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Everything posted by Jamba

  1. Yeah I remember seeing this. Looked fun but unsubstantial.
  2. OK maybe not Wind Waker but yeah definitely the others. I have played a few of them recently but a lot of them I know so well that it doesn't really mean anything. I can quite easily say that MM, OOT, LttP and LA were all substantially harder to me though. Interesting how you think so differently. Why did you find them so hard?
  3. Am I the only one who finds the graphical style of this disappointing? Really felt like the original trailer was a powerful piece of graphical art. The current form looks a bit... well, yes.
  4. Totally impossible. Nintendo would/could/should just add on the Mii functionality or just make without. They need more games out and they wouldn't can a game on this basis alone. That would be buisiness suicide. Wow, stating the obvious much? Several reasons why I don't believe this. Firstly, I'm guessing that Nintendo have been quite poractive in getting SE on board early on and I don't see them letting this one go so easily. Secondly, some of the other rumours are dubious. Thirdly, why would it be in trouble? Development problems? This is SE we are talking about. They made on of the most robust engines on the DS and they have Gamecube dev experience (again making a gorgeous engine). Only reason I can see it going south is due to buisiness politics.
  5. The characters and some if the areas sparked some interest and engaged me in varying degrees of success but the dungeons in particular were not engaging at all. The Temple of Time is one of the worst level design decisions that I've ever seen Nintendo make; everyone I talked to almost turned the Wii off when they found that they were gonna have to back track through an already tedious dungeon. Dungeons are usually the staple substance of Zelda games, where you have you mettle properly tested and I personally think that the game would have been better off without most of them. I don't really have anything to say. TBH I'm quite shocked at that opinion as I feel completely the opposite. TP is the easiest Nintendo game that I've ever played.
  6. Did Majesco do Vib? Dont tell Bluey... she might explodedede!
  7. Nice work Cubus! TBH, not bothered about FPS right now. I'd much rather see someone mix up the 1st person idea a bit more. Condemned is a perfect example of this and if the Wii could handle those graphics (which it cant) then it would be the perfect place for it. But a good point has been made. From a 1st person perspective, graphics actuallly need to be pretty damn good for several reasons, one of the most important being shape recognition and aiming at high speed (in shoooters). But maybe a FPA in a different guise, or a 3rd person shooter ala Gears of War. But then everyone would complain that its not Gears wouldnt they? Damn gamers...
  8. Gotta disagree with you but as you said it's your opinion. The function of the software is to be an entertaining and engaging game not a piece of interactive graphical art which hints and maybe having puzzles in it (obviously this is all imo). I totally agree with Speadfreak though. The dungeons led you by the hand so badly that it felt insulting to my intelligence. Hellfire is right about getting to see so much more happen, which is a good thing but it doesnt out-do the feeling of disappointment I got after I trounced every dungeon in the game. They needed to stimulate you into exploring the environment, hide the path of where you need to go. Maybe they should be asking Retro about how to make a better Zelda?
  9. Still think that the only bit of it that felt really Zelda-ey was the first village which was crammed with charm and happiness. Other than that my only highlights were: double claw-shot (i like being spider-link), Midna, Oocoo and the setting and characters from the Ice Mountain but not the dungeon.
  10. I've been playing MM:ZX and ZX Advent for DS... he can't duck then
  11. There is another factor in this that people seem to have over looked. Nintendo is being accused left right and center about manufactoring the situation in which supply isnt reaching demand to reinforce interest in the console. Sony certainly did it with the PS2.... I think this is as a response to that really. I have read more than 2 seperate statements from Reggie in the past month trying to protest Nintendos good intentions and the difficulty of the supply issue.
  12. They've developed such a good engine for it though, making a sequel would probably not be that expensive.
  13. All looks very likely to me... anybody know anything about Megaman?
  14. Hey Shorty, no fret mate because you either feel that it caters for you or doesnt. You dont have to pretend that it does. I think that there needs to be a bit of a perspective put on the "lack of hot titles" point though. At this time in the 360s lifecycle, there was still very little out. I think that GoW had just come out and Lost Planet was on it's way as well but it was still littered with medium games and lots of pc ports (even though some of them were frackin great: GO CONDEMNED!) My biggest concern about the Wii though is that the 3rd parties are still not pulling their weight. All the games that are not either good or great are pretty bad. And on top of that, there are lots of them. I'm hoping that this stint of "that would be awesome with Wii controls!" characterised by games like Red Steel and Heatseeker will fade. I am hoping the devs realise that doing so does not make quality games as they are either ports of frankly old material or very badly executed. They need to realise that the Wii-mote does not have to be a simulation tool that it can be used to give an extra level of gameplay, a shining example of this is the "torch" functionality in Paper Mario (even though I dont rate this game over all). They need to stop trying to make the Wii functions the saving grace of their game and just make it fit into the design as a part. When more quality games start coming out, there will be a critical mass point where the average person won't have the gaming tim or money to want to buy the rubbish games. Then the devs making the shovel ware will have to think long and hard about making their games. I'm not totally surprised by the current situation though, as Nintendo have been pushing their platform as cheap to dev for and so companies will have the psychology of making a cheap title. Also everyone is cranking out the rubbish titles so they can get some serious bang for their buck. Think about it from Ubi's point of view: They spent relatively little money and time on Red Steel but they made a fortune because EVERYONE bought it. So why stop? Keep cranking out the shit until the good arrives and the poor consumers will buy it because they have no alternative (or are too dim!) As far as the HDD issue goes, then I can understand why Nintendo is reluctant. They are wary about their platform becoming very easily pirateable but at the same time it's insane because they are making life difficult for devs such as the GHIII team who want to put DLC on that version. Also with the achievements, I could see how Nintendo could maybe see it as being a bit too competitive but hey hey, no biggy. Didnt realise that people were so into their achievements... I do hope that we see that critical mass I was talking about in the next year though but with Nintendo (and occasionally Capcom, bless 'em) being the only people releasing quality titles, it could be a while. I hope Z'n'W becomes a franchise, probably will though (go on give us an Ace Attorney game too!) Anyway, more as i think of it....
