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Everything posted by Jamba

  1. I think TR lost its sense of "epicness" (horrible word) and general mystism quite a long time ago. Only ones of the series that I ever rated were TR and TR:LR, eventhough the later should have been a lot better designed. Thing is that it is essentially based on the original Prince of Persia and it still suffers. Exploring the environments isnt that fun any more, there needs to be more. Suggestions: plot, new forms of gameplay, some really new environment puzzles or (god forbid) they could actually do some heavy research and make it a bit edutainmenty by making it about actual facts. On a completely side note, did anyone else think that National Treasure was the film that should have been the Tomb Raider movie?
  2. LOLZ... Megaton.... Looking nice. Crazy how sinister they have made the decepticon design. Also really glas to see that Jazz and Ratchet's designs are very good as well. Films like this they often skimp on the secondary characters.
  3. Well if they do bring Venom back (which I'm feeling that they will) can they just do it properly this time please?
  4. Agree with Lizard needing to be in it. Don't agree with "no more Venom/Carnage" etc. I think anything can be done well in these movies. It's just when Riami crumbles to pressure and ends up doing something like Venom really half-arsed-ly. Just do it properly or dont do it at all.
  5. Ummm sounds like TRON with a very od art style. It's like they've blended Gears of War and Final Fantasy...
  6. Totally agree.I think that's why I used to relate to him so much. Really feels like they have got back to the characters recentyl, although Turk and Carla's are a bit all over the shop. Just a problem of a series running too long i think.
  7. Hmmm looks like these guys actually might be prety good at setting a mood and stealing some good ideas from horror movies. I like that shot from the first game with the red lighting particularly. I'll keep my eye on this one.
  8. Just trust the bloody woman. Maybe you being paranoid about her meeting this guy is the symptom of an underlying issue you have with trusting her? If she's picked that up then I'm not surprised that she has said that she feels unsure. Also you should trust her about this guy. You should have friends who are girls and she should have friends who are guys. Maybe she wanted to talk to an old friend about you? You have NO idea. And whether this guy IS hitting on your girl is irrelevant. It's what she thinks. God, first you don't trust her cos she meeting someone of the opposite sex and then you read her texts too? Way to go... that's just dumb, it sounds like a scene out of a bad rom-com. You are wrong. Apologise, get it sorted. Except that (especially in this circumstance) that sometimes she will need to talk to ppl who arent u and that might be another guy. Umm... what did she do again? Remind me...
  9. Well done all.... Guys can we ha ve new category next year for the blandest memeber on the forums. I wanna win something!
  10. Oh ffs. By typping you are probably dropping your elbow. Therfore the blood in your arm is not returning to you body properly, reducing the bllod flow buy causing a kind of traffic jam. Just make sure you take a break every 20mins or so and do exercises that tense the muscles in you hand and arms. Typing for so long with your arm in position can cause some damage to the valves in you veins as the blood pressure will get quite high. Avoid doing this on a regular occasion because long term effects of this include Deep Vein Thrombosis.
  11. Not sure I agree. Thing I loved about the animes what that, although machines, the Gundams actually moved in quite an organic way. The ways these models look make me less hopeful for that. I mean cmon, look at how chunky the ankles look! Only thing I hope for is the chance to have so high speed, high intensity melee fighting. Not so much of the sniping and shooting in battles. @Pedro and Jack. Yeah I'm liking the thread atm too. I agree with you on Destiny as well. The most annoying thing was that it felt like it was just waiting to bloom the whole way through the series and never did. I have to say though that I'm really glad we got more Asuran and the art was absolutely fantastic.
  12. I was dubious about going to see the film on that basis alone. Neither film will add up to much individually. Whole thing just looked really over the top and silly. Its like someone telling you to buy a new bands album because its a "concept" album. Who cares if its still shit right?
  13. Oh for god's sake. What has this got to do with the Wii?
  14. In terms of reality, good and evil are abstract notions created by people under the pretence of categorising behaviour in an effort to justify certain moral values. Not in the sense that you're inferring, i think. Genetic memory simply means that all of the actions that have occured to change the genetic code of a certain being will be carried through generations due to the nature of reproduction on a genetic level. Warning though, sexual reproduction seriously shakes this up (which is a good thing) which makes it a bitch to trace things back. Suggesting that memory in the brain could from DNA is highly unlikely due to several reasons. For starters, the sexual reproductive cells (sperm and egg) are located VERY far from the brain. Therefore any experience had and captured by the brain would not be tranferred to any genetic level in the sperm or egg cells. So it would not be passed onto the next generation. Also bear in mind that memeory (in a cognitive sense) comes from the arrangement and rearrangement of neurones, a process that would need to affect the genetic code of every cell in the vacinity, mapping these movements particularly. The chance of this being possibile is slim (from my understanding).
  15. I was just about to say the same thing. How does this NOT violate monopoly laws?
  16. Give it until friday. They dont want it spoiling the movie ratings. For some reason i think they think that if the film gets bad press then the game wcould still do well but not the other way around...
  17. Erm great? I can't really get excited about a list that says that most of these games will be coming out "somtime" this year in another country. You guys should know by now that half of those games will get delayed again. Only thing this list confirms to me is that they haven't just bailed on the development of any of these games.
  18. PSP Camera http://www.gamesindustry.biz/content_page.php?aid=24666 Can't say that I'm jumping for joy for this but hey. It worked for the GameBoy right? :
  19. The way the buttons map onto the Gamecube controller can be very different to how they map onto the classic controller for the SNES games. As I mentioned in my post above I can't actually play Super Probotector properly without the classic pad as I cant hit the combination of buttons i need to. @ZeldaFreak: Good point. Do your hands feel cramped around the pad then? Is it too small?
  20. I dont have a problem with that at all and i have small hands.
  21. I love the classic controller. I wont look at this other review cos it will taint my experience. It is the best way to play SNES games and it is essential for games like Super Probotector which you just CANT play on a Gamecube controller.
  22. Yeah Pedro, you're right they have bought a VERY good group of people. My friends constantly scream about Xenosaga as well. Things are definitely looking up.
  23. I'm guessing that they think that the team is so talented and that Disaster is going to be so good that Nintendo would rather have the money in THEIR pockets.
  24. I believe entirely in action and consequence. A situation is how it is and there is an event that happens, causing another situational set up as a result. Some of these situations are within my control and many of them are not. Identifying which one's are and not make life a lot simpler. People can do anything they want to most of the time for example, they just have to take control of their own lives and MAKE it happen. But on the flip side you have to learn to accept when things are just out of your hand and no matter what you do you cant change that. I dont believe in any kind of spiritual plain or presence so fate/destiny are something that is all down to me. I see my destiny more like the word which it is linked to: destination. I have somewhere I wanna go and I need to get there myself.
  25. You sure? I would think it would be a case of NoE tell NoJ when they can get a game localised / published by and when they think it would be appropriate. Then NoJ publishes the combined lists.
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