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Everything posted by Jamba

  1. Who said its a revelation, maybe its only just started to really annoy him? See I can nit-pic too? Mature isnt it?
  2. Insurance adverts and furniture adverts on TV. Hate them all! TV is bad enough without that crap. People not being able to be civil with people they don't know. Life would be so much better if everyone was just nice to everyone.
  3. The fact that you put yourself in a category is kind of depressing. I regularly get painted with a brush of sorts for one thing or another but I still have the patience to explain my own individual views non the less. Don't really think your in a place to judge what is mature either Mr. 20yr old.
  4. Has anyone got one of these yet? They have updated the functionality list a LOT. They seem to be working on it but not fast enough for the customers. Does this go in the SD card slot?
  5. Really going with that message today aren't we? Try sympathising at least...
  6. conservative as in i prefer people to be treated as individuals rather than as memebers of a state. I think that people who make the effort to earn deserve to keep it, for several long winded reasons. But you're right, Cameron does seem to be a bit of a wet fish.
  7. LMAO... T is having a dump mid game. God, is any game safe now?
  8. Hehe... he looks so scary now. Screw Manhunt 2!
  9. Ill be counting on it! Good to have you back Flinky.
  10. Yep and I'm conservative/liberal... :shrug:
  11. The reason why moveis containing those themes are banned is more to with the fact that financially supporting such media inspires the film makers to perform acts which are illegal. Also I'm pretty sure that these have to be real depictions of those action as it would make for the reason why all the Saw movies never got banned or any movie with rape in it. Computer games do not use real people. The game, from what I have read, aims for the player to experience the nature of psychosis, a very powerful notion that I don't think any other media could convey in such a way. I enjoy dark films and i do find some of the themes touched on in horror movies intriguing. I have been playing Condemned:Criminal Origins and that has very dark, disturbing themes. You are constantly bludgening people to death with anything you can find but that is integral to the game and its theme. I had to rip a guy's jaw clean off today! But I can step away from it. No one got hurt and I won't go hurting anyone due to playing that game. I don't see any reason why that game is different from any movie.
  12. Yep. I feel strongly about the government giving society back its ability to make its own decisions. For instance, if a child watches or plays something out of their appropriate age then is should be the parents that get hammered, not the game. Retail will have done all they can to stop adults buying the game for their children and won't sell it to children themselves. It is also linked to the those stupid insurance companies who try and "win" you money for your accident where you were too stupid to not break your own legs. People need to take more personal responsibility.
  13. Isn't that your personal view on censorship though? I don't have a problem with it being uncertificated but banning it is an insult to the intelligence of every adult in the country.
  14. I still haven't got a reply from them about my letter. Maybe cos I asctually asked them information and it requires them to send me real answers so will take longer. Anyone from the UK who is sending an email to the BBFC, please Cc it to your local MP. The only way that their decision can be overruled is by local government so getting the issue noticed there is very important.
  15. Good work all. Glad to see that the roundtable produced comments that reflect the state of things around here properly. Thanks to the staff for getting the article up so quickly.
  16. Yeah, whatever. She looks about 16. Certainly acts like shes that old. Cow...
  17. So when's this getting banned then foor suggesting a semi-pedeophilic relationship between Leon and Ashley?
  18. I still can't get over just how absurd todays news has been. Btw can we give Cooky a medla for his fantastic news searching today?
  19. Who's buying the Daily Mail tomorrow then?
  20. If you want a dark story this will be it. I read the comics and love them, they really get into those little things that really make people evil.
  21. Hmmm looks really tasty. Nice art style, lots of character and a fresh looking gameplay style. I'm in just on principle.
  22. @Owen - Don't think he's saying anything bad at you matey. Something I've only just thought. If this gets really out of hand and a black market for importing the game develops then loads of kids are gonna get hold of this. That's what's wrong. There's no way of stopping a 14 yr old (or 12 even i guess) ordering it of play. Shouldn't we be more worried about that?
  23. Ahhh that was my next plan! Stopped playing it to deal with the BBFC thing. I am going to be using it to melt the lock aren't I?
  24. I don't think any material should be banned. The public should take more care and responsibility in what they watch or play individually. They are having to compensate for the fact that people are badly educated about what games are and how serious the rating system is. And as said before, I have no problem with them unclassifying it, just not selling it.
  25. The root of the issue to me is responsibility. The concern about the effect of having potentially harmful material in the public consumer-space means that somebody must be accountable for its effect. The BBFC seems to be trying to take away this issue by banning it outright but I think this draconean approach fails to deal with the issue in the long term. At the end of the day people should be responsible for their own actions. Individuals should be aware that when they buy any kind of media this may effect them and if they have children it should be their responsibility to censor it from them. A group like the BBFC should not have to do this for us. In the case of Manhunt 2, I do not disagree with it being unclassified but am entirely against it being banned outright. I see it as an unacceptable intervention which leaves us having part of our lives dictated to us. It goes against our freedom to make the decision for ourselves, a lack of which (in my eyes) has recently made the climate in Britain worse. They need to trust the public to make their own minds up, even if mistakes are made.
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