  15. Sorry guys but if its any consolation, I lose her in Feb/March time when she goes to Japan :/
  16. Haha! She didnt tell me that.... Oh and yeah she really is 9ft tall. But we work around it.
  17. Ah Strider you bihatch! Why is everyone 'net-stalking my gf now?
  18. OK... I'm confused now. We've got people saying things such as that there are no Islamic States (the definition of which doesnt seem to be that clear) but from what is being implied I would say that Saudi Arabia is. From what I have been told by people who live there and by people who live in Bahrain (sp?) then it is entirely ecclesiastic. And I think its a bit harsh to go poiting the finger at the WWest for keeping dictators in power in the arab nations as doing so smears Westerners just a badly as the "all browns are terrorists" philosophy.
  19. Yeah you can backtrack everywhere (tis yummy!) So do you get a new move if you complete all of the elements, cos I need to go back and do bit of M Block 2 again... which will be a bit lame but at least I know more about what I'm doing now.
  20. Yes every Zelda has a very similar feel and I think McPhee just hit the nail on the head. The world is designed for Links quest and it gets boring really quickly because I roll through the world map going "right, I'll get that weapon later which will get me there" (because Nintendo can only be arsed to make 2 or 3 even vaguely different weapons each iteration). Only Zelda games that have really taken any steps were Lttp and Oot. New weapons, new puzzles every where and a massive leap in terms of what defines the genre. I for one won't be buying another Zelda game anytime in the next 18 months. PH was really fun but wasnt fresh enough to make me want to play another in the near future. And Bluey, don't get upset. We all know it's because you haven't completed PH yet!
  21. Ok... came up with an idea. Set Link out on a journey (much like 2 of my favourite games: LA and MM) in which he has to get somewhere against all of the odds. Hell, kill Epona in the process if you have to (please watch Never Ending Story for inspiration). Make Link feel like a real outsider, make him unwelcome. But dont do it in the way that they did with the Gorons in TP please. Turn him into someone who has to really survive the elements and the landscape. I wanna see Link trying not to freeze to death on the side of a mountain! I want to have situations where I actually feel in danger, you know like an adventure game. MM was great and sinister. How did they do this? By taking away silly recycled bad guys and putting in a disturbing and malicous super moon controlled by someone with the power of a god and the reasoning of a bad tempered child. Sounds like a certain president, no? Must praise one thing Nintendo have done though. They have started introducing real characters that are there through the game and develop well. For all of its faults, TP gave us Midna who is the best character Nintendo have created in ages. Also PH had some very good characters as well.
  22. Maybe take a step away from the tired old game design? Its disgustingly obvious and painful when you can design an entire Zelda game based on this formula alone: Introduction (Zelda gets captured/ put to sleep etc.) 1 Minor dungeon Reveal storyline part 1 Go do 3 dungeons (each of which will include getting a weapon which you will then use to kill a boss, eventully rewarding you with a green, red and blue thing) Reveal storyline part 2 Go do 5/7 dungeons (rinse and repeat as above) Reveal storyline part 3 Fight final boss (which is Ganon 99% even if he is superfluous) Notes: 1) Take care to scatter tedious mini missions between dungeons to distract the player from the game design. 2) Sprinkle relatively unrewarding yet horrendously time consuming fetch quest missions throughout the world map to make the player feel like they have to "complete" the game. This stuff just hurts now. And I probably only let PH get away with this because the characters were actually GOOD and the puzzles kept my brain working. TP grated SO badly with the puzzles that the only one i couldnt do blindfolded was the sky temple. They need to take it back to what was good about the series. Like the fact that it was actually quite a challenge originally. That it inspired environment exploration, just like Metroid did. Maybe not making the puzzles blindingly obvious might help. There are lots of things they could do. But at the end of the day they MAKE games and I dont.
  23. Really think that Nintendo need to take Zelda back to formula. The whole series is going to get more stale than MGS if they don't. Would be a shame for them to fuck the series that bad.
  24. Nope, it looks like a dreamcast game. In fact, I'd say it looks much worse than Resident Evil Code Veronica. This game has a nice atmosphere but there is gonna have to be certain major steps that will need to be achieved if this will be acceptable by todays visual standards. One of them would be re texturing almost everything in that entire video. Just for starts. Companies shouldnt release footage or media of a game if it is grossely different from what final game will look like (better or worse). It's in everyone's interest to do it that way. The dev, publisher, retailer and consumer.
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