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Everything posted by Jamba

  1. But that's the point of Natural Born Killers. You are meant to feel uneasy watching it and it explores how you feel about glorifying violence. It also gives a philosophy as to why they are violent. It gives you a peak into the mind of killer who is within their right mind, which is even scarier than a psychopath. The film is meant to disturb you and make you question things. That's why its such good cinema. They use the violence to illustrate this, it's a tool. In Manhunt 2 I could see the violence being justified if they were illustrating how torture and manipulation drives the character to do such things. But I have a feeling that Rockstar haven't done this. They have (for want of a better phrase) used violence for a pointless end. For a start the game should center around the fact that the character is a victim, which is hard to do in a film. Have you seen Oldboy, Zechs?
  2. "You know that point in your life when you realize the house you grew up in, isn't really your home anymore. All of a sudden, even though you have some place where you put your shit, that idea of home is gone. I still feel at home in my house. You'll see one day when you move out. Just sorta happens one day and it's gone; you feel like you can never get it back. It's like you feel homesick for a place that doesn't even exist. Maybe it's like this rite of passage, you know? You won't ever have that feeling again until you create a new idea of home for yourself. You know, for... For your kids. For the family you start. It's like a cycle or something. I don't know. But I miss the idea of it, you know? Maybe that's all family really is: a group of people that miss the same imaginary place. " Andrew Largeman in Garden State.
  3. I know I have been advocating freedom of the games industry and freedom of choice earlier in this thread but at the same time I think Rockstar and Take-Two probably deserve a slap on the wrists. The BBFC are pretty reasonable with their decisions and although I dont support the ban it is obvious that Manhunt 2 is very likely to be unjustified violence. I'm disappointed with them, not for making aggressive and violent content but for making it pointless and therefore making a pointless game.
  4. Yeah the speaker in the Wii mote could give it a nice edge. They could even (shock horror) make it better than the original. Wouldnt even need the nunchuck actually! Reminds me actually of a game clled Plasma Pong. That would make an awesome, original VC game.
  5. graphics look pretty ok but the effect on the sword is very nice. Looks like and action/adventure to me. With RPG elements of course...
  6. I think that it's unreasonable to ask them to have something as good as XBL this early on and for free on top of that. It's a bit on the demanding side dont ya think?
  7. A time when there was very little tech (as mentioned before). A time when real things mattered to people not just their status or posessions. When survival was important and humans still felt small in the world.
  8. Yeah I read that. Weird isnt it?
  9. I'm going to be hitting the temp agencies soon cos I need to get some money sorted NOW. My old job are still "deciding" if they need me. Might give them a kick up the arse tomoz too. Grrrrr
  10. Wanna see more footage of Metroid pleeeeeease! Wanna find out some features about it. Multiplayer? I hope so etc. Also more Day of Disaster and some tasty new projects in general. Thankyou yessum
  11. Jamba

    Game Club

    Good call. Something a bit out there, but it needs to be on VC really doesnt it?
  12. Silkworm, Speccy and Com64 game. Really good coop scrolling shooter. It totally relied on teamwork in coop mode and there was just so much action going on on the screen at once. Good days!
  13. Jamba

    Game Club

    I say we do something that we all know and probably have. I'd like to do Metroid Prime.
  14. Beat them Cooky! Beat them with razor blades! Edit: Whoops! Miss read your post. Damned Wii
  15. Hey i posted a new thread but it must have been soooooo boring cos only 1 person replied!
  16. Good post Cooky. I'm sure that Rockstar's response will be entirely dictated by financial motive but I do hope that they appeal. A strong appeal with some justified arguements could do them good but at the end of the day their reputation for this kind of stuff isnt exactly great is it?
  17. Thats such crap, why dont they allow AO ratings? They even give the reasons why they should in the same article.
  18. Probably exessive extremism. Unnecessary violence that kind of thing. Unless you do actually get to dissect some persons mid drift, I'd say that would be pretty uncalled for.
  19. Can you get DVD playing software for it?
  20. I feel sorry for the chicken. Not cos it's dead but to be honest its probably the best thing for it if it had gone in your mouth.
  21. Yeah I just spotted that. The command input is actually, : shakehead, which itself is wrong but if you press the button in advanced mode it makes it :: shakehead.
  22. It's an impressive feat. Well done Nintendo. It's interesting to note that they don't mention any other of Nintendo's company ownings. A section of their portfolio includes a company that makes BluRay diodes for instance
  23. Eeeek! I dunno. You need to talk to other people more authorised in my department about that... :runs away:
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