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Everything posted by Jamba

  1. I'm low for everything apart from Narcissistic. Not surprised really. Starting to find that there's not really anything weird or strange about me. I have a bit of a short fuse but apart from that I'm Mr. Normal.
  2. No, NEVER do stuff like cancelling on purpose. It will start a pattern of actions not reflecting feelings and lead to a lot of confusion and eventually heart-ache. Goron, nontendohnut's advice is the best i've seen here. You're not trying to change the way you feel about her or how hard you press her. She is feeling confused and by setting down those guide lines of what's on and what's not depending on you status then you are giving her structure. This will actively help her figure her shit out and keep you from getting hurt.
  3. I had real hope for the gundam SEED gma eon the DS but it got pulled. There was a lot of stuff in that series about reprogramming the OS of the gundam and that could have made for some really nice gameplay/puzzles. Hope this has some of the epic-ness of SEED series.
  4. Im a big gundam fan. Really glad to see that they are moving more organically than I have seen them in other games and it seems to feel more like gundam too. A few points tho. Those explosions are rubbish and it also better not be confined to the ground. I really hope the final game looks a lot better than that but I dont have high hopes. Still get pissed at the very idea that we could still be getting games that look worse than Rogue Squadron 2 on the Wii atm.
  5. I hope its gonna be incomplete. Practially no 1st party software THIS YEAR! Or maybe NoE is SO slow that they havent given them their list yet.
  6. No one, but I kinda like that. Wanted to be in London for the Wii release and thought I might meet some ppl then. I was going to meet Colin cos he was maybe coming to my Uni but nah...
  7. Strokes?! Fucking bastards plugin their music.... better be in the soundtrack!
  8. I know it sounds like a little thing but I always just enjoyed brushing my gfs hair for her.
  9. This would also explain why there has been very little information about Disaster. Surrounding aquisition, very little informaiton is given out about products in case it effects the value of the companies involved.
  10. 2 things spring to mind. 1) She's kinda boasting about her experience and I don't know about u matey but I wouldnt want to become another notch on the bedpost if u get me 2) Her asking if u wanna sleep with her maybe her itrying to ask you out (badly). Or a test... she could be checking that you dont just wanna fuck her brains out. Personally, I'd just say to her that yeah you like her a lot but you dont wanna hang out with her that night just for the prospect of sleeping with her. Just say that if it happens it does but you dont wanna go in with the expectation cos they might mess up the night.
  11. Camp out under the stars maybe? Dunnno how warm it is in Trondheim and I can't be assed to turn on my Wii for the weather channel. Or if ur at home I suggest give a long massage, run her bath with some herbal oils in it (suggest lavender) and cook her dinner while she's in there. Just make an evening totally dedicated to her.
  12. Hmmm.... I find it interesting that we would assume that life formed on other planets would be based on our make-up. Makes me worried that if we met another race that we would accidentilly squish it because we thought it was a rock. It wouldn't be that hard especially seeing as how our definitions of "life" is pretty shakey. But yeah I'm with Ginger. Don't get excited.
  13. Well at least we know that the British still have a bloody good sense of humour!
  14. So which toy are people gonna buy first?
  15. I think 4 will be more about what Spidey is. They have been setting the Lizard up for 2 films (he's mentioned in the first as well) and involving him is a very natural way for Parker to start looking into what his gift is. On the flip side I wouldn't be surprised if Riami leaves this well alone because he like to keep a bit of ambiguity about these kindof issues I think.
  16. Hey man, I know you feel shit atm but it will pass. If anything just remember that life has many other splendours to enjoy not just love. Life has many facetes and thats why I love it so much.
  17. Yeah fantastic for the movie makers! Only two films in there that arent frackin sequels. Most of them are big blockbustery things that will likely make me cringe.
  18. Glad I can make u laugh! I understand what you mean. My brother got bashed up by some guy with a metal chair while he was at work and his lung collapsed. It's the worst thing that has happened to any of my immediate family. The guy who did it was a complete junky and was blatantly re-offender. He couldn't even be charged with GBH on my bro cos he was already in jail! If I wanted punishment based justice, then I know he would go out and do it again. He would be hardly any different from before. If he was educated and brought to terms with what he has done then maybe he would genuinely think twice before doing anything again, instead of being frightened into not doing it. Also if his life was restructured and he was helped to get off the drugs and all then he would at least have a chance to become a well adjusted person. To me I don't see the picture on such a personal level, I would rather that justice worked in a more long-term effective format to reduce criminality in society as a whole. But hey, we are getting WAY off the beat n track. Come chat about it here: http://www.n-europe.com/forum/showthread.php?t=13826 (Shameless plug i know....)
  19. From GamesIndustry.biz: Nice to see this happeneing. Unfortunately though, I don't know if they will be working on new IP. Sounds like a tie-in specialist.
  20. Stolen with love Flak, stolen with love...
  21. Nice one a_f. Don't you remember what the spoilers tabs are for?
  22. What do people think of or undertand to be justice? Some see it as punishment in exchange for the wrong doings a person has done, while others see it as education, the full understanding and acceptance of responsibility for bad acts. Some ideas to think on: Are there people who are purely evil? Justice from the points of view of the victim and the offender Measuring levels of punishment Value of life Reasons for a justice system
  23. Glad to see someone say this. I am actually really surprised that so many people think that"murderers" and "rapists" (please note that those labels will be categorised by how they are convicted not whether they are or aren't) should have testing forced on them. Have you folks never done anything wrong in your whole lives? Ever wanted to undo your wrongs or maybe learn fro your mistakes. There is a reason why we dont have capital punishment in this country. Testing drugs on prisoners and treating them as sub-humans means that you are taking away many of their human rights. Doing so means that you might as well kill them because lets face it you wouldnt feel even slightly bad about killing someone that you've been forcing drugs upon.
  24. Also maybe its because the UK court system is meant to be based on justice not punishment. Just because someone has done something heinously wrong, doesn't mean that they should lose all of their privelages a s human being. That would be a very slippery slope to go down. Does anyone remember that story last year about those guys who went on the drug trial that had VERY bad results. That was a horrible (if over hyped) situation where a group of people got seriously. If it wasn't for animal testing this would happen frequently. But hey from the look of this thread I'm preaching to the converted.
  25. Hmmmm.... What new discovery has been made about the biggest lizard in the world in the past 12 months? Answers with a self addressed envelope to moi
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