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Everything posted by Emma

  1. Same here. It was on the top of my feed when I woke up this morning. Can't believe it.
  2. @Jav_NE I think the issue is with general porn, you're getting off to the sexual act rather than the person in the film, whereas in webcam chat it's certainly the person that's doing it for you. I broke up with my ex because he was asking girls to strip (and other things) over webcam. What has your girlfriend's sister done, is she staying with him?
  3. So..... WHEN's THE WEDDING CHRIS? :wink: Congratulations @bob! Did you have a fancy speech? What did you do to celebrate?
  4. Agree completely. I'm not that close to my family. My Dad was a an arse to me when I was a teenager and 90% of my family are BNP supporting, Daily Mail reading racists. I feel like I can talk to Dan's family much more easily than my own.
  5. Just noticed they sell lucky charms... ohhhhh I used to love them as a kid . Didn't they get banned or something similar?
  6. Soooo... I'm leaving teaching! I've started to look at what else I want to do, and there's nothing in Sheffield for me. I'm after any advice you may wish to give me! I was looking at going into working in these areas: Museums- planning and organising activities for children and families. Charity work- events Universities- student support The idea is to move to London or the South East. From looking at job specifications most require 'experience' in that field, which is hugely annoying as although as I've usually done everything they're asking for... I've never actually done it in the required setting. Also, will it be seen as a negative, applying for jobs in London if I currently live in Sheffield? Oh yeah... and what's a 'good' wage to be on down south? As I'm seeing a lot of professional jobs offering only 20k a year in London- how's anyone able to survive on that?
  7. How strange. Just seems like unnecessary spending to me. But each to their own. My good stuff is that it's currently the Easter holidays and the cold weather is going. Oh and I had a totally awesome time in Hong Kong!
  8. You should come up to Sheffield and crash first! There's an artist where we live who's slightly similar to Roa, although not as famous,:
  9. I am celebrating tonight with some chocolate and cider!! She ruined many lives and communities and her actions still continue to cause problems now. I don't care if I'm not respecting her or her family. Where is the respect she gave to all the families she fucked? For all those saying she defended her beliefs... she actually made lots of u-turns during her political career, just like all politicians do.
  10. Is it cheaper than London? Dan's keen on moving there, but I'm trying to convince him that Brighton is better (even though I've never been!).
  11. I would love to move to Brighton, or someone south on the coast. I miss living near the sea (used to live in Liverpool- which was awesome). I'm guessing people who have lived/ live there would definitely recommend it? I'm originally from Batley, a crappy town in West Yorkshire famed for the Batley Variety club, famous in the 70s for hosting acts such as Tina Turner, Louis Armstrong and the Bee Gees. Also in Batley is the family business- barber shops I now live in Sheffield. The big things I notice are: Hills all over the place. Friendly people who like to talk to you. Prejudice on the Sheffield Forum. A MASSIVE social divide- pretty much all left wing, university educated people live in South West of the city. Lots of great pubs. A city centre shopping street which residents want making larger.
  12. Well don't get drunk, just have a few drinks. How to present yourself? As you would do normally, enjoy yourself with friends and don't go dashing towards her, or avoid her either. If you do talk to her, talk about general things, try not talk about anything personal. I'd advise against trying to act like you don't care about her, because you'll just look like a prat.
  13. Had my driving theory test this morning and passed first time! I was worrying last night after finding out the pass rate is only around 60%.
  14. It's the motives as to why they choose to do it. It's not okay to do it if it's derogatory to that person. If it's out of respect then yeah it's fine. However, because people usually do it in a racist way, it puts normal people off as they don't want to be associated as being racist.
  15. What was it like (Apart from damp)?
  16. The hotel that Dan and I are staying in while we're in Hong Kong has one of them roof top pool *excited*. Hair cut, coloured and looking a bit fuzzy.
  17. How much time do you spend in women's toilets?
  18. I'm in two minds about this. Guys do tend to sprinkle when they tinkle. Euw. Also, some don't flush. Issues that don't exist in ladies toilets. @Fierce_LiNk I hate having to queue for women's toilets when the men's toilets are free. Seriously, you're in and your out. What else is there to do?!?
  19. I bought the cheese from Urban Pantry in Crookes and you can find the Yee Kwan ice cream from all over. The chocolate you can get from Cocoa on Ecclesall road.
  20. These drawings are amazing, they're such a good standard for one a day! Loving them so far!
  21. We swapped cards this morning and I gave Dan his little surprise. A bag of locally made food: some fancy cheese, crackers, chilli chocolate and mango and passionfruit ice cream. We've just eaten it with a takeaway and a nice bottle of red. I didn't have to get him anything, but the idea came into my head when I was walking past the shop a couple of days ago. If it hadn't have been for the day coming, I wouldn't have thought of the idea. So for me, it's been worth it!
  22. I wrote a lengthy reply to this thread, but something happened and it disappeared. In short @Ashley : Didn't notice. Maybe it was my subconscious which picked those questions. @jayseven: Because we level children's writing often, you get a picture of what is a level 3b, 3c etc. We have moderation meetings once a term where a group of teachers will independently level a piece of writing, just to make sure we're on the same page. The SPAG test will eventually make it easier to pass, as the teaching isn't as complex. Just loads of boring worksheets. However, I feel sorry for the year group who are taking it in May as they haven't had 5+ years of practice. I know that the children in my school can be taught to pass the test, but they won't actually implement any of the grammar in speech.
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