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Everything posted by Jamba

  1. What else do you expect? The definition of being Christian means that you follow the Christian teachings. Everyone knows that each person has their slightly different views on all of the issues to do with their faith personally but no one can tell what your personal pic'n'mix of what you choose to believe is. Therefore I think its a fairly reasonable assumption. If anything aren't you getting pissed because someone is treating you as something that you call yourself, eventhough in reality you actually aren't? I'm not saying that you don't believe in God n all, I just think that the label of Christianity is so amazingly loose now that you can't blame people.
  2. Nice to see facism still exists. I can see where Cookie is coming from. I dont see the appeal of conducting a marching band and also I have suspicions of the game being quite shallow. It also chucks up a whole bunch of questions such as "is a gesture system reliable enough for a game like this" or "will the average person find band music appealing". Irregardless of who it was made by, those grey areas make the game questionable already.
  3. Think this looks really good. Obviously the cutscenes idea is a bit meh but who cares? Never hurt Mario did it?
  4. But as discussed in other threads, it makes them more crazy than they already are!!!! TBH, if there was a male pill that was readily available and working then i'd probably try that. Also, the little break that you need to put it on completely kills the mood. Damn the necessaries...
  5. Way to go Haggis! Shame about everyone though, sucks when you have someonne who has a decent enough sense of humour to be able to take flak and not get all pissy and then everyone takes it too far. Good on you for sticking up for urself
  6. YES! They're fucking cold! Need to get all geared up again, which in the "about to go in" phase is inconwenient!
  7. Grrrr! Started off the day pretty well and was making progress towards what I thought was going to be a very good level design day. But NO! I spent 2 hours slaving away at this thing to get absolutely nowhere. It bummed me out so much that I got sod all animation done. So great... resigned to texturing for the rest of the night. YAY.
  8. I feel much better now. If only I could be like that.
  9. I don't snake consistently but I do use the cornering boost. Yeah it does get you faster and I really do it out of habit to be honest. But I don't get all hyped about losing or winning (apart from a kind of "in your face!" way to my close friends) its just a laugh. Hearing people talking about all of these techniques for both SMK and SSB just sounds a bit silly. I just can't take the game that seriously not to mention I don't have the sodding time! I bet with all those hours of mastering these party games those people could have gone got a job and earned enough money to go travelling and you know... experience something in this world. EDIT: Sorry, that didn't mean to come out as such a bash on the more serious players. It's just from my PoV it's a prospect far from my mind.
  10. Core, so it's got some really good tunes on it. To be fair I think Soundgarden tried to do their sound for a song or two which just didn't work at all. It's cool, really chilled out which reminds me that i need to get hold of some Opeth as well.
  11. Just got hold of some Stone Temple Pilots! My kind of stuff because I'm a big 90s grunge-o but it's strange because they are a big mixing pot of all of the others. Very Pearl Jam meets Soundgarden. It's not great music but its still cool to listen too, like all of the soundtrack for The Crow.
  12. @ Shadow, nice pic! Strange cos you look quite a lot like the guy in your avatar (except happy, not all emo). @ Ragdoll, you "Don't Stay In" pic makes you look like the girl from Sugar Rush...
  13. Situation with Bluey and me isn't very different, except imagine that there's no long distance boyfriend and that its more like 6/9 months rather than a few (making te eventuallity harder). Totally sympathise dude. But yeah as everyone has said enjoy it! But whatever you do, don't think about it.
  14. From one Spidey fan to another: Happy birthday to our friendly neighbourhood Happenstance!
  15. 5'4'' last time i checked. I'm the diddiest guy I know and always will be im pretty sure. Just find it funny that in a forum of people, some of whom are quite young, I'm still the shortest with only one exception.
  16. Ahhh right. Thought it was that one day... Dammit, thought i was gonna be outta the woods and everything. Btw, forgot to say congrats about the wedding. Didn't know you were getting married soon.
  17. Ahhh Buttons! You're shorter than me! You must be the only person here who is. *ickle hug*
  18. Ah yeah, very important. This is an absolute must because parents feel like they are left out as it is. On a seperate note, I think I would say that i dont want an answer straight away, I want them to consider it carefully first.
  19. Totally dependent on the person i'd be proposing to but tbh it would probably involve us spending a long time alone together away from lots of other people. So we can just be in our own little world. Then I would set up a nice romantic situation but the type where they don't really know whats going on.
  20. As i pointed out earlier, it could happen at the end of feb this year....
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