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Posts posted by Apple_NdiB

  1. Well bleach is an animated serise about a 15 year old boy called Ichigo who gains "death god" powers, these are beings, that protect the earth and lost sols from Holows!, whoom they purify after defeting! after being given these powers by another death god the other death god called rukia get arested buy her own kind, fellow death gods and is slung in jail in another dimention called the sole society wich is a big Humungus city! on the other side! and Ichigo sets of on a masive jurny to save her!, acompanied by some of his frieds who also have gained mysterious powers! hope this is okay m8 :)



    Take The quiz yourself!


    Sounds like a load of old bollocks to me.

  2. Wow, I totally agree with you. I like it when the butter makes the toast all soggy and when you put the marmite on it all swirls together to make a lovely brown-yellow goo. yum yum


    You couldn't have made that sound any less appealing if you tried :heh:

  3. Marmite is nice, if strong, stuff. I can eat it combined with spread, or hell, combined with peanut butter, live life on the edge, I don't give a shit.


    Y-y-you're Crazy! I'm sorry, I shall have no further part in this, you're on your own from now on!

  4. I do like marmite, but if butter is included in the sandwich as well I find that it clashes with the marmite (the same goes with peanut butter, well, I wouldn't have that with marmite, the no-butter rule applies to it as well).

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