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Everything posted by Jamba

  1. But he's a gimp on top of that. Taking strength enhancers will only turn him into a super-emo! Hmmmm, 4 way fight would be interesting. I'm guessing that it will start with everyone vs. Spidey and end up being everyone vs. Venom, most likely with very predictable formats for turning bad guys. Oh yeah, M-J has gotta die too.
  2. That's hilarious, I didnt know about that! Actually, I have a better one. You know how in Star Wars Han Solo is so persistent with Leia even though she shows NO sign of being anything but repelled by him? He carries on trying anyway and eventually gets the girl. Its gonna sound silly but for a long time I thought that a girl would go out with a guy as long as he showed that he was devoted enough; she would end up liking him as long as he cared for her enough. It took some very painful lessons for me to learn that simple fact that you cant make someone like/love someone, no matter how much you want it.
  3. Who votes for the fact that Harry pulls his head outta his ass by the end of the movie?
  4. And then I saw her face.... yada yada yada See what I was saying earlier? Music/culture/society sensationalising love and over hypying it. Sure its great but its not the be all end all.
  5. More and more nowaday I find that my friends provide (almost ) everything which would be in a relationship. If I maintain a good group of friends I wonder if I will REALLY need a relationship again. You see, to me not wanting to be alone when you have friends and family with you is a sign of insecurity. I used to constantly be looking for a relationship and I still hate that part of myself cos I see it as weak. But now that I dont feel like that, I dont feel the need for one at all. On the other hand I wouldnt object to being in a relationship, I just find it interesting why we do these things. For instance, in my latter teen years I realised that my want for love or even my general image of love had been totally tainted and hijacked by movies/music and so on. They over sensationalised love and made it seem so important that I ended putting a lot of pressure upon myself emotionally. For me personally, it was important to be in love almost so I could just get over it. To use a line from Moulin Rouge, "Thankyou for curing me of my rediculous obsession with Love." And before anyone says so, no I'm not bitter. Actually I'm quite happy atm.
  6. Hrash story about the Carly BeerMonkey but she sounds pretty shallow anyway. Only someone of very little brain can be convinced by that kind of rubbish. You are better off without. Questions to the floor: Is love overated? Do people only want love/relationships because we have been braught up in a society that instructs us we must? With that in mind do we need to have relationships (on a spiritual level)?
  7. so you wave the remote to use the knife but you also AIM with the pointer.... nice work Capcom.
  8. Jamba


    Oh come on.... Was there ever any REAL evidence that this game was gonna actually be made? I've never taken this dev co. seriously at all.
  9. Soup Soup Tasty Soup Soup Spicy carrot and corriander Chilli chowder Crouton Crouton Crunch friends in a liquid broth I am gespatchio Oh! I am a summer soup Mmmm! Miso Miso Fighting in the dojo Miso Miso Oriental Prince in the land of soup I love google....
  10. Indeed. I think that the English language needs a do-over. Like the Italians, we should have more than one word for love. I love my friends, I love my family; hell I even love my dogs (but not in that way...). I have been in love with someone which ended last year. It completely over rated as the only time thats it is good is when you're in love. On a different point, people say it far too quickly. Next relationship I am in I will hold off on saying it for quite some time.
  11. I'm with Atomic Boo, I think having the other hunters around is definitely something to be worried about as far as the general feeling of the game goes. This game was meant to be launched within the Wii launch window originally but we've hardly heard anything of the title since the release itself. So why is it being held back? Your thoughts on this please.... My reasoning: 1) "The games just isn't finished yet" - My least favourite option. The later vids that we were seeing towards the end of 2006 suggested a pretty complete game engine. Content is relatively quick to produce, so a delay suggests problems. 2) Inclusion of online - I think this is the most likely option. Hopefully they are gonna take a good chunk of a year to create an online experience to be a really good flagship for Nintendo's online strategy. Lets just hope it doesnt blow like MP2 multiplayer. 3) DS connectivety - Quite unlikely but still an option. Maybe youcan use the DS like a rear-view mirror to see enemies behind you?! Or maybe it could be used for unlocking or hacking stuff (me like that a plenty). But hey I'm sure Ninty would come up with something a lot more original. Any of these would be a possibility but I would like to hear more for you guys.
  12. OK, so I was tired Im surprised by the visual style tbh tho. I like that it seems to be darker but at the same time was expecting it to be more different than the original. I thought the main character especially would look more different than he does.
