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Everything posted by Jamba

  1. True stuff... also if you use a shit cooker like us then having a lid to put on or take of helps control your heat better.
  2. Absolutely. I hated navigating the UI on that game when I wanted to change weapons and the like. You could have that all on a very functional touch screen and get rid of the hassle. Not to mention that U-niverse would do really well with it.
  3. Grrrr... wish this was coming to the Wii U. Would benefit so much from having a second screen.
  4. Bluey made me this as an April Fool's joke: Tis actually a hot-cross bun with yoghurt and peach half. Not bad eh?
  5. Sounds lovely... would totally kill me though :/
  6. Dammit, was just going to post this! Curse you Leonard Hoffstadder! It totally made my day. That guy is fantastic and I'm suspicious that it's @Iun
  7. No... you're a monster And whilst we're talking about Eggs:
  8. Would say I'd like to be but I'm playing without either WotLK or Cataclysm so... *shrug* Will get around to it when I need to start another character.
  9. Flink, I would have gone with a gentle whirlpool and a bit of salt for poaching. Works for me. Most importantly though is to get the water faaackin hot though so the egg flash cooks. Also, as mentioned, being out of the fridge will make this win more. In terms of different recipes, well son I've got a couple of wondrous adventures put aside for you: French toast/Eggy bread: Cosmically brilliant and there are so many variations that you can pull. Beat a couple of eggs in a bowl and then pour onto a plate (be careful!). Then take bread and wipe it into the mixture on both sides, popping it into a hot, seasoned frying pan. Cook on both side and voila! Then you have your options of what to do with said mastication material: Blueberries on top with a sprinkling of icing sugar. Can even go so far as some fruit culee for drizzling (if you're tres posh) BACON STACK! Crispy fry some bacon and diagonally cut your eggy bread. Alternately stack bacon and eggy-b in a visually pleasing architecture before dousing heartily in maple syrup. A family classic - Eggy-dip jam sandwich. 2 slices of eggy bread with your favourite red jam spread between (best if down whilst still in the pan but be careful of caramilised sugar injuries :/ ). Once on the plate, sprinkle granulated or caster sugar on top. Sounds weird, tasted wicked! Eggy-in-the-basket: Stupid name, but also muy bueno. First, lightly toast bread on one side if pos. Then, using an appropriately shaped pastry cutter, cut out a hole in the bread and keep the bit in the middle. Lay the main piece raw side down on a hot frying pan and carefully release the contents of a whole egg into the middle. It should fry and stay in the middle of the bread whilst toasting the remaining side. Not sure but I think you want to butter the bread on both side to toast in the pan and don't forget to finish off the middle bit. Should look something like dis: Boiled egg and soldiers: If you haven't done this yet, you're DEAD TO ME. Eggs benedict: Now you know how to poach eggs and I'm not going to tell you how to make Hollandaise sauce but this is one of my favourite things in the universe. Serve with good black coffee. Would recommend trying the Delia recipe: http://www.deliaonline.com/recipes/main-ingredient/eggs/eggs-benedict.html And generally speaking my most important piece of advice is, if you like your eggs, by them fresh. It's becoming increasingly popular to keep chickens and eggs that were laid that morning by happy chickens are AWESOME. You'll probably get them cheaper than the shops n all.
  10. I liked Scout for the stealth and the ability to do acrobatic, mid-air transforms which you could start shooting half way through and land with a skid and a punishing melee attack as a finale. BOOM! The new classes sound wicked. Blatantly not going to be available on Mac.
  11. It's so completely unfair that I'm not going to be able to play this. Had more fun with the original on my 360 than any other game. The customisation seems to have been upped a decent amount this time too and I love that they have made the multiplayer levels generally aerial happy as previously they were a bit enclosed. I miss my Scout... sneaky, invisibly melee death.
  12. Evening all! I've been looking around for a good multiplayer game which can do the following: 1. Be played on a phone 2. Be cached (like a browser based game) I have a little project that I want to set myself that essentially creates a mini gaming event anyone walking by with a half decent phone can get involved in. I've been looking at Unity games and they are excellent but not compatible with a mobile browser and I don't know WHY! So any ideas?
  13. Couldn't agree more. I don't mind when devs make practical business decisions about what platforms to work on but the more and more barriers to entry that Nintendo remove, the more it seems that many of them have a double standard. Practical for everyone else apart from Nintendo, where it's either personal or just a guy feeling bullshitty excuse.
  14. My personal feeling is that if I were a 360 or PS3 owner then this game would look average amongst the competition. But that is purely based on what we have seen rather than a playable version. Let's be honest, it doesn't look like it's breaking any real ground.
  15. From what little I know about the Arduino, yes to an extent. This is more geared at education but it is a very capable little device and for £22. It's a fantastic way of introducing people to Linux and as that's what most the majority of servers, almost all routers and so on are using it's pretty important if you want to work in IT! I've got mine today! Am very excited :-)
  16. Does anyone else find Warner Bros. "Nothing to do with us!" comment a bit weird?
  17. Have played the demo of nuts and bolts and had people talk my ear off about the N64 ones but do people really think that this game is cut out for the modern gaming world? It seems a bit old fashioned in a way...
  18. Jamba

    Red Dwarf

    To me thats the best indicator it's going to be good or at least I'll enjoy watching it. Some of my favourite parts of the originals were when you could see that Kryters is trying not to crack up after delivering lines: "Are you sure sir? It does mean changing the bulb..." snirk snirk Loving that little trailer. Bit with the birthday card was wicked.
  19. I've just watched The Dark Knight for the first time since I saw it in the cinema. The first time I liked it but was not thrilled; it said a lot about Batman from an indirect point of view and I disliked the monologues that explained the character roles rather than letting them speak through action. However on second viewing, I liked it a LOT more. I forgot how emotionally poignant it was and some of the genuinely funny parts at the beginning. Maybe I struggled with the plot twists from the good guys (particularly the plan where Dent reveals himself to be Batman to catch the Joker) as there wasn't a lot of time for it to emotionally sink in. So yeah, a great film but I think I would have enjoyed it more if it gave itself more time... possibly as two films. Can't wait for Rises. Hope I don't have to struggle to listen to Bain all the way through.
  20. Whoops sorry Josh! I dunno, I'd be happy for the Tekken characters to stay out frankly. I don't know tons about the franchise but most of it is so manly macho angry that the general feel of the series doesn't fit well in my head. I'd say the SoulCalibur franchise would fit better but I'm still in no hurry for that to see happen either. Someone who I do want in it though:
  21. So I found this and surprised no one has posted it yet: For me this is good news. Seems the chaps at Namco understand the franchise and are giving it some belt. Liking how massive this game is starting to sound.
  22. Cmon.... get it finished and locamalised. Too excited about this! Seriously, if this has VOIP then it's going to be the first game that I've preordered in about 5 years.
  23. I found them an appropriate level of challenge so I think I'll be sorted for this. But yeah, won't go over the top with my expectations; I'm just enjoying it so far.
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