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Everything posted by Jamba

  1. They are gonna try and put the tech into the tennis game to make your own characature.
  2. Anyone seen this yet? http://www.gamesindustry.biz/content_page.php?aid=17141 Also just as a side note, it says that they haven't filed against Nintendo yet. They can't because Nintendo don't use the same tech.
  3. Zelda and Metroid. Then I'll probably be out of cash. But lets be honest shouldn't this be more like "which ones won't you get ?" kind of thread?
  4. They've also got that massive mecha boss. It looks like something out of Sonic really but it's crazy!
  5. Dude sriously, it's not that simple. You don't just make them, "tadah wooo we have a game!" There are lots of different jobs that require specific training and background. Do some research. I suggest: http://www.blitzgames.com/gameon/index.htm and also http://www.gamesindustry.biz for job listings as far as testing goes. Honestly you need to decide which part of the team you want to be. But maths will probably be needed in all of them so DO IT. I think more people could do with A-level maths anyway.
  6. Tch tch... that's a Urologist silly. As I said, at the moment it just looks like the DS game on a big screen. Yay.
  7. Yeah exactly. Nintendo: Playing = Believing Sony: Sony = Stealing
  8. Kuju have 2 indisclosed games in development.
  9. FFS... people do just say stuff without thinking don't they? Have a look at the sensor bar in perspective with any other object and you will see that it is tiny!
  10. I'm a bit worried about this tbh. It just looks really flat like a bigger prettier version of the DS game. The Wii has depth perception, put it some goddamn use!
  11. Also both shots are taken at different veiwing angles. Makes a big difference for something that is essencially a ring around the edge. Still can't believe how small the damn thing is. I mean it just looks like a big DS Lite.
  12. QFT I don't really agree on your opinion with Galaxy though. It seems much more to me than just another SM64 clone. But hey, it's not like anyone has played very much of it! Also I think people are getting a little too worried about Red Steel. This game was graphically in some early stages due to lack of dev kits. Also I think that the control scheme will be worked out over time, maybe using the MP3 scheme for the gun and then switching to motion sensing for the sword.
  13. Matt Cassamassina just posted a piece on control issues in his blog. He obviously wasn't listening when Retro Studios said that just because MP3 doesn't control like a PC FPS doesn't mean it's bad. I think MP3 looks to have a really good scheme as it is natural to have independent movement between your arm and your head!
  14. What and stick that on top of your TV? Some people.... seriously it's not practical!
  15. Exactly, the only thing that makes him a prick is the way he's reacted. Made a living out of being a victim though, which is err good? Ok no...
  16. Ahhh Samus, yet another advertisement for anorexia. Back on topic: The Rub Rabbits anyone?
  17. Port Gamecube titles to Wii? They don't need to do anything! Just stick the disc in the front of the machine? Doesn't take me and a friend a whole weekend!
  18. Don't expect any miracle touchscreen interaction though. I think DoS is about all they had in them.
  19. Err the pics have gone all funny. Can someone repost them pleasE?
  20. It's just really nice to see the hardware in a kind of working state.
  21. Jamba


    I must admit (and god it sounds stupid) but I'm really put off by the fact that their English is so bad. It's nice to have new and crazy devs around but we have seen no evidence for any of the games to be that great apart from their enthusiasm for the platforms. Wanted: Any details at all.
  22. QFT I hate companies like that. "Can't be bothered to make some special or different for the Wii so we will release it for the system that will make the most money. What? Multiplatform? I don't understand..."
  23. I hate sneaky folk like you. When this happens I get the extremely colourful language out, hoping to kill them with my verbal wrath! Must admit that Pit does look very nice. Good to have a few more of a baddass flying characters...
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