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Posts posted by Dan_Dare

  1. Heroic Raid was pretty straight forward up until Oryx, it's just the bump to light level 320 that did us.


    I think a full team of 310s is absolute minimum requirement for beating him.


    Actually really like the changes. It's harder but also fuller, with more meat on the bone. The Warpriest is especially good. Golgoroth could have been more different but the change is still really decent. Night and day compared to Crota HM.

  2. It's a shame only 4 player teams though, how would it work if more wanted to play?

    Well if we play customs, that's 8, but otherwise the way we do it in Destiny is to make a post like:



    @[forum member]

    @[forum member]

    @[forum member]


    Start time is [time] on [day]


    Then everyone replies to claim a spot. If the session fulls up, you can just start over and open a new session.

  3. Morning all.


    I heart Rocket League. Rocket League is ludicrously good. Everyone knows this. If you somehow don't know this, get on it. It's the best sports game in years and isn't even about boring old smelly sportsball.



    What isn't good is playing with randos who think that how you play Rocket League is to chase the ball around the pitch like a demented gaggle of ducks, interrupt perfectly good striking opportunities for their own team ( because ball) and generally turn the beautiful game in to a complete cluster fuck.


    Anyway, point is: great game, less great players when you play solo. Let's get a forum team going similar to how we roll in the awesome Destiny thread.



  4. @Agent Gibbs @Eddage @Map @Zell @DriftKiaser


    How soon can you guys get on? Would like to finish ASAP, preferably before 9.


    Or: how late?


    Was hoping we would already have finished earlier so I don't really want to break up the evening with Mrs Dare too much


    Meant to add: if it's too much bother, I can grab a PUG tomorrow as I'm busy in the evening.

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