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Everything posted by Jamba

  1. I know that ppl on this forum are going out but they all got together before they went out yeah? Its alright for forumers to date each other riiiiiight?
  2. I thinks its because its a common conception that the boarder between being gay is pronounced and clear (ie willing to endure anal penetration) than the gray area that leads into lesbianism. Therefore, guys find it more acceptable.
  3. Wow.... Caris bashing's getting awfully fashionable. Why don't you actually have a go at someone who's more of a pain like Asshat.
  4. Bluebird in da howsssss! *ahem* Its all about the response I think. Its not as bad as everyone thinks its would be, no worse than giving a girl some hand action. Only problem I have in doing it is that im slightly clostrophobic! Its not big deal tho really, its like giving a really specific kind of french kiss to a person with no teeth, really floppy lips and a beard.... But why do people like giving BJs?
  5. Anyone else think that Rachel might die in this one? Or are we gonna see a Masked Phantasm coming?
  6. So funny though... i've never met someone who i enjoy teasing so much. Makes this situation happen much more naturally. Helps that I find girls getting geared up a massive turn on, almost more that stimulated myself. Isnt that weird?
  7. You kinda role play a scenario, describing whats going on and what you can feel. I guess it's like narrating a dirty novel. That gives you all the ammo to get totally wound up, leading on to you both "looking after yourselves" simultaneously. I knew about the practice of it before but never thought it would work. Apparently I have a good nack at driving this girl to complete distraction though I dunno.... think it would take away some of the fantasy and role play element in it (and i dont mean that in a computer kinda way!) That would feel like a replacement for sex rather than i diversion. Plus im seeing her on fri anyway :p
  8. haha, yeah... i kinda know that feeling. Must say im feeling prety smug today. Had phone sex for the first time last night. Twas awesome.
  9. So which is your ex then? So ugly its acutally like shagging a mule or that they do that whole thing in bed where they hadly do anything so they might as well be a corpse?
  10. Are they gonna fill EA's shoes?
  11. ahhh thanks mate I just stopped myself watching the vid posted up on the main page. Just remembered how much of MP2 i spoiled by watching too many vids
  12. I suggest everyone ignores the FPS/FPA discussion of this game until we actually play it. The boarder is more blurred iin MP3 then it ever was
  13. can we just get the mods to ban ppl who give away the plot?
  14. Yeah... i think this has been one of my problems with the newer Zeldas. I used to go and do all of the side quest stuff when I wanted a break from doing hardcore dungeon-age. Thats because the dungeons were actually pretty hard. Now I just blast through the dungeons at full pelt because the games are a piece of piss now.
  15. Oh oh! Number 3 is called Ski, or one of several other names. It was for lots of things such as the BBC. Anyone remember getting attacked by the Beasty thing? Number 1 isnt Toy Commander is it?
  16. No apparently it was to do with the graphics card (or lack of one i think)... And yes there was a WipeOut64 and it kicked ass. Acutally raced in a responsive way, unlike the PS games.
  17. Oh god, i forgot how the poor rendering abilities of the N64 made all of the textures super blurry. Wipeout 64 would have been so good if it wasnt for that.
  18. Absolute rubbish. I know for a fact that TC is published by NoE and that the timing of its publishment is nothing to do with them. They told me this themselves. Blame NoE for being total crap.
  19. Hmmm, just got my Premium pack.... Yum. Looking forward to sooo many games coming out now.
  20. See Ant? See what u did there? U killed the thread with all your talk of STRAIGHT stuff.... honestly. Needs. More. Gay.
  21. I think Nando would look good in it tho :p I think whether it is flirting is down to the intentions, not the actions of the people involved.
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