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Everything posted by Jamba

  1. Watched Minority Report for the first time in ages last night. Very well made film and there are lots of elements that make it great but it just isnt quite gripping enough. 8/10
  2. Yeah I don't get the furries thing. When I was studying down in London there was a girl who seemed to like me and was into the whole furry thing. She said she was a purple tiger... also told me, due to a weird hormone imbalance, that she couldn't have orgasms. Sucks to be her.
  3. Love it how this thread has gone DEAD becuase everyone is happy that this is just going to be a great game. No moaning or whining to be had.
  4. Don't think that would bother Blue somehow. Yay I'm loving this! I get to hit on Bluey (and more...) and my girlfriend doesnt care! Doesnt get much better
  5. no but im sure that my mind could be changes (or corrupted for that matter) Still think that it doesnt leave too much to the imagination but maybe all i need is someone to show me...
  6. Hey you know what happens when i use skype! I cant be held responsible for what could occur (good or bad). I just speak and its happens. "Fraaaaaaaaan....."
  7. Stop winking! It's like you've got something in your eye! You need a sound headbutt to get it out. Thats for sure...
  8. Won't it just be a release party for Leopard? That's coming out pretty soon right?
  9. I see it more as a "nothing left to lose" kind of situation. She didnt have to worry about having enough money to live off so she could spend all of her time and energy helping other people. She just didnt need to help herself anymore. Plus these kind of life altering events always make everyone look at the world differently. But hell, "millions" of pounds for charity. Go girl!
  10. Hehe... I used to get really worked up because I used to like lots of people. It used to bother me that I thought I was obsessed with having a new relationship but its probably that I just look at people more. I'm all relaxed about it now though, I just see people I like and think "yum, they're nice" and dont even think about going out with them really. Not that I need to think about getting a girlfriend now of course...
  11. Yeah me too! I think that the artificial sounds are what make the soundtrack in this case though. It would be like trying to replace the Doctor Who soundtrack with something orchestrated. Dramatically it could be an improvement but would fundementally change the an essential part of the Metroid experience. The sounds themselves need to be alien and artificial which may be able to be produced and recorded live in some sense of an "orchestra" but as we are talking MIDI based sounds essentially, I doubt it would make ANY difference. Also I agree with MCJ, I don't want the Halo soundtrack. I like the fact that its different.
  12. Can actually express how much I horrifically disagree with you here. I can understand that this might be a personal preference for you but honestly I think that you are on your own as far as Metroid goes. Maybe you've been playing too much FF? Metroid games have never had orchestrated music, Corruption won't have orchestrated music and I don't think that future games will, unless it is a serious digression from the originals. I find it a little worrying that as someone who seems to know quite a bit about music that you can't see the obvious merrits of the compositions in the Metroid series. (PS. I think that there are MANY tunes from the 16-Bits era that would die a grotesque, traffic-accident-style death if transferred in to fully orchestrated versions. Even some of the tracks from FFVII would be better off in MIDI.)
  13. That's a bit surprising... you sure about that? And what do you mean by rich? As in actualy money or strength of currency?
  14. Erm ok... how about those of us who were born in the 80's, like properly 80's or even the 70s for some members?! (Don't think we have any out-of-the-60s members afaik) Most of that stuff in that list comprises of crap that used to annoy the hell outta me because I was too old for it. It mostly comprises of disturbingly watered down childrens american comedy shows and just lower grade versions of everything we got in the 80s. The 90s was the era when Saban force fed youngsters some of the most HEINOUS television ever created, not to mention the creation of the visciously pandering childrens shows ever. If only we knew that Teletubbies was only the start!
  15. Wow, that's quite surprising. I can see why motion didnt believe you though, its does seem unlikely, although a welcome surprise. I get tired of people using their sexuality as an excuse to act like a tit or just in altogether inappropriate ways.
  16. Ahhhh we'll see. You still havent PM'd me your number yet!
  17. See multitalented and I can multitask. I can sleep with someone, think of someone else and fake an orgasm all at once.
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