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Big Red

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Posts posted by Big Red

  1. For the smokers: Is it that hard to just step outside the pub/club for few minutes to have a smoke?


    And the smoking/non smoking sections rarely work. Ever heard how damaging passive smoking is? And even if it doesn't affect you, think how much it affects the people who work in pubs/clubs.



    its not about just stepping out side of a pub...............i would be more than happy to do that in a non smoking resteraunt after my meal.


    but in the pub when your all sat down, with freinds and lets say for example the foot balls on, its more than inconvinent to keep having to get up and go into the cold like a bad dog.


    as i said what happend to choice if you have smoking pubs and non smoking pubs you can choose to either work in one or drink in one.

  2. aaaaaaaa (and thats a girly hi pitched scream) i cant belive it, its just a bad dream, it will be gone when i wake up! :nono::nono::nono:


    what the funk happend to choice?


    im all for no smoking in food areas put is this a ban every were?(will check in a min)


    cant it just be ........smoking pubs...........non smoking pubs? and have no part in smoking areas and non smoking areas in the same pub. :wtf:


  3. Like usual only pretty drawings and nothing else.


    not even pretty drawings..................their, well, very avrage in fact, terrible :shock: and the story line realy isnt anything special.......from what im hearing at the moment.. :shakehead:shakehead:shakehead please may the powers that stop this game right now. because i said already today i havent been let down with ninty, but that could change things. :woops:

  4. wow! iv been hyped ever since the day my tiny little eyes saw the first matel version of the nintendo............with robot and duck hunt with gun.....it drew me in like a black hole and i shaw wasnt disapointed then. shaw the robot was of no real use to a lot of games( as in only1 as i remember) but nity just piled on the experiance into the games witch made me a very happy chappy and i can safley say no matter what console and how much hype iv always been impressed and i dont expect it to change any time soon.


    in fact the more hype and the more expectation the better,because its the only true way the industry knows what we want or would like, and even dream of in a game for the next time they make something.


    go hype go.........you choose wether or not to belive in the hype

  5. ok mo foes what the fu..s an emo :confused: not to be rude or any thing i just have no idea so i would like any one to help me out.


    i mean it would be polite to let others in on this...............do you not agree


    im just a little out of touch a list of all the short hand phrases would be nice : peace:


    love the local neighbour hood negro :p

  6. Wrong. A german website was the first to report the ubisoft exclusive FPS. Before this rumour BigTac has never mentioned this.


    Aren't there any veterans here who remember BigTac making a right prediction?


    i mearly nodid in agreement to the fact i remember readin somethin similar, not to what big tac spacificly said. hence the peace sign, so i wasnt to get such a reply as yours "looks round" action of uncertanty


    if you want to attack some one with insalent come backs try the guy who started the thread (not like you should) as i am in no mood for that crap today or rarely am for that matter


    and if your getting info from a source to say whats happanin it no longer is a prediction

  7. sayin they are going to fail is all a bit harshand even quite redicules. even if they do have to sell 8 games to x boxes 4.3 games i think they they will do it just fine.


    i say this becaus when the last consol war was takin place most people i new or saw had around 6 plystation games to 2 x boxs games. mostly down to the playability, and shelf life of each game... im not sayin this is hard fact and i am aware the station2 was out first last time round, but like i said the shelf life of a ps2 game was far better than most box games


    iv seen people buy 3 copies for what ever reason/ lost,robbed ect of pro evo

    thats some fan base that you cant deni. and i no thats just one game but they have many more titles that will keep them afloat.


    all that aboout no info, so its lookin a bit shifty, a bit like the rev tho and ninty wont fail and go belly up nor will sony........the better of two evils

  8. the only thing i have to say about this section is ghost in a shell 2 innocence



    : peace: :cry:::shrug::shakehead:yay::bouncy: :shock: :shakehead:D;):confused::woops:


    thats kind of what i thought. its blllllllloooooooooooooody amzin and sorry if poeple have alredy talked about it i havent read any of the posts


    but my god its the best thing i have seen on the screen for a long time better than most normal films that have relese dates in the cinema in england for a long time i mean its just too much too take in all at once


    i bloody love it i do and if you havent seen it or the first one you should do your self a favor and get your s elf a sage

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