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Everything posted by Jamba

  1. those things look like mario type dinosaurs no?
  2. Nintendo are notorious at not giving us what we want. Dont get your hopes up.
  3. @ YanRou Good post. Totally agree with buying random games with little media influence. If i had enough time then I think I would churn a lot more games and take them back if they were really bad. Prob is that I dont even have the cash for that really. Only thing I dont like about coming on this forum tho is finding out too much about a game.
  4. Is there ever a final list? WARNING - DISCLAIMER: All of everything in the industry is subject to change!
  5. Yeah i see what you mean, however we have really only seen the first section of the game, which was very action heavy due to the attack on the fleet. I was worried about this at first but the fact that they are concentrating on making this a single player experience makes me think otherwise. I'm guessing that Samus will be more and more alone as the game goes on and just maybe we might get a peak into her personal struggle as she gets corrupted.
  6. Hang on! We should be talking about Metroid Prime games and whats good for the genre not by the nature of the franchise. By that reconning, SSB should be a Metroid game too!
  7. The Wii taps into the one thing that we as Nintendo fans know about. Hope. Its about possibility and the chance to change things for the future, its a forward thinking philosophy. This always makes me laugh though because how often have we all "hoped" for Nintendo, hoped for them to do well or to produce "that" game just how we want it in our hearts to be? The Wii makes it feel as if it all might just happen this time. Honestly speaking though, I seem to be far more interested in games with a more original feel. And this has got me a lot more excited about the 3rd party games like Z&W. But then you have games like Opoona which just look crazy and it begs me to get it just for the crazy universe theyve created. 1st party stuff is bread and butter to me. Its good but at the same time predictable. I have trouble getting really excited about SMG for instance and I know Metroid is going to be good but maybe thats it? Maybe I already know what I'm getting so I'm slightly meh about them.
  8. Dammit! The Wii is making me itchy now! So many good games on the horizon and all i have is waiting, made even worse by lack of release dates for most of these games. Seems most of these are just about gonna make xmas over here, which is an expensive enough time of year for me anyway!
  9. Yeah true for the light saber but lets take the idea a little further. Say for using "force moves" you actually use gestures, similar to the system in DBZ. You could actually make a really physically demanding game that way. There could even be some moves where you have to hold still or be really accurate to cut up the action or just to make them hard to do with all of the adrenaline. It would be very much like having to focus with the force. Also you could build up a whole different sent of personalities to the moves for the dark and light side. Dark side could be really thrashy and aggressive while light side could be more focused and timed even.
  10. OMG! Mowing people down on bikes! Surely this means that SSBB is gonna get banned just like the original cut of Carmagedon!
  11. Jamba


    Ah thanks Cube. Really nice to see that the Wii is going to be getting some fleshed out games. This and Zak n Wiki are looking really good and i dont care if they look kiddy. From a gameplay point of view they look to be really fun. Would be cool if this had some kind of online coop mode.
  12. Ummmm just a little bit. Hasnt been a extra in any of the DVDs but i havent checked the new ultimate edition.
  13. Strangely i dont seem to have one, at least not one i've found yet. So I shall leave you with a nice quote: Queen: "Do I tell people that your brother Harry is afraid of spoons?"
  14. Really hope they do the light sourcing properly. I long so hard to do the Vader vs Luke fight from Empire Strikes back. If i got to play that i might just pass out.
  15. I can't say anything. I've just had my bday. I was meant to be happy!
  16. Hey! Cheers fellas! Was busy yesterday so i didnt come on. Had loads of my friends from around the place crash my house and play drunken Wii tennis and Excite Truck. Also, small warning: drink + tiredness + Finding Nemo = very surreal experience. Oh and for reference, just like Stefkov said, tis Jam-ba. Kinda like this guy: God bless Lilo and Stitch.
  17. Magnus' death in the original movie. When the sweeps shoot him, do you notice how they make a solid beam of light rather than a short blast? In the original edit of the film those are lazer whips. The wrap them around Magnus' limbs and tear him apart!
  18. Jamba

    Game Club

    Oh god, i wanna join in but i got no moneys or time to be buying or playing old games. I would say Batallion Wars but last time i tried to get it, it was still £20.
  19. Jamba


    wow... you have quickly changed my opinion of this thread. Because i want to report you
  20. Jamba


    Awesome thread idea.... wonder if they'll let it stay. You insight hatred by asking people to list reasons why they dont like each other?
  21. Id say 3ds MAX. I started on Maya and its not very n00b friendly. Max has a very large tutorial and forum support group surrounding it and its really good for modelling which is the first thing that you will do.
  22. Im sure that will happen to me again some time. I being a bit bitter about my recent experiences but hey its more that Im upset about my last relationship having gone sour than relationships in general. I just dont care for finding someone. I want any i have from now on to be much like the situation that has happened to you. It just kinda happens. Means that you both like each other for who you really are.
  23. Ah cools. Sorry man, didnt mean to go and throw the book at ya. Good luck! I'd still stear away from using the L word though. Even in your head.
  24. I cant help but say it; i dont fancy your chances. Sounds like you hardly know her at all. And nothing is your one chance or last chance by saying that all you do is put pressure on yourself and blow the importance of the situation way too high. Yeah thats what i first thought... I think most women would be surprised how many guys want a relationship more than sex though.
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