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Everything posted by Jamba

  1. Patrick Frost.... ... and before anyone asks, no I'm not irish in any shape or form. My parents just liked the name.
  2. Ah k. Either for 3 S Ranks or 10 wins right?
  3. Anyone else not likeing the fact that spiderman is animated as if he were a rag doll? Also I swear they have made his feet bigger cos they look noticeably flappy. Looks like they've incorporated a nice list of theatrical looking moves but a lot of that was in game engine cut sequences methink. Wish they would get rid of all the surface jiggle too, games running on the 360 shouldnt be having that kind of problem anymore.
  4. How many extra paint jobs are there for each car? 2?
  5. 5-9 of March. For future reference, Gamesindustry.biz has a good little box showing all industry events coming up. Ren: Good and realistic suggestions there, although I only expect one or two of those rather than all of them.
  6. Pffft. Nintendo need to start showing the devs that the Wii can have pretty looking games. Metroid and Mario are looking to do that but they need to pull their fingers out and actually SHOW some new footagge. Not to mention Day of Disaster and others.
  7. Tell me Ninty are gonna show some of this off at GDC. It's probably my most anticipated game for the Wii, bar Zelda and we have heard nothing in MONTHS!!!! Cmooon.
  8. I'd love a new 3d ecco. I know its not that popular but it's my selfish opinion.
  9. It has been more common in the more recent Transformers series to be having the Bumblebee character as the possible successor of Optimus. But it all got a bit weird in Energon and I'm not sure what happened.
  10. Picked this game up of Steam after I went to the Computer Games Live concert and heard the music. Anyone else played it? I completed over the weekend and I have to say that its one of the most enjoyable games that I've played in quite a while. Also it's part of a trilogy so we might see another version soon. Apparently GlyphX are negotiating next gen platforms now. Damn good for a developers FIRST effort. Hope I can ever work on a game like this.
  11. I dont think that the storyline is told in MP anything LIKE HL2. In Metroid you scan and get the choice to pick up the story line if you want to but in HL2 the story is almost bolted on. Alex tells you comparitively little and all of the "plot" is revealed by a beardy man on a TV screen. You could play the game without a story and it wouldnt make ANY difference. At least in Metroid, you have nice dialogue-less scenes between Samus and Dark Samus which use illustrative story telling. But on a completely different tac: Why haven't we seen any sodding new media for this game!!!?!?!?
  12. Does anyone remember the catch-phrases from any of the cartoon series? Such awesome lines such as "Let's do-it-two-it!" *Hides under rug shaking*
  13. QFT. This kind of stuff happens all the time, although to be honest I'm surprised that they are going to try and get PS3 games onto the Wii. I don't see this so much as a reflection on how "bad" the PS3 is doing but more a statement of how hard it is to make money in the industry at the moment.
  14. Please guys can we just cut it and get back to Metroid. If you wanna talk about it, make a new thread.
  15. Bowser doesnt have the Master Sword. END OF.
  16. Not so much won't more shouldn't I think is what he's trying to say.
  17. Isn't that guy from the production team for 24? Only reason I remember is cos my cousin always says "Hey's Bert!" Earnie style whenever that name appears in the opening. But on to the subject. It's nice that people have their seemingly strict views on what should or should not happen in the election but I have very little faith in any candidate doing the right thing. As we know, there is very little chance that the elected will actually move towards their goals, their agendas will change mid term. If I had a crystal ball (and if I was a US citizen) I would vote for the candidate who could get all allied forces out of Iraq while trying to restabilise it, regardless of whether that meant the loss of democracy or not. Countries need to mature to having that government system, it can't be enforced upon it. Slight rant ended.
  18. Completely agree here. I find it strange that both Sony and MS still think that they can widen their audience by the spread of their reputation alone and just wait for the current gamers to get older and just pull in those people's children. I am SO glad Nintendo have taken such an aggressive stance on trying to change the industry.
  19. OK, this site is completely marmite by the look of things: you either love it or you hate it. I've recently started up and its been fun but wanted to know what everyone else thinks.... I can feel an anti-emo rant coming right now...
  20. I doubt it. From what I heard, it looked ass sucking worthy.
  21. Hire more bloody translators. This is going to be one of those games where each month waiting is going to be worse and worse. Damn Retro and their good game making.
  22. It was heavily over used at first but now it seems to have settled down. I think the icon is ok but it should be up to the forum goers to point out to individuals when it's being used wrongly. And Solitanize.... well. Pls help him change it. It actually hurts my eyes a bit.
  23. Happy Birthday fella. Unlike most, I actually really appreciate having you around. You add a lot of colour to these forums and you have a lot of original and off-the-wall views on stuff which I think should be appreciated not fanbashed (even if I hardly ever agree with ya!). Here's to you man! (raises drink) Why? Just why do you even get near the keyboard? You're like a fountain of drivel!
  24. As everyone has been saying SSX3 was completely on fire as a game goes. Hope this gets fairly close to being like it.Its nice that they are shoeing us a vid of the controls but you woulda thought that they could have shown us twice as much in that clip? Especially as most ppl will get the opportunity to watch it again and again. Here's to hoping.
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