  13. Has anyone actually looked at the date recently? Any big news at around this time of year needs a hell of a lot of back up to not be an April Fools. In fact i was thinking of avoiding the gaming sites for the next two weeks or so.
  14. Hot: Sleep Not: People who refuse to help themselves
  15. Flinks, i totally understand where your coming from. I spend a lot of my time, trying to look out for all of my friends and everyone around me. I usually end up doing myself injustice in the process by not concentrating on what i have to do. I look around and see how other people act in contrast and they all just seem so selfish and self centered.
  16. Thought this movie was fantastic but as with every film it had its let downs. I think that the script could have been a LOT better and that it was very generic. Usually that would completely ruin the atmosphere of a movie for me but the cinematography is SO good that it completely saved it. It's a very small scene but when Leonidus is climbing up the mountain to the oracle, I thought was brilliant. That and the scene when the two Spartans are fighting back to back.
  17. Responsible. Not in the "I'm organised and look after people" kind of way but more in the "oh god look what i just did" kind of way.
  18. Yes you're right. The human body isn't designed to eat exclusively meat but that's not what I said. Our gut, teeth and general metabolism is designed (or functions , if you like) to digest the things i suggested (please read them), just not vegetation. Your molars and premolars are designed to chew fruit and meat. Your canines are designed for tearing meat and fruit and your inscissors are designed for slicing them. And it looks like BlueStar agrees with me on that one. That's not really what I meant to get at, sorry if I was being ambiguous. My point was that killing/preparing/eating animals is a very sophisticated set of skills that we have developed through our anthropoligical history. I think that we should proud of the our heritage. If a person goes hunting and kills/preps/cooks a brace of rabbits then I think they deserve to be proud of their ability to do that. I don't condone battery farming but I have a great deal of respect for normal farming, which is also an incredible human skill. I have no problem feeding animals certain foods so that they taste better. I think you're confused at who my point was aimed at. It wasn't a comment about the program, actually I am more than happy that this program is on. As you said it will educate those who do not know. My points are aimed at those that do know (supposedly) and make what I can consider invalid reasons about killing animals.
  19. Still waiting then? ;-)
  20. Why not? I was REALLY proud of someone else. I love that person and at the time held their well being at the same level if not higher than my own.
  21. No I agree with you Wes. Violence is never something to be proud of (at least that's MY opinion). My proudest moment was when my ex finally got into Veterinary Medicine. She worked so hard to get there and I can't think of anyone who deserves it more.
  22. Lets face it though, cutting a child's tongue is pretty disruptive in itself isn't it? Damn hypocrite. Now if he slammed him over the head with a hammer then that would make everything quite and settled pretty quickly.
  23. Actually to the point of short term relationships I agree Ashley, I think people should go for them. All expreience is good experience and, as you said, everyone deserves to be happy. To be honest tho, if they suddenly turn out to last longer than you thought they would, well that's a whole different kettle of fish. I'm not sure if I would feel guilty on ending it when I thought it would. After all you do kinda go into the relationship on those terms. But at the end of the day you shouldnt feel guilty about continuing a relationship if its working. Wow I said so much and hardly made any kind of point at all!
  24. Or in massive trawler fishing they are just left to suffocate, yay! I find it strange that many people dont understand that fish is probably one of the last things we should be eating considering that we are doing a VERY good job of making many species extinct. You should feel blessed that you can even eat cod nowadays.
  25. For me people not being able to kill an animal to eat is the same as those prissy people who cant live without their hairdryers or bottled water. Society has helped spoilt people turn into bigger retards than before. Fact: The human body is DESIGNED to digest meat, fruit and carbohydrates quite well. It is CRAP at digesting any form of vegetation. That's not a knock on vegetarians, I know plenty of people who just don't like meat. But seriously for those meat eaters out there who enjoy their steak/raost chicken and so on (not to mention eggs for christ sake! Think of the children!) I think it's very important part of life to understand that things die so we can eat them. People do not farm cows/chickens/sheep so they can look pretty in a field and mow the lawn. Hunting/farming/butchering are some of the oldest skills which humans possess and we should be proud of it. On a seperate note, I don't think that being proud of being able to catch or prepare meat will gradually turn you into some bloodlusting killer as many movies have inferred. Such an association is the same as suggesting that because a person makes love to another person, they are more likely to go out and rape people. Tis hogwash. P.S. If you cant stomach prep-ing your own food, you dont deserve to buy it in the supermarket you jessie. Yeah, they'll make people wear religous dress which we all know derives from the black hoods of animal executioners.
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