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Everything posted by Jamba

  1. Hmmmm... Infernal you need to remember that eventhough a game gets fantastic reviews, it deosnt always sell well. And at the end of the day that's the baseline, money.
  2. Tick was awesome and from the one episode of the live action series that i saw, that was pretty good as well. The guy who plays the Tick in the LAS is VERY good as Tick. Watched him having an arguement with a toilet.... classic.
  3. You r an absolute genius! Thats going in my favs right now!!!! Kiss me princess!
  4. Damn midgets! Why do you do this Shigsy?! Always surrounding me with such childish characters?! And u give me no voice to vent my anger!
  5. My sister made me a book, which was a childrens story, fully illustrated with writing and stuff. It was so perfect and it obviously took so much effort to make. Made me feel really special.
  6. totally with you there mate. I've come to realise that I'm addicted to people. Its both sad and true. I crave human contact in one way or another and I do worry about how easily i become lonely. Sometimes I think I'm going mental but then I realise that I just love making my friends happy and indulging in that commonly overlooked phenomenon that is human communication (on many levels). If I can help my friends or have a good night out with them then I'm happy. Sure I can do stuff for myself and I probably dont do enough. Its usually a last resort rather than something i dont wanna do but these things all seem a bit unfulfilling. I live and thrive off people. Personalities, humanity, emotions, relationships, love, conflict. These are a few of those human elements that make life beautifl and enrished to me. This is what colours my world between the lines.
  7. Motorstorm and GT:HD are the only titles that would even get me remotely interested. Genji looked appauling and I can't justify buying any FPS anymore without there being something majorly special about it. I know i haven't done any major research into how these two games are looking or playing now but you know what? I DON'T WANT TO. And that's my main point. None of these games make me say "oh whats that? I'll read about that a bit more." I'm not Sony bashing (although I do think at least a little is deserved [as with the other two aswell]) but nothing makes me want to buy it. Not to mention that it would have to be super-extra-mega convincing as not only do I have to fork out for the system but also for the sodding tv to watch it on. If i had enough money I would buy it but hey i dont. I love my gaming but not so much as to ex-communicate my friends and family while failing my course!
  8. After about 2 days I was ok with the name. People remember it and it has made the console stand out from the others. It has made it seem something more than a console in the minds of the public, setting it aside from the others. It has also made the press coverage unpresedented for a Nintendo system even by the DS's standards. We all know that journalists can't resist a good pun and this is a cracker. I personally get tired of the jokes but seeing "ii" pop up in words still brings a smile to my face. The controller is beautiful. I couldnt imagine navigating a console in any other way now but it does have its limitations. For a start we are talking about devs having to start from scratch as far as describing gestures in a mathematical way so as to be able to program it correctly. It will take some time before it seems completely seemless but that new middle-ware will help that tremendously, I'm sure. Only thing i have a problem with is the depth perception. Playing Red Steel when close to the tv make zooming an absolute chore. Gonna try it on a tv from sitting far away later today but hey. Again i agree with what someone else said above, its one of the best controllers ever made.
  9. That boxed shot looks quite nice indeed. Gonna be a test to see what its like in motion. Played the F1 demo on a PS3 pod and I have to say that although it handled well it didnt move that well if u get me. But it does look like someone has actually learnt how to not over-do motion blur here.
  10. Anyone else having major bluray problems? One of my friends is. Says that he'll need updates that will come with system updates but first the European network needs to be activated. Any suggestions?
  11. As people have said, check out the London Eye. Also there are some really nice spots near it like the Dali museum which is legendary and also the Aquarium. Would seriously check out London Zoo if that's your thing as well. Say hello to my friend Raja the Komodo Dragon too (him and I go way back... no seriously). If you get a chance there are some other fantastic shows in London. Highly recommend the Reduced Shakespeare Company and pretty much anything at the Royal Opera House. Also spend some time in Covent Garden. The main square is magical and you won't find anywhere like it in the world.
  12. "Now we all know that there's going to be a certain amount of...violence. But at least we know that it's all in a good cause... don't we?" Prince Harry (Edmund's brother) in the first series (nay the first episode!) of Black Adder.
