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Everything posted by Jamba

  1. Super markets are super.... watch and learn:
  2. Its such a stupid tactic they are taking. By banning something you make it controvercial. Didn't they learn that last time? If you want to kill somethings potential then you get a conscensus to ignore it. It's just like bullying. If you react to it, it will only make the situation worse.
  3. Tue, didn't really want to connotate Manhunt with porn tho :p. But yeah why can't they just sell it non-certificated. If Rockstar struck a deal with Game, they would make a mint! Sell it under the counter, be really heavy on ID. Hunt down ppl who let their kids play it and murder themmm!!!!!!! AHahahaha! Whooops. Been playing a bit too much Manhunt, sorry guys....
  4. OK guys, I've just emailed the BBFC and CC'ed it to my local MP. I think censorship sucks in any format because it is up to people to make their own minds. Here's what I wrote, worry if it's a bit long:
  5. Some good news guys. Just found this on their website: Maybe we can hammer the councils?
  6. Hehe... this thread inspired me to start playing them again. Haven't completed any of the LA point and clicks as of yet but thats mostly due to time. I'm stuck atm tho! Damn pot o grog keeps melting too fast! Too fast I say!
  7. I just thought of something else. Powering Nintendo's servers for furture online games. Hosting such servers for free has got to be hugely expensive.
  8. I think a lot of it is to do with the suits. Don't forget how little mobility the actors have in it ("Brocken neck Mr. Keaton?") On top of that the animation in the cartoons is very expressive so its very hard to replicate that kind of feel without "Matrix-ing" Batman. I'd personally rather they didn't.
  9. Can anyone say "Giant Hurt Ball, Sphere o' Fear... Death-ticle?"
  10. Yeah Nintendo regularly pay off to their shareholders. Usually about every 2 years as I remember.
  11. Jamba

    FIFA 2008

    Yeah Jammy's probably right, anyways Nintendo are notorious for doing stuff like that. The crap thing is that it means the Wii will have been out for over 6 months before devs start getting the kind of dev support they need. You know how everyone talks about getting screwed over by Nintendo's first party games? Well I wouldn't be surprised if they weren't ready to let anyone see before they got online Nintendo games released in each territory. I was quite surprised to see Tony Hawks was coming out at the same time as MarioKart on the DS.
  12. It's Pikachu's turn..... Pikachu's Final Smash!
  13. OK well I just found this vid. It's long and many bits are quite fuzzy but there is quite a lot of new content. As always, this is a bit spoilerish but hey: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y424IasXqg8&NR=1 Movie couldn't come out soon enough.
  14. OK it's a game kind of. Well it's a website full of little games but it's still a valid answer. Check it out: http://www.boohbah.com/zone.html
  15. For me it was this. You had to carve your brain in two when it got really fast. My head ouched.
  16. I read about both of them being channels in the same article. Sorry I can't remember where it was from :sniff:
  17. What, you recon that Nights is about a 1000 poly character? Thats rubbish Sega.
  18. Manhunt 2 releases July 13th (nice day for it!) in Europe according to their official website. Also, I know its a small point but Wii Health and Wii Music were both confirmed to be Channels now rather than entire games.
  19. Slightly on a side issue but i think that regular retakes should be introduced. Many older drivers get into really bad habits and also the driving tests have changed so much over the years. Doing this would keep everyone up to speed and could really make the roads safer.
  20. I can see what you mean but to be honest most of these are accentuated by the pose. Her physique is a little slimmer and drawn out in Prime so her head seams smaller. In the Prime shot the shoulder pads sit almost over her head too btw.
  21. Why cos theyre not emo? At least Bats gets on with it and doesnt winge. He doesnt even usually go crying to Alfred, he just takes it out on the Joker with all that homoerotic tension.
  22. Here's one for you. I know everyone is different but generally, when people are younger, age gaps make lots of difference but as you get older I think less so. Was just thinking about how some of my gay friends at school went out with guys MUCH older than them. Any thoughts?
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