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Everything posted by Jamba

  1. Hey does anyone know if the Microsoft Lifechat ZX-6000 headset can link up to the 360?
  2. Which MicroMachines game are you talking about? I thought that was made by CodeMasters (the tossers that they are). And yes... this does look horrendous. Tired ass gameplay by the look of things with graphics that any developer should be embarassed about. Car models are probably 300 poly with fuzzy textures with comparatively high poly buildings! Hardly any rendering effects, as jaggy as an early PS2 game and the general look is generic, plain and lacking any detail what so ever. I HATE this kind of game development. Bad art, bad engine... just bad.
  3. A few VERY important things for me in 2008 please: Prompt international release for games from Nintendo Europe. I can't stress how pathetic their business is and Nintendo definitely have the money to invest in more and better staff. Getting it fucking sorted. We get screwed on 3rd party games that get published by them over here, like Trauma Centre. Developers (inluding Nintendo in some cases) not being afraid to give us games that are a whole package. A fully fleshed out experience that has been developed without a "one foot out of the door" stance. Much of this will however change with the ageing of the Wii. Original graphic styles. A new game from Monolith (of AVP2, Condemned and FEAR fame) but lets face it, they deserve the top end of graphics because they actually know how to use it well. Gooooo LithTech! A game that really shows off how the engine used for Oblivion works for Wii. Creation of middleware companies to create input programming for the Wii. If it is as difficult a task as it seems to be then specialists are needed. And as Hellfire said.... FUN
  4. As a straight guy, I think I'd be more annoyed if she cheated on me with another guy. I find it much easier to dislike guys (disturbingly so) and I think that he would just become the object of my complete loathing. If she cheated with a girl then I'd think of it as her trying to look for something different. Either way though, if they are cheating because they aren't happy (the lying and deception aside) and they truly wanted to be with that other person, then I think I'd let them go. If I'm being mature about it, I'd just want them to be happy and if they are gonna be happier with someone else then me, then they deserve to be happy.
  5. Loving this pic. Can't say I'm all that fussed about JRPG right now though, just not enough time or patience.
  6. Have to say it was 3 for me, the voice acting and the cut scenes just top off the game with some beautiful animation. Classic stuff. Is there news on a new one?
  7. Yeah you got a point. Not sure about your "straight pull potential" figure though. Think we straight people are fucking fussy. Wonder if gay guys are less so?
  8. According to GameTrailers you bump into Captain Barbaros (who is a golden skull at the time!) who has been cursed and his body strewn across the island. You agree to go find the bits of his body, eash of which seems to be contained withing a level. So I would say level based BUT I'm guessing that there will be a lot of backtracking in each one.
  9. Ok maybe flaunting was the wrong word to use. But I do find sexuality as a reason to form something like a club pretty shallow. It similar to going outside with a sticker stuck on your head that says "I fuck guys". This will only result in bringing attention to your sexuality, which is likely to be the only thing on your mind if you feel the need to create such a focus. Your sexuality is just who u sleep with and therefore the idea of people wanting select who they hang out with based on that, I find ludicrous. Sorry if my earlier post was misleading, bit tired. I couldnt care less if guys are kissing in front of me; I just expect the same that I do from straight people, ie no fucking public thanks.
  10. Why? What would you do apart from finding out all the "potential" in your uni/college? What would your AGM involve? "Hello, I'm Phil and I'm gay." Biiiig fucking deal. Sounds like a huge waste of time for me and another excuse for the hemosexuals to flaunt their sexuality as a reason to gain attention.
  11. Cant remember who wrote the article on the fron page but can we change the dev to Alten8 please not Alten6....
  12. Think ur right there dude. Point and clicks havent been overtly popular here in some time. Think people will likely look at this and say that its a kiddy game, just like Wind Waker
  13. James Bond: Everything or Nothing?
  14. G Shouldnt you be able to get extenuating circumstances?
  15. The thing I'm actually enjoying most about XBL are the demos. I'm really glad that these are out there and I think that Nintendo are missing a major step by NOT putting these out there. But then again, making it happen would require their publishing department to actually do their job properly so...
  16. You do realise that a 10% margin in statistics is laughable right?
  17. Did for me quite a bit actually. Didnt find ANY of the puzzles satisfying at all; the only dungeon that even found slightly testing was the Cloud City one. The dungeon with the Staff weapon was a tedious trudge. Think that that game could do with a serious "Master Quest" treatment. But yeah, I don't mind if the action in Metroid is a little on the easy side but harder action increases the tension and actually makes you sweat a little (figuratively). As long as the puzzles are tricky then I'll be very happy.
  18. Hate is maybe a bit strong but I've lost all love for WoW now. Most people I know play it and after about a month of having it I was bored. All of the gameplay elements stay exactly the same and no new challenges come along that cant be overcome by grinding. I love the art direction of the game but the idea of the expansion pack just made me groan.
  19. We are blatantly gonna have to open a new thread for series 2 so that people can talk about the first without requiring spoiler tags.
  20. I think hyping is stupid. Makes people buy crap sequels to all kinds of media that should be shunned as complete crap (here's me looking at you Star Wars ). People need to be informed not misled. And as many reviews seem to think that this game is good then no hype is really required, unless we have another Beyond Good and Evil or Eternal Darkness on our hands but I doubt it. I'm still hesitant about SMG because I don't think that I'm gonna know if I'm gonna like it until i get to play it. Therefore I'm not looking at previews or media that much until reviews hit but even these will be skewed most likely. I know that I'm going to enjoy Metroid because I've seen enough to know that it is like the predecessors, which alone validates a purchase for me. This year I think I'm going to try a load of games and take them back if I'm not that fussed, just like I should have done with NSMB
  21. Hell yeah. Anyway, how do you think Pikachu produces all his electricity. All the static built up from his little suit rubbing while he's getting his game on gives him Bolt 3.
  22. Did your parents drop you Cube? :p Anyway, I think predicting sales is a bit silly. At the end of the day both games will say VERY well. It doesnt really matter which one sells better because the average consumer will not easily see any consequence of that.
  23. Good point. Just surprised that people arent hyping the crap out of it, like they usually do around here. I'm really looking forward to it, just in a "calm as a ninja" kinda way.
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