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Everything posted by Jamba

  1. Which is? Cmon miss mystery...
  2. Ahh good point, that would make a really interesting character actually
  3. Thanks Haggis. @HoT - Dude do you knwo how that scene really went on the original version?
  4. They do over hype their games incredibly but I do praise them heavily for 2 things. Originality Lots of "character" in their characters Still laugh my ass off when i think of those guys building the arc in B&W: "Iddle-iddle-eee, iddle-iddle-ee, we ain't going no where til we get some meat!"
  5. Ah Flinky, what your talking about there is a combination of trust and faith. I have loved and lost but it was something i needed to do to get over it. Kind of like virginity i guess. Now I'm in a place where I dont feel i need someone and i think the only way i would want it to happen is by it kinda creeping up on me. On top of this I've learned that searching for love is TOTALLY wrong and stupid (well for me anyway). It makes people crazy and hate themselves and at the end of the day having a relationship or being in love should only be part of your life. So why does everyone want it so bad? My answer: cos from the get go we are told that its the most important thing ever. Thanks society, yeah thanks for that one.
  6. Anyone else hoping that Midna is a new character? Know I am.... favourite new Nintendo character by far.
  7. Doesnt surprise me that THQ likes low game budgets. I mean cmon... look at how much they pumped into Saints Row (haha!)
  8. *Gets out claw hammer*
  9. Yeah but how long did it take to get in that state? Plus MS have resources FAR beyond that of Nintendo in that field. They already had a huge stockpile of employees who make up some of the most knowledgeable people on networking and internet protocol in the world.
  10. 300: Visually awesome. Script sucked balls = film pretty good but a bit ok.
  11. Huzzah! Rising Star are bringing us 'peans 7 titles....
  12. Yeah that worked well Flink. Just need to make sure that enough mods are around.
  13. True, movies have indeed slammed into very neat genre boxes havent they. Time for my shameless plug of the day: Everyone (of the right age needs to see Tideland, one of the latest films by Terry Gilliam. It's a masterpiece and beautiful cinema.
  14. Ummmm are there any bases you didnt cover Petey?
  15. 1 and 3 are from Serenity arent they?
  16. Hmmmm the 80s is a bit PS2 games selection in my mind. Some really good films in there but diluted by the torrents of rubbish. In my mind the 80s was when "cinema" died. It thankfully started getting reborn (gradually) in the end of the century.
  17. I see your point. Definately watch Oldboy tho man. It is subtitled but it basically seems to follow a similar story to Manhunt 2, I'm guessing. Warning tho, it is quite a shocking movie but it is good, not to mention that the BBFC didnt censor it. (And for all you under 18ers out there, DONT DO IT!)
  18. Did you just say that the 80s was a golden era of film?
  19. DENNIS HAYSBERT! Yeeeeaaha!
  20. Agreed. Lets face it, they wont show us anything that we dont already know until after E3. Even then, they will likely save the best til last.
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