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Everything posted by Jamba

  1. Looks for Nightwolf's topless picture.... Oh wait.... THERE ISN'T ONE :p
  2. Haggis man that sucks balls. Why is this crap always happening to YOU?! Where do you live? Can you leave that terrible place cos it sounds like a hole (coming from the guy who has been north of the boarder in Middlesbrough and the dodgier parts of Camden). Is this stuff all related?
  3. So Wolf, TK and BeerMonkey all have the same hairstyle (pretty much)... I'm sensing a trend. Oh wait. It's called fashion *returns to rock from whence he came*
  4. I also can't believe that Nintendo are being so fickle about getting games to territories that never got them before. Limitted time holidays when you can only get them in the space of a week. Fuck off N.
  5. By DVD i take it you mean the Panasonic Q right? Mini DVDs for the Cube were proprietary discs as far as I remember but I might be wrong... thing is that Matsushita are just as good at developing this kind of thing hence why Wii discs are their own. Nintendo could do with realising that if they did use a common format then they could get rid of their stupid buisness model, which happily allows devs to risk bankrupting themselves instead of them. This would attract SO many more devs.
  6. Y'see, Letty camly post on an odd occasion and then you just have ot but in to be a big glory whore don't you? :p you really...
  7. Nando has a significant other ? Cheers for the sentiment though, muchly appreciated.
  8. Bah, its no big deal really. I don't expect anyone to really remember me and I'm also fully aware that a lot of people have taken to remembering me because of Bluey. Not bittter at all, it's just it takes things to happen for people to remember you. I tend to remember people better though who have individual sig and avatars because it actually gives them a "face" of sorts.
  9. Seriously guys.... don't give her so many compliments. We need her head to fit in the plane on the way to Japan! And also I'm not the jealous type at all. Not that kind of person, if Bluey wanted to be with anyone else then she would. Happy that she's with me.
  10. Looking good. Nice to see such an effort being put out.
  11. My sentiments exactly. Starting to get really annoyed at Nintendo being SO slow at delivery almost every promise. Online, DLC, HDD and Mii usage has all been barred to devs due to Nintendo not getting their arse in gear and devs are lining up to use it. Bet they will screw everyone with the HDD as well. Probably have to use an official Nintendo one, wankers. Well guess I can't complain about VC, that's done pretty well so far. Would like to see how we are really going to cope with HDD space though when WiiWare kicks in proper.
  12. I saw the Kanye West video when is first came out and I think I had a mouthful of drink cos I was in the pub. It very almost ended up all over someone... KW version loses all of the energy and rythmn of the original by slowing it down and dampening the range of sound. Don't even get me started on his drawling (sp?) tone of his voice going on over the whole thing like its trying to hypnotise me to sleep! I'm sure KW is great but this is the only song of his that I've heard and it's one of the worst remixes of any song that I've heard in a long time especially when we are in a day and age when remixes can be pretty good now. "New spin" on it? My arse. Then there's the video. Not a big fan of the whole rap/hip-hop/RnB thing of half dancing while gesticulating at the cam anyway. But to rip off Akira and manage to completely miss the entire point of the visual style. It looked like some bastardised child of the destiny's child vid for charlies angels, spliced with some mind-numbing crap film like Torque. Whole thing feels like a gratuitous cash-in.
  13. Sentiment = Good Practice will = Bad/Non-Existent
  14. Really good to see a company folding honourably. Must be hard to just bite the bullet like that but it helps everyone really and it makes a lot of sense this way around. It leads the industry into an emerging tech rather than refining an older one. Oh and to a comment someone made earlier, Nintendo would NEVER use BD. Never. Nintendo have never used a format apart from one that they have developed themselves because they are money grabbing, sub-stone-bridge trolls.
  15. Jamba


    He should be banned permenantly, I don't see a problem with the Admin Modders not having to put up with such childish crap.
  16. Ahhh that sucks. He played such a wonderfully deranged man on the edge. *claps him off the field*
  17. Source or lock please... there's enough crap on this board already.
  18. Hey Ine, sorry i've been outta the loop a bit/ a lot. Hope you had a really great birthday and don't worry about getting old, you're just joining me in obviously the best age of the all.... 23
  19. Hyde park is no where near camden. Regents park on the other hand is.
  20. Sounds tasteless mate. You have fun?
  21. Right guys, until this thread turns into something about discussing religion itself, rather than discussing (in this case I use the term losely) whether it is "right" to believe in religion, then I'm off. Most of the posts here that are about religion as a subject (rather than science) are just people chiming in saying "I don't like religion cos of blah...." or "I'm not religious cos of blah...". To all of thos I have to say this: What are you doing on this thread?
  22. Personally Flink I think you should let her go move back home. If she breaks up with her fella on her own then see if there is anything to pick up from. I've always found this to be a good plan as relationships are long term and emational states, no matter how much they try to convince you otherwise, are short term. It will take a while for you to see if this is really what you want.
  23. Can we just come to the conclusion that everyone who makes a solid judgement about anything in life is essentially wrong? For each of us, our circumstances, the information that we hold, the technology at our disposal impacts how we experience and understand the world around us personally. It will constantly change and so our beliefs should as well. Personally, I'm a bit sad that this thread has slipped so easily into the science and religion comparison so quickly. The reason I bumped the thread in the first place was to learn and discuss religion not science. There are many people who are well versed in science in this forum but few in faith, religion and the less materialistic elements of our life.
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