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Posts posted by Apple_NdiB

  1. God damn my slow ass DDR533 RAM that i'm too cheap to upgrade.


    So yeah, games cool... shame i have to run it on medium. It dumps so much to RAM its simply insane.


    Create a shortcut for crysis.exe and add "-dx9" to the end of the target line. The game seems to use RAM much more efficiently in DX9 and I can't tell the difference as far as looks are concerned.

  2. You do know, Crysis and Crysis Warhead are different games, yeah? :p


    Also, Crysis looked great, but played like crap. In my opinion anyway... Some people seemed to love it.


    Don't let that stop you getting Warhead though, it's in another league.

  3. First Impressions for y'all (possible spoilers):


    I downloaded the game from Steam and I've had a quick blast on it. So far, in comparison to Crysis, Warhead is balls-to-the-wall action, I've already gone toe to toe with APCs and tanks, loaded up a jeep with mines and driven it into a compound and blown up a restaurant with hand grenades. The pacing is trully relentless and far more exciting than it's predecessor.


    Performance-wise the game is evidently less demanding than Crysis, though I'm still forcing DX9 mode which got rid of the horrendous stuttering I was experiencing in DX10. The game looks slightly less realistic, yet much more dramatic, with luminous HDR lighting at every turn and a more stylised colour palette.


    Crysis was by no means bad, but as a non-linear game it suffered from inconsistent pacing and difficulty, and everything post-spaceship may as well have been left on the cutting room floor. Crytek seemed to have listened to the fans and the result is a more exciting, tighter and satisfying game that makes the most of the amazing technology behind it.


    Edit: This game is fucking brilliant.

  4. You have to get past the first stage in order for there to see the main gameplay. What about it did you find boring? I find it boring after doing most of the stuff in the space stage and constantly being attacked by the undefeatable Grox, but at your stage there was still stuff to do.


    I'm about there now, what in God's name am I supposed to do now? I'm losing colonies left, right and centre at the moment, and I only have two cities left on my home world. Nobody told me this game was going to get balls-clenchingly difficult.

  5. I'm stuck in an impossible loop in the Space stage; I've been playing the game peacefully throughout, focusing on diplomacy and cooperation, and because I told a couple of empires to piss off when they asked for a tribute I'm now at war with them. They keep attacking my homeworld, I fly down to sort them out and as soon as I leave again they're back at it. Of course, I'm too weak militarily to attack their homeworld, and I haven't got enough money left to pay them off or spice to make it, so there's nothing I can do to stop them. I may have to start again, which would be a huge waste of time considering the hours I put into my current race.

  6. Correct me if I'm wrong, as it has been a long time since I last looked at this, but when you buy your mobo, don't you have to predecide what CPU and GPU vendor you have to get also?


    I'm not changing the mobo which takes AMD and Nvidia, its an Asus M2N32 SLi board. SO that limits me to another Nvidia no?


    Not at all. As long as you have the PCI-E x16 slots you can go for whatever GPU you want (PSU pending).

  7. I don't think my hype-o-meter has changed so much for a single game, from "OMFG" to "meh".


    Same, partly because I played the creature creator to death, which was the part of the game I was looking forward to the most. I'm still going to buy it, but it probably won't be a day-one purchase for me.

  8. This game is going to be amazing.


    Providing the can nail the sense of freedom people get from performing Parkour, we're looking at something very special. It's at the top of my "most anticipated" list, anyway.

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