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Everything posted by Jamba

  1. Told you people... How come everyone knows that because the word "license" is used then they are talking about game franchise IP? Nintendo hold much more IP than just that. As I said, it could be anything. Oh wait.... Dante just told you that.
  2. Even more reason to correct people then I say. Confidence in bad knowledge is an increasing problem nowadays...
  3. Could mean a lot of things. Basically, THQ are making something that uses something (which could be anything) that Nintendo have a license to. That could mean lots of things. Miis, Wii-connection, anything to do with the Wii interface. I mean cmon... even that bit they show at the beginning of the game where they show you how to use the controller, they probably have to license the image of the Wii remote. Could be anything.
  4. It is commonly excepted fact that Spacewar is the first computer game. Don't get arsey with him just because he knows what he is talking about. I'll give you some advice too... go play Spacewar, just download it cos its still fucking great. Pong on the other hand is mind numbing. So as a subject change: Anyone who has actually played this on 360 think that the Wii controls will improve the game?
  5. Must say that this is one of the mort silly threads that I've seen lately. I dont feel that Retro/Nintendo have actually managed to depict Samus' character in any of their depictions of her in the end of the games. Most of them are just silly blonde pin-ups with no personality at all. Smash Zero Suit Samus is the only one that even gets close.
  6. Wow... the reappearance of dellusional positivity (...must be a Nintendo fan right?) You have nothing to base this on. Its a first timer for a franchise from a 3rd party and its being released on a Nintendo console. Chances are that unless Nintendo and Capcom make a concerted effortin the advertising (and I'm talking smart not lots of) then this game will fly totally under the radar. I like the look of this game a lot but it doesnt mean the public will be tempted. I'm not that naive.
  7. I can see your point but they already have an engine and that just needs toning onto the Wii. Probably be a damn site easier than what they are having to do with the PS3! Thing is, the more platforms that they make their engine for then the more potential clients they have for licensing the engine. Many companies are (and will have to) making new engines for the Wii. I don't see any previous Capcom game that would use even vaguely the same engine. Its a "from scratch" job. I just find the whole Epic thing absurd because the remote would totally enhance their FPS games. Maybe what he means by "working closely with Nintendo" is that they know that they couldnt do a descent job of programming the control mechanics, therefore Nintendo would have to hold their hand. That or they just really dont like Nintendo's working philosophy (which is more likely knowing Rein).
  8. Mark Rein talks on Wii once more: I can see his point. Often working for Nintendo means that you get a smaller cut or the publishers have to take some extra risk. But "I don't think that there's a lot of money on making games for the Wii"? Fucking hell Mark. That's retarded.
  9. Yeah... Cross that with the feeling of gameplay you get in Nights and POOF!
  10. With all the scanning and text its no surprise that its taking about a montha and a half. Can't believe some people are so impatient, that's actually quite fast for NoE you know?
  11. Hmmm... i would do the same but last time i did that I found the new game to be a bit ordinary because I'd played so much of something so similar recently.
  12. Oh I totally agree but more and more I find them less informative and more about hype building. Many shops now do a "if you don't like it, bring it back within a few days" kind of guarantee, which helps solve the prob. I guess I just research using media rather than scores, I rarely read what reviewers have to say anymore.
  13. Cant believe people actually buy magazines anymore. I see all of the news (unbiased forms often easily found) on the net and I really dont care for game reviews because at the end of the day I'm the one who has to like the game, not them. Only thing I would buy a mag for is the editorials. And you know what... even with the Edge ones, they just arent worth my money.
  14. Isn't it a "I'm sorry Dave, I can't do that" reference? Thought the geeks would love that.
  15. Also dont forget that many of the team that formed Retro were from the developers of Turok on the N64.
  16. Ouch. That sucks considering how many ways the GCN could outstrip the PS2!
  17. This seems to have some rendering problems (as in the need for AA hurts) but that could always be the result of bad screens not a bad game. Wanna read some hands on impressions dammit.
  18. I couldnt SEE anything while playing 4 player TS (any of them) split screen. Online PC is much more fast paced and less like playing a game of tag with your mates in a virtual world. What do find that makes it disjointed? I'll admit, playing with someone you know is better (i frequently do in CS:S) but I still enjoy PC so much more. Also think that the level design in TS was horrifically confusing.
  19. Can't believe the "kiddy" comment in the trailer. I don't like the style of the look. It's super cutesy. I don't want to feel like I'm watching children's tv when I play a game.
  20. Worried? You're worried?! Jesus... you guys are actually saying that multiplaying a FPS on a console is better than PC. Are you lot totally lost? I know its a matter of opinion but its commonly excepted that console FPS are superior on PC due to the control system. For me GoldenEye and Perfect Dark only get near breaking this rule because of the way they handled. Dual Analogue gets raped by keyboard and mouse period. Not to mention the sheer variety of great FPSs on PC.
  21. I've only really played the multiplayer and I found it frustrating and floaty. It seemed like a perfect reason to NEVER play a FPS on a console ever again. Esepcially when you had games like MOHAA that were made years earlier.
  22. NEVER.... not once, not even like a hundred times! Just watched that trailer too. Its really good, in fact I wanna give the narrator a hug.
  23. Ah ok... maybe CodeMasters only devd the first one then. Still got that "illegitimate" NES game (u beauty).
  24. Sniff... only played the second one on my lovely DC so far...
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