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Posts posted by Apple_NdiB

  1. I know I don't post here much anymore, and when I do it's either to make a lame joke or hark on about the old days as if I was sitting on a rocking chair on a porch bemoaning lost values (like I'm about to), but I've noticed the way people treat each other on here these days is absolutely fucking disgraceful. discussions about trivial subjects quickly descend into slanging matches, insults are thrown at all and sundry and opinions are dumped on, what's going on? I'm not saying that it hasn't always happened to some extent, but what is noticeable to me is the regularity of it, and the fact that it seems to happen within the space of a few posts. Go into most threads and you'll find an argument of some kind, usually involving a select few members who seem to use this message board as an outlet for their aggression, and I'll accept that it is a select few, but it doesn't stop otherwise tolerant members from taking the bait. Have you ever considered why these people feel the need to pick fights?

  2. Formula One, okay, but I don't really understand all the Lewis Hamilton hype. He's talented, but he's driving a McLaren - it's no big deal he ends up front every time.


    Canada is an awesome circuit, should be a good race. Hope it rains for once.


    Gaggle's use of the word "Messiah" was very appropriate, on this Island we all believe (mistakenly) that we'll be the best at everything one day, any glimmer of a champion in the making raises the profile of a sport to stupid levels, and when, at the end of the season, he comes second by 3 points we'll all cry into our pillows.

  3. Again this made me piss myself laughing. I'd love to see a football pansy playing rugby. 99% of pro footballers go crazy with 'pain' when their ankle is touched. They'd die on their feet in rugby. LMAO. Would love to see that.


    Football is a sport filled with over-payed prissy fools.


    Translation: "I'm a big 'ard bastard!"

  4. Did you ISP specifically say you would get 8mb, or just "up to" 8mb? It all depends on your distance from the exchange. The more km of cable there is, the more speed you lose.


    Ah, yes it says up to, followed by an asterisk, leading to a footnote which says pretty much what you've just said.

  5. I recently upgraded my internet connection from 512k to 8 mb broadband. a couple of days after going through the registration process my connection speed jumped to about 2.5 mb, but since then it seems to have plateaued. Download speeds are about 5000 odd kb/s, and uploads are around the 400 kb/s mark. What's going on? Will it eventually reach the 8 mb I was promised when I signed up?



  6. We come out well of this deal as well: we get workers (most noticeably builders and plumbers) who are motivated, friendly, willing to work, and not as thick as too short planks and slow working, like most builders who come from within the UK.


    I presume you're in the construction business then? Even if you are, take a moment to remove your foot from your mouth and think about what you just said.

  7. In the twilight zone that is my household it's a Christmas dinner for lunch, complete with crackers and the fancy knives and forks, with the grandparents coming round and hogging the TV so I can't play computer games until 9 tonight.

  8. You're living in a fantasy world there.

    If it was human nature to control yourself then we'd be living in a world without war and crime. It is human nature to be weak and give in to desires, peer pressure, temptation, provocation, anger, all sorts of emotions and outside influences. Maybe when you're older and have lived a little you'll see everything isn't as clean cut as you currently think.


    I wouldn't usually do this, but, quoted for truth.


    Cheating (and I haven't had a good look at every post so this may have already been mentioned) often stems from a person's own insecurities, irrespective of the state of their relationship. In some ways it's a convoluted and disruptive way of fishing for compliments.

  9. I play (using the term loosely) the electric guitar, the keyboard, the harmonica (semi-properly) the didgeridoo, the Irish whistle, and have been known to pick up the bag pipes when they're within reach. Expect to see me on "Neighbours from Hell" in the coming weeks.


    My taste in music isn't defined by genres but by whether or not it makes the back of my neck tingle. I like melodramatic music; power ballads and soul, I like air-punching party stuff, I like driving music and I'm an exponent of easy listening.

  10. affraid you need art to be a videogame designer


    One of the courses I was looking at was a Media Studies course that covered computer game design, and I'm sure there are plenty of other ways into the industry depending on what part of the process you're interested in/good at.

  11. Okay, my Modem's come and I've got a problem. I was going through the setup process and it asked me to plug it into the ethernet port in my computer. It turns out I don't actually have one. When the USB adapter arrives will I be able to set it up with that, or will I need to install a network card with an ethernet port?

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