computer screen to be a real sexual predator, and approach somthin that is tangable. witch would deffinitly cut a big majority of this forum out of that cattagorie


    any way, happy new all

  2. in footballing terms these are the peak years for him till he is about 27. if he is only just starting to learn how to play in mid field you will never see the best of what he can offer. in my mind that is a waste. i feel sorry for him. but that is ferguson for you. his way is the right way no matter what.


    mate i spoke to smith in person, hard not to wene he drinks in the same plce as you.even had my mate who be a leads fan have some heated momments with him. and the moanin about his possition is more vocal from every one else but him. he knoes he is apart of somthin greater than him self.

  3. if you look at the united squad at present. how many of their first team are still going to be there come 2008/2009. not alot. and the people who are going to replace them are not looking all that great. in my mind alan smith should never have gone to united. he is not a mid field player he is a striker and it is an injustice to him that he is forced to play that position. he will pick up 2 or 3 red cards a season playing there with mis timed tackles and just his temper.


    frustratin it must be for mr smith but he has started to make a great effort and looks more comfortable by the game in that red top.

    he wants to be with untd because their a great team and have the daddy manager, otherwise you would be right he should have been a striker for another team, but that is it he knoes about team and wants to be at united for this. call it a sign of him maturing as a player.


    and i will have beef if nevill becomes captin instead of giggs or the ginger man

  4. its a sad day but good luck to him! if the damn americans wasnt willing to offer a contract extension to a player who has served his club for 12 years and still has a couple left in him then what hope do the likes of giggs, scholes and neville have who will all be in that posistion soon.


    good luck to keane, one of the best players the premiership has ever seen. His testimonial should be a good one.


    it's possible he will go celtic for a couple of years or perhaps take up the irish management job ?


    this be true. but neville i just dont like anyway cant wait for the day both have gone just can not stand him. and if that floridian nonse trys that crap with gigs i will be going back to manchester for a day trip, and will be pikkin up a few trophies of my own.


    but the bottom line is the same peopl who are sayin fergi is going (and i did like the one against chelsea, that he would go after that match) :p

    also were not long ago talkin about giggs, wene the man has still a lot more to offer, a lot more than kean has left in him anyway. and the ginger man has been lookin tired now for some time - such as life!

  5. Tell that to the Glazers when Chelsea win the prem league and Man Utd get knocked out of europe and the FA Cup.


    If Fergie isnt winning trophies, he could easily by sacked, plus hes on a rolling contract.


    aint no one on earth today apart from the man himself that can do what he has done. so for some one to tell him to get on his bike because hes not won a coupl of trophies is obsurd. no one has built a team like he has from nothin and crushed all comp for years.............arsenal - oh sorry who took your winnin run away.chelsea - sorry who took your winnin run away......and this is from a teamhe who are on the ropes apparently :kiss:


    and what the fuck would any one talk to glazer about....not fukin football thats for sure


    thers been talk that fergi would go for years and you cant just take him out of teams and put him in another like his name is soones just wont work,he isnt a regular mannager and cant just be given the boot like one


    he has done more good for english football than a lot of you haters give him credit for


    so what if hes hard talkin and straight to the point - he aint your moma but he is the fukin daddy :awesome:

  6. Brilliant! The Mancs are in crisis! Expect to see Fergie gone by the end of the season too. :D


    hold your toung fool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! fergi gone by the end of the season, indeed- never heard so much bollocks in my life.

    i mean do you even no who he is.


    let me put it in a way you can understand, you would never be able to take hiachi or paul phonix out of tekken, they are tekken, just like man unt fergi is unt if he was going to go he would have gone ages ago. but he is still hear and he aint going to stop untill hes dead.


    i am gutted that kean is leavin, but what he has rooney has in abundenc. and you can be sure as he gets older he will command the feild more


    as for the comment about loosing all the players (not to sure who wrote that bit of shit)but thats just bitter wishful thinkin


    some people are just retarded, a few teams get a lot better have some long deserved money put in their direction and thats it , its the end of united the way people are talking its like their about to get relagated :wtf: i mean what the fuck is that all about

  7. I'm playing the GC version and it hasn't frozen yet thank god.


    mine has frozen a lot,,,,and i mean a hell of a lot. supprised at myself.........the bloody machine isnt in bits.


    even had my memory card needin to be formatid about 3 times. after getin half way through


    but after all that i have completed it, yes i said it, completed it.


    and it feels so good better than my last 3 birthdays...that good!


    but now i have emptyness in my life.what should i do



  8. No, I'm not. I love Doctor Who, but not this new shit that's being pushed using the name. Even Peter Davisons Doctor was better than Eccleston.



    but to try to watch the old ones now, well thats quite shit.

    and i liked them back in the day, but ther still quite shit.

    its not too bad the new one. they could have done a lot worse, but they should still kill billy piper, in the most horiffic and brutal way possible.

    that might make it slightly better.


    but at least i dont have to hear her sing any more :hehe:

  9. The way we can never go back in time and enjoy CE back when it was CE and everyone was not a ****.


    Edit: The way we now have censorship, something we tried years ago and still fails as much as it failed the first time it failed.


    censorship never works, theirs always ways of getting around it and eventually breaking it


    just look at censorship over the last 15 years on tv.

    or i like this one "were becoming de sensotiesd" :heh:

  10. Hahaha.....I certainly didn't mean it like that!! It sounded worse before I edited it. I meant just for a quick shag or something of the sort, haha.


    i no what you ment :)


    so did you get backk with your girlie or is she just wantin to be freinds still


    freinds that go into the woods :grin:

  11. My god i love this thread, athriller you bloody silver tounged serpant, legend, spitting hell fire un to thoes unexpected to the drama, witch this thread has, heavy tenshon and real fcuk'in passion.


    i dont think i can express all the things i hate in an articulate way so i wont bother at this point, apart from.........................


    bush, nooobs (the use of the word), but most things im just angry at life in genral.for no apparent reason of course, long gone, are the days of teenage angst, so why.

    may be i was just born this way. But we do love too see the rage consume, its allways for a grater course. i would have to kill my self, if every one was always being the nice person,like some on the forum think they are. show some character and have away with the fairy crap. grab your cock and balls and scream at somthin for once.

    then maybe the anal tendancies may work a little better, when applied to somthin constructive.

  12. Going for walks would be pretty cool...Especially if a forest somewhere, get 'em 2 come with ya where no1 goes :P



    que evil laugh................................................................................................................................... :p

  13. Beer: Carlsberg generally but if I have cash to burn Hoegarden.


    Spirit: Jack Daniels either on its own or with Coke. I have, however, just been introduced to Triple Distilled Vodka although few pubs / clubs sell it, supermarkets do. :D


    Non alcoholic: Orange juice.


    hoegarden.........................i second that motion, its the greatest beer of all time, i love thoes monks. :hehe:

  14. At the moment I'm personally thinking that I will do some accountancy course after I leave school and because a hideously rich finance director, or somehting. I got my first test results back for Account's and Finance an dI got 100%, yay! Go me!


    wow thats good..........ever thought about being a criminal master mind :wink:

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