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Everything posted by Jamba

  1. Yeah they didnt really explain what Metroid Prime actually was did they?
  2. OK.... writing an angry letter to Altus RIGHT NOW. Dont they understand how many ppl want to get the chance to be a Doctor in the UK?
  3. Gonna have to totally disagree with you mate. Dunno how you can make such claims about the poly count because it looks fine to me in motion. I actually think that the rider animation is pretty good too. I haven't played the xbox game you've shown but I'm hoping that you're just exagerating because if you're not, I'm not sure that we're watching the same vid.
  4. No not moonwalker I think Dick Tracey perhaps? Now which Mickey mouse game is it
  5. No they said Disaster was coming along great. HAMMER has been shelved.
  6. oh cmon pedro, its a crappy video capture. Unless you know what ur looking for then they even make Mario Galaxy look a bit "OK".
  7. Well the story has changed in the US somewhat: Great, so the price cut was FAKE. They are just shifting in a new model and then screwing over the consumer. Dont they get that ppl just think that it's too expensive?
  8. Both of those articles are from before the aquisition so circumstances could have changed. Also the first article says that its scheduled to come out this year. We should have seen something if it was gonna be released. EDIT: Haha! Just read Cooky's post in the other thread. Ok so GONintendo think its "coming along". I'm still dubious though.
  9. TBH this might tide me over til Excite Truck 2. I know that its a horrendous copy but its online and will likely have more track variety (something that ExciteTruck lacked a bit).
  10. It will be awesome. You can pull them out of the ground just like how you pick up the Miis. Does anyone recon that they could pull off graphics similar to those in the Pikmin 2 adverts?
  11. Jamba

    De Blob

    I think it seems really nice and relaxing. Im seeing a lot of these games coming out for the Wii as I can just pick it up, have fun for like 20mins and enjoy its happy yet chilled out atmosphere.
  12. Cited eh? Fancy giving me a link to that?
  13. Ah when i get this game then i wont say that im going to play it. I shall just declare it "Sexy Time"
  14. Ha! You're having a laugh right? See it at E3 anywhere?
  15. I watched a vid from a PS2 Rygar game and it had THE worst voice acting that I've ever seen. I mean, its nothing next to House of the Dead 2 but thats meant to be shit. Awesome scans tho. Hope it is a good game and visually I think it looks pretty good.
  16. Yeah, if you can jump on it then you are looking at a much more sophistcated way of making a dance game.
  17. Apparently Sony pulled their head out of their ass and actually gave it a video out this time.
  18. OK I've just seen pics of the redisgn for the PSP over on Kotaku. It err.... looks the same. They say that the d-pad is better and I'm guessing that the battery life will be better but, err.. yeah. Woo?
  19. Totally. Just when they ran out of ways to humiliate Mario... Actually thats kinda interesting. Nintendo is one of the only companies that kinda takes the piss out of it's own mascot a little. I mean its obviously in a light hearted way but you dont see Sega laughing at Sonic do you? Maybe they should.... I mean we do.
  20. Its so nice to see that the Wii is coming out with software that every day people will be interested in. Not a hint of teenage style testosterone in sight. This game is gonna be more relaxing than Echo.
  21. You know what I love about this game? It makes me feel like I'm a 5yr old playing in my room with toy soldiers and stuff. I'm really liking all of the sounds from the chunky-ness of the machine gun fire to the cavalry style horn sound when you make a command. 'Tis genius.
  22. Right! *Jamba casts Resurrect* So after buying the studio who is making this game, a group who has had success developing on the GCN (maybe not huge commercial success but thats by the by) we have seen nothing. Where was this at E3?! Metroid and Disaster are the 2 games that I thought might get the PS3 and 360 crowd playing the Wii. Not a jot, not a mention. NADA! This was a title that, when it was mentioned a year ago, made people say "Wow, Nintendo really has got a diverse line-up", yet we still don't really know anything about it! What say ye brothers and sisters? Is Nintendo canning the project or keeping it under wraps? Or is there some legal reasons concerning the aquisition that stop them showing anything?
  23. No I'm pretty sure that it doesnt. If you want reasons as to why then please read back through the thread a little. Sorry if this post sounds a little tetchy but this is an issue that has been gone over like a billion times. No multiplayer in any form.
  24. Sorry guys but I have to disagree. DK looks pretty half done. We had better fur in either of the Starfox GCN games. This, on the other hand, is a texture that I think has been generated using captures of rendered fur (kinda like how they did Donkey Kong Country strangely..) From some angles the fur looks good but a lot of the time it looks rubbish. Nice try but for a company like Nintendo, that just isn't good enough.
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