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Everything posted by Jamba

  1. I know its not Nintendo but I should be getting this fairly soon. Gonna thicken up the lines a bit and give it a bit more of a gothic feel but you get the idea. Wanna keep the construction lines in it as well.
  2. My flat mate and one of my best friends got a band together this year. They write quite a lot of stuff considering and it always makes me laugh a bit cos they always piss around. http://www.myspace.com/hittingfloor Met a girl ("her name was laura" etc... haha) cos she was playing at a place i regular. We got chatting after a stellar set she did. If you like a bit of country/blues then definitely give her a listen. Verity Burton: http://www.myspace.com/verityburtonmusic Absolutely killer band from up in 'Boro, and the singer is doing Web Design in my year. Really good bunch of lads and they rock hard. http://www.myspace.com/bitc
  3. Hehe, been messing around on finetune loads recently cos i've had lots of work. Stumbled across this group called 12 Girls Band. They are kind of progressive orchestra with loads of beats put into it. Think they are Chinese by the sound of the style but its awesome.
  4. Buy me a ticket to Belgium and I'll model for ya! I'm gonna go to some of my local community art things and get some life drawing in. Really need to start nailing my anatomy and stances. Why are people so hard to give any weight?
  5. Bumblebee has no voice because he gets the cogs bashed out of him by Megatron before they go to earth. I like the sound tho and it will help force us to see the story through the eyes of the humans like it should always be. And I'm pretty sure that voice is Optimus. "Kid" isn't a very Megatron-y thing to say. Sounds like Peter Cullen anyway. I'm still waiting to see what kind of Megatron we are going to have. I've flicked through some of the prequel comics and he seemed to be completely obsessed with finding the allspark. Sounds like he will be more like Galvatron, totally insane and unpredictable rather than calculating and sinister. I hope I'm wrong.
  6. That would make so much sense right now. But I'm not sure the Professor would like being coined as a bad guy. Or would he be an evil genius?
  7. Hmmm interesting photo WG. Where is it again?
  8. Hit work in several ways. Working at my friend's wineshop and for the rest of the time drawing/modelling/designing and generally doing EVERYTHING in my power to become a better Games Artist. Aside from that I'll be doing more exercise (cos it's sunny!) and having fun at my cousin's wedding (7/7/7 - God he knows how to pick a date!)
  9. Hmmmm only lettiing me post one at a time. Well lets see now... Ok so the jet looks rubbish but I can't be arsed with lighting is properly right now. And feel the wrath of my Bell 430 helicopter! Can you say "Hind D"?
  10. Might have some hair on the texture for the head but by the looks of it, its a bald ogre... errr, thing. Here's a render of oneof the 2000 poly models that I've been doing.
  11. Just finishing off an assignment. I'll post stuff once i finish
  12. Nice stuff! Those Dom troops are looking good. The could do with using a lighting effect on the main Gundam's eyes though
  13. As I rememeber you can daisy chain them together. So you plug the nunchuck into the headset and the headset into the wiimote.
  14. Loads of the things that make Crysis Crysis tho are very heavy on the hardware. All of the environment reaction, motion blur, base physics for the game. These aren't things that just make it look pretty, these are what make it an experience. The Wii just can't achieve these. I mean for god's sake it can't even do FarCry can it?
  15. Oh sure, I totally agree. But creating a 1st party headset would me manufactuaing things. Nintendo don't seem to like doing his, I gues because there is a risk that it won't sell well, meaning very high production costs. Would anyone else feel weird having a Headset connected to the wiimote?
  16. I don't. Well, it would be a good idea but I don't see Nintendo doing it. They have always been rubish about getitng this kinda thing out there. They are very conservative about how they produce hardware.
  17. I thought they already stated that this has no multiplayer. That it was going to be a fully fledged single player experience.
  18. Motion I know a lot of people in this thread don't like you but can you (AND everyone else involved) take it somewhere else please. This thread isnt here for arguing about this.
  19. Really beautiful work Eenuh. The Tea Party really reminds me of some Italian Futurist paintings that I've studied (Lights at Night (1910-1911) by Carlo Carrá). Yeah I do usually work much more roughly than that but this was meant to be a finished piece for a project so I worked really hard on getting the parspective bang on. Talking of which (and it really only is a tiny point - cos your work is awesome) you might wanna have a look at the curves on the Hatter's hat. There's something not quite right about them. Everything else is perfect though, lots of character.
  20. Ummm yeah. "Hmmm.... let's make up a rumour. Let's give everything Ninty fans everything they want: MarioKart, Animal Crossing and with a sprinkle of ff7 like RPG (not gonna fucking happen btw) and a few obvious believeables we are done." Cmon. Next thing we know we'll have people saying that they've seen the new Pokemon MMORPG.
  21. I know I'm Necro-posting here but the poor efforts by Crossbeam studios on Orb has got me especially motivated. I have such admiration for these guys and they deserve support for producing such a beautiful and interesting game. I can't stop listening to the soundtrack either. Devs like these really need support from the consumer so they can fund new projects and games like Advent Rising just don't really exist. Please, please support GlyphX and just give this game a try.
  22. Exaclty. No one cares how much you talk or how many excuses you come up with. If your actions don't show any kind of value then no one is gonna care. They didn't have to release those screens or that video until it was completed. How do they even expect to be taken seriously. It only makes me more angry that these guys are paving a very unhappy reputation for indie devs. Not gonna make life fun for people like me in the future.
  23. This is an interesting video. 1st things 1st, the concept art is nice but not amazing. I find it strange that she seems to have a different personality in the model though, because she looks pretty pissed in the concept art. But hey no really bad points to talk of. Walk cycle is looking pretty nice. She has a nice feminine prance in it. But the dagger slash doesnt look good. There's NO anticipation on the initial slash and her stance is very relaxed and generally looks wrong. It makes her look as if she's doing it really casually and it's also made pretty wooden by the fact that her body doesn't flex that much. Sorry for being so technical and damaging about the animation but these look loike basic mistakes to me. I recon I could do better than that by next year, cos I know I could hand-drawn animate it better and I've only been doing that a year. The animation is very much of student standard.
  24. I still want a red one but I have all my save data and VC stuff on my white one! Thats gonna suck.
  25. Oh good god! Whats that in ... her... pants...
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