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Everything posted by Jamba

  1. Give Zak n Wiki and Opoona some time. We'll see.
  2. Oh that makes me think of Master system RPGs....
  3. The adverts have a really good overall feel. Very punchy, audio and visuals wise, and nicely paced too. They tell you exactly what most people would want to know (which is what a game is not only how it looks) and dont bog you down with over a minute of FMV. The exception for this rule was FFIII on DS but the advert for that sucked balls, i think. As far as Wii goes, I really like the little bit at the end, with the "ping" and the two little water ripples. Very slick and memerable and most importantly NOT ANNOYING. The one for the DS is equally good. As for things like the forecast channel, i think that it is very important for new or non-gamers that they know what is available to them if they get the Wii. They are quite short adverts if I remember and I'd have them over any furniture or fucking insurance advert any day.
  4. I think the ganes which were Mario Tennis and Mario this, Mario that etc will gradually become Mii games but the franchises themselves will stay entirely in tact, no doubt. Game icons are there for ppl to escape into and be for a while. Zelda wouldnt be the same game if you could stop = Link form being the honourable hero. But I dont think that Mii's will take over all of the spin offs. For instance, Mario Strikers, MarioKart and Mario Tennis are too well established as franchises. They make what would be a fun Mii game into a wacky crazy experience filled with spiked shells flying all over the place! Also for games like Mario Party if you made this with Miis, what universe would you make around them? Putting them in Mario based environments would suck. Actually any reference to any other games would just be weird because they would feel so disconnected. New Wii gamers would just sit there going wtf?! I think that Mii game franchises, Nintendo icon franchises and games which include Miis (like Fifa) will all exist along side each other.
  5. Now I find that this phrase alone totally invalidates all of his statements. The PS3 is the hardest and from what I've heard worst supporting dev platform of them all. They had the same problem with the PS2. MS and Nintendo built their systems with the dev in mind and have given lots of dev support (big change for nintendo). In the terms of the Wii, i think Nintendo are getting there with their 3rd party support. We are starting to see some pretty fleshed out games from 3rd parties on the horizon but they wont be there for a while. The 1st party real games will be there first but thats just N for ya. But look at the DS. Huge 3rd party support but still driven by 1st party if we are honest. Thing is that the handheld devs really get there games up to Nintendos level, take Castlevania, however the same effort isnt made for the Wii. I think though that this will change with the Wii's popularity because the extra money and effort used will more likely see return.
  6. Did anyone else think that the Dark visor was rubbish? Or more importantly that the echo visor was beautiful but hardly used? I'm with Jordan tho. Xray pls. It was one of the sexiest things that I'd seen in gaming at the time and did really ad atmosphere. One thing that i missed in MP2 also was how the completely changed the HUD for which visor you were using. Really hope they put that back in.
  7. Errrr... where d the vid go?
  8. I've lost track. Do we know what all of the vizors are yet? Normal Scan Ship And?
  9. Yeah but then they would just have exactly the same movie which would be BORING! Plus Giga Bowser looks far too much like beast ganon anyway.
  10. Again, just like everyone else said Patch, perfect post. Describes my feelings entirely. Best post I've read in some time.
  11. Lion King, Beauty and the Beast and Robin Hood. Animation is fantastic in all of those.
  12. Very good update Cube. Thanks matey! This definitely puts a lot of our minds to rest.
  13. Those screens remind me of Resi4 actually.
  14. Woah, Hellfire! Now thats just too far! We were having a nice convo here and you bring Mr. Tickle in on it?! Thats just SICK!
  15. Yay! Sorry I havent really done texturing yet and have only just fully understood recently what the alpha channel is. My programming friends tell me that you can play with alpha for fun things. Like in multiplayer games when you need a team to be a colour, you colour them with alpha and then use code to say "alpha = team colour". And hey presto! Im gonna be doing a lot of work over the summer. Tryin to do a model a week and a tutorial a week. I want them to be textured too but ill need to learn the ins and outs of that first.
  16. Who wil Samus' be? Her only friend is her ship! Oh wait... that would be cool.
  17. Exaclty. And yeah Metroid, I see what you mean but again there are other ways than making yourself a conspicuous target. For a start, a guy making a show of himself based on his sexuality just says "hey guys look at me!". It just seems desperate and cheap. Hang on wait?! Are these the gay equivalent of the straight girl, DOGS, that make it blatantly obvious that not only are they desperate but also a flea infested pit of STDs? On top of this, it reinforces (what I see to be quite an old fashioned view) that camp = gay. I have friends (and had this happen to me before too) where people tell you that your gay. Straight and gay people tell you. Its retarded and childish! But yeah sorry if I seem like I'm bashing the good folk out there. I think the English language is prone to generalisation.
  18. But this is why he's interesting. Your brain always wonders when his sociopathy will break and if he wil ever undestand what he did. Which he evidently did, hence playing swing time. But like Oxigen, I find it really interesting getting inside these guys heads. If you can do it really well and start to understand their thoughts and feelings then sometimes you can put yourself in their shoes. Then when you look at their situation from the inside then you can see not only how they justified what they did but also their reasoning as to why murder/rape/mutilation arent that bad. You properly understand them. And thats when it gets really scary. Cos often these guys arent totally unhinged. They just have a different perception or perspective on the events happening around them to how we see things. One of us might have gotten on really well with Mr. Shipman and when you found out he was a mass murderer part of you would have just been really disappointed.
  19. You've made me think of the God Father now.
  20. Im not sure if i count this as macabre but i have a fascination with the insane. Its not a hobby i persue per se but I really enjoy iflms that get inside killers heads. Watching The Cell was sooooo good.
  21. We will see. I just hope that its a fidelity movement kind of system rather than a gesture based one like in red steel.
  22. I wanna collect all the toys! They look fun!
  23. This is my only problem with the gay community. You are just homosexual, there's nothing different about you. Gay people choose to dress, talk and act differently which is a result of the social group influencing itself. Thats fine but when people start dressing like that to label themselves as gay, thats when i draw the line. Why does the gay community feel the need to makes itself conspicuous then at the same time complain that everyone treats them differently. To me, i think that a guy hitting on a guy should be the same as a guy hitting on a girl. The question shouldnt be "are they straight or not?" it should be "do they like me?" Solves problems.
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