  13. River Rescue, Treasure Island and Green Beret on the Sinclair Spectrum 128K. All hardcore games, very awesome. River Rescue http://www.worldofspectrum.org/infoseekid.cgi?id=0004155 Treasure Island http://www.worldofspectrum.org/infoseekid.cgi?id=0005400 Green Beret http://www.worldofspectrum.org/infoseekid.cgi?id=0002134
  14. Noooo! You'll get financially raped for stuff that should be sold at a tenth of the price. Hmmm there's also a good comic shop just off Tottenham Crt Rd just by the British Museum. Look for the Batman sign.
  15. To be honest, you do it while you're in the womb. Your cells dying are a natural process in your body for it do develop properly. If this was not the case, you wouldnt have seperate fingers and your limbs would probably be fused to your sides. As I remember your spinal cord wouldnt form properly either. But for me the most profound thing that has happened (recently because I find life quite profound generally) was realising that I was actually ready to marry someone. Not just thinking about marrying them or what it would be like but being totally emotionally and spiritually prepared to go the distance with a person. I realised this about 3 weeks ago and we broke up about a month and a half ago. Wasn't a happy day.... still isn't.
  16. Depends on a few things. 1) What kind of stuff do u wanna do 2) Where abouts in london are u gonna be 3) How much money u have 4) if u can get away with going for a drink on ur trip
  17. I'm thinking possibly a Zelda MMO. I know it's crazy talk but I can see it happening. The Wii is a very capable online machine and Zelda is a universe of a franchise. There are so many elements that you could just make a huge land. So what race does everyone wanna be? Zora, Goron, Hylian, Hyrulian, Deku, Cuckoo, Skull Kid or what?
  18. Not living with my parents atm but come christmas, I'm sure it will be a different story. I have however had literally tens of people coming round to my house to play on Wii Sports and Wii Play. Both get everyone hooked but it takes a little experience to get ppl playing stuff like Red Steel and enjoying it.
  19. I had a bit of a mini Wii Boxing tournament at mine with my friends. Soon enough we had a room full of people nursing their aching arms. It looked like some kind of hospital.
  20. still think that the in game graphic style suxorz
  21. I have to agree with what whoever said this looks like GTA. For me this is completely different from what we were seeing in the trailer. This looks very low poly and the textures look like a PS2 game (and not a good one at that). There also seems to be very little lighting going on at all as well so I can't really see much depth in the scenes. This contrasts pretty harshly to the trailer (and yes I do know that that was FMV). In that there was a lovely black base to the colour palette like TRON almost and they showed great use of lighting there. Also it had abstract use of neon colours which was making me drool but now the game seems to be far more "realistic" than that which leaves me disappointed.
  22. Hmmm... says a lot in some ways. I got to get some hands on time with the PS3 recently as it's on display in the Baltic in Newcastle. Don't really know what to say apart from it was exactly what I expected it to be. I was playing an F1 game which handled very nicely (not that I've played many of them) and there was a really nice motion blur effect used if not slightly over used. But yeah the system felt like a PS2 with good graphics really. There's not really much to it than that. Oh yeah, you won't be having to miss those loading screens folks... they're back.
  23. Yeah I went just before they put it in there *shakes angry fist!*
  24. Look there are a billions fantastic pieces of music in the games industry, I mean teh FF series has it's OWN concerts. It's not likely that a relatively not very well known game didn't make an appearance. Funny though, Square wouldn't let them use any game footage. How sad is that?
  25. For those of us lucky to be at Video Games Live last night in London, we got a really big treat with a fantastic set. I was especially surprised to see Beyond Good & Evil get a fantastic section with the live choir and all. It really was absolutely superb; honestly there are too many details to say about the whole thing. But most importantly they got Michel Ancel (dir. of BG&E) and Christophe Heral (composer of the music) on stage for a little bit. The host (another composer) grilled him about a few things and bless the man for asking, "So I know that BG&E wasn't a huge commercial success but, please, let number 2 happen. Will it?" Michel Ancel: At the moment I am working as hard as I can with Ubisoft and trying my absolute hardest to get this game made. We had such a fantastic time making the first one. So there you have it, BG&E 2 is in the pipeline and I don't know about you guys but I'm pretty sure that if Ancel pushes anything hard enough at Ubi, he'll get what he wants. For me it's quite likely that we will see this game.
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