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Everything posted by Jamba

  1. Sounds like a condom brand. No thank you...
  2. I can't pick, seriously it was all so good. But the BEST bits: 3. Nintendo getting the attention they deserve. 2. MP Corruption is the game we've all wanted it to be. 1. Mario Galaxy. It just rocked in every way, wanna see so much more of this game!
  3. Perrin Kaplan: "Aiming for a worldwide launch"
  4. Jamba


    Sorry guys, I just must say this. There was no in game graphics there. The same girl is playing both characters and only a real person could wave the torch like such a retard. I'm not going to make any judgement on it so far but the atmosphere and the concept that they seem to be running with seems pretty exciting. It is just horrifically dark, not in a RE kind of way but in an EternalDarkness way. E.A.P. be praised!
  5. A company that relies on it's installed fanbase so much is setting itself up for a fall. Just like Nintendo did. I'm not being fanboyish about my decision, I just don't have that much money. It's going to be 1/2 of £1000 to get a PS3 with 2 games. Yay. I can think of better things to spend my money on.
  6. "Playstation 3 with brand new CG experience! A console that makes you think that you could be playing a computer game!"
  7. You can in Tony Hawk Donwhill Jam for the DS. Talking during the game... you heard me. Ans that's on the DS. Why is everyone gettong annoyed at Nintendo? You don't miss out that much and adding voice over IP is totally up to the developer. But still I hope there is a unified friend code. Maybe the Wii can store all of your friend codes and then exchange all when you exchange one? Beauty of connect 24 eh?
  8. They could add multiplayer with downloadable content.
  9. Just found this: http://www.gamesindustry.biz/content_page.php?aid=16942 Looks like the information is true, it's just that they are trying to weavel out of it. Stupid Sony.
  10. Just stating my opinion, you don't have to have the same. You can't tell me you aren't gald that Mario Galaxy isn't another Mario Sunshine? I just wan't a game that feels different, not one that has more features.
  11. Does that mean Kirby is gonna have to smoke for a while?
  12. I'd rather have half the Pokemon and a different experience. I've not said that I want the battles to be 3D I just want them to be different. Why would I want to play this when I can just replay any of my other Pokemon games?
  13. Hey, I just remembered how this game is kinda like the series "Captain N". That was a get together of loads of Nintendo characters. Maybe Captain N himself could be in it? Or King Hippo?
  14. Just observing a trend. Bit of a graphical and then add a gimmick like dual battles. I'm not sayong that I know it will be bad, I just have no faith for this series anymore. It doesn't deliver the Nintendo quality.
  15. I still find it a bit weird how they are still gonna keep all the information back. But it's good to post this interview as it explains that if games aren't at launch, it because Shigsy is being a perfectionist (a good thing!)
  16. Likely to be where you select your moves so it doesn't fill up the top screen. As I said, this shows no signs of actually innovating the series at all.
  17. I think one of the reasons this isn't going to be for launch is because there will be a lot of negotiating with 3rd parties for extra characters. Would like to see Arthas from Warcraft3 myself along with some square characters...
  18. Jamba


    Having seen the last two screen Mokong just put up, I have to say that I don't think any of these are in game. They are just pictures of the same woman dressed up/with different make up. The fire effect may be computerised but I doubt this is in game. If they are in game then this has better graphics than the PS3.
  19. It's not about the graphics, it's about a feeling of progression. I won't be buying this as I know that it will be exactly the same as all of the previous games. I like the look of the roaming sections but the battle setup is just not good enough. The battles are boring visually. I still wouldn't like it if they were animated matt-paintings which were like 500dpi quality. It just says "Here is the same Pokemon, cos we know you chumps will buy it!"
  20. *Looks at own post above* Ya think?
  21. Good effort Dante! Err did they go on IGN?
  22. Bashing Ridley while riding on his back.... awful risky there! Hey I just remembered, didn't they talk about being able to use the ship? Ahhhh mommy...
  23. I thought, from what you can see in the tiny video, that it looked better than the first two. I think people forget what they actually looked like, as I remember going to play MP after MP2 and thinking "hey there actually is a bit of difference, hmmm." The game play looks like there will be lots of features but I really hope that they don't make it as bleak as Echoes. Not that that was bad but it was everywhere. Not a huge amount of variety but I still thought it rocked. I hope that MP3 has a much stronger story than MP2 as well cos that was weak...
  24. No there is a story. It's about people smuggling nukes during all the mahem. They probably started it all off.
  25. I agree that it looks really fun. You know how when you got the Wing Cap on for the first time you were like, "Wahoooooo!!! This is greeeat!" Well that's exactly what I was thinking with Galaxy. Just looks mental and bizarre in that great Mario way. Btw I think SuperMario Jumpman would be quite good too. Bit of heritage and it has a space feel to it.
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