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The Bard

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Posts posted by The Bard

  1. the playstation 3 is gonna sell out here, its a fact, its the next "cool" thing and you know how english and probably american consumers are like with things that are cool and trendy. even if its utter garbage if it makes their cock look twice as big then they will purchase.


    Actually, PS3 is probably going to sell better in the UK than anywhere else, same as PSP, because america has a certain lack of the breed of neanderthal we call "chavs," and they'll probably account for most of the PS3 sales...

  2. That would just Pwn, but I think it should only have the first 300 or so Pokemon, and should be like Silver/Gold where you can do Johto and Kanto, it would really kick ass as an online game, the pokemon series was made for it.

  3. finishin prime that fast is quite an achievement. in all the other metroid games you would get a reward of some kind, usally a picture of samus in less and less clothes....

    prime should have somethin like that!

    And here we get the mental picture of Ben with an erection at the mere thought of Samus :shock: honestly, at first it's quite endearing to witness this odd infatuation towards a fictional, polygon construct...but after a while it just gets plain disturbing...:heh:

  4. if doc.mario is the only challenging character ur friend needs to get better at the game.


    every1 talks about marth and roy, they r both good.

    personally i play samus and can trash any1 i know tht uses either marth or roy :laughing:

    why has no1 mentioned samus shes wicked, cant wait to play zero suit


    Well, except for me, I kick his ass everytime we play...honestly, I kick your ass at tekken, and Soul Calibur 2 and to be honest pretty much everything else, the only games you've ever beaten me at is Marvel VS Capcom and mario kart (which I am utterly crap at), and that winning streak is about to come to and end too...anyway, me and thebenmaster will be looking forward to kicking your asses on smash bros online pretty soon...

  5. That's the move Cloud uses to finish Sephiroth, right?


    Nope, Cloud uses his Limit break to finish of Sephiroth, and In my case that was Omnislash. You could only do it though If you prevented him from summoning Meteor in his previous stage...man, Knights of The Round and Phoenix really saved my ass in that battle...


    KOTR LOL. That would like take up all the screen and then take 5 mins like FF7 for the move to be pulled off. Still would be interesting to see it.


    Yeah, lol, currently looking for a video of the move in motion...but no luck...can someone help me out?

  6. What is left to be unanswered? If its moe back story for the characters then I think Crisis Core has that covered. I personally think 8 is far better than 7 and the main reason 7 is so popular is because it was the first of its kind to make it big over in the UK not to mention the use of FMVs.


    No way, FF7 was far better, you actually connected with the characters, and had full control of their magic and summons via the materia system, the locations were so daunting and memorable (how can anyone forget Midgar and Nebelheim, not to mention Cosmo Canyon (with the best musical theme for a videogame location ever!), the gold saucer and the multiple "Weapon" fights. The feeling when you finally manage to breed the gold chocobo and get Nights of the Round...the last stage of your battle with sephiroth, you even empathised with the bad guys to some degree, The Turks, Rufus and Sephiroth all had back stories that show us that they weren't bad guys for no reason. 7 was better in pretty much every way, and it sure as hell was better than the abomination that was FF10. I personally would love to see a remake of 9, 5 and 4 aswell as 7, but not for PS3, I'd like to see them come out on Wii, because it's the only console that can add a substantially new dimension or experience to the games, be It minigames, or making hand gestures to do magic attacks or summons. I don't just want a prettier version of the same game...some thing that stopped me from enjoying Twin Snakes to the full extent.


    I know what you mean, its bad enough MGS4 is on the PS3.



    Yeah, but MGS4, I'll probably just end up playing at a mates house, but I have to actually own FF7 cause it's such a long game it would be impossible to complete like that...In the end though I reckon they're probably going to end up doing an MGS prequel for Wii, they always do give Nintendo the more insubstantial spin offs that end up being better than the real thing...


    Take a character like Cloud (although some of you seem to be keen to not have him in the game) he would most likely make a good fighter because he has a completely different fighting structure to anyone else in smash bros at the moment. With Cloud developers could combine sword combat and magic casting into one character and i'm sure that would be highly popular like other sword-weilding characters in smash bros are at the moment.



    You know what, with everyone having all these special moves and all, how cool would It be to have Cloud summon Knights of the Round as his special, holy son of a cracker, the mere thought of it is enough to make me crap my pants. :bouncy:

  8. This is by far the worst idea in video game history!


    Hmm...that reminds me...






    Yep, Unforunately Sony have a habit of not giving a toss what anyone thinks of them. Of course what you can do is not buy a PS3 and instead buy a 360 and a Wii, which is what I will be doing.

  9. Dr. Cox approves of this post.



    Haha, right on brother. *High five*


    ...man I :heart: scrubs




    ^ Dr. Cox when sony announced their super pwnage controller that not only manages to have half assed tilt control, but also manages to exclude rumble while being more uncomfortable than watching American pie with your Grandma...


    Below is Dr. Cox (being the bastion of testosterone driven awesomeness that he is) calling Sony "Belinda," writing it a prescription for two testicles before telling them that they are what they eat, and that they clearly went out and devoured a big fat guy didn't they?

  10. i just don't think Roy's is as great as other characters, but come online smash you can show me how good you are :D.


    Anyway, enough of this talk! It just occured to me, if Nintendo can bring in alot of 3rd party characters, Brawl could end up turning up into an encyclopedia of video games. It would be great I think, and Sony wouldn't really be able to challenge because they have nothing (tbh)


    Yep...I'll hold you to that bro :wink:, and yeah, If they put loads of recognisable characters into Brawl, theres no reason Nintendo can't dominate this coming generation, oh, and they desperately need to get a smash bros title for the DS.



    That video there shows what chaingrabbing is, showing I wasn't talking crap.

    It's the worlds best player (Ken) playing the worlds best Falco (Bombsoldier). Lag is basically slowdown (like in online Mario Kart DS you get it sometimes), and basically Roy has more lag in the sense that when you use a smash attack and miss, there is a big time period before Roy can protect himself, whereas marth has less 'lag' and can therefore block quicker.


    Next, you say Roy is the most popular character and that he is stronger...Go to http://www.smashboards.com and say that to them and see if most people agree with you. It's a fact that the sweetspot on Marths sword (the tip) is stronger than the sweetspot on Roys Sword (the middle), and you can try this on training mode. And roy is only the most popular character for n00bs of smash (even though there are a few great Roy players like Neo), but most competitive smashers would choose marth because he can rarely be beaten, hence why he is ranked 3rd on the tier list behind fox and shiek.


    I understand that you might think roy is stronger (hell i thought so too), but the game is ALOT deeper than you might think. I only discovered all this a few months ago whereas the worlds best players in America have known this stuff for years, and it was only till i became a member of http://www.smashboards.com till i got all this (but i live in england and there is no competitive smash here :shakehead ). Oh well, i just wanna say that I ain't saying you don't know anything about smash like wavedashing and all this stuff, but don't say Roy is stronger because he's not.


    Firstly, when you said chaingrabbing I thought "Cool! You can do a continuous series of throws from just one grab," but after watching the vid, all it is is grabbing, throwing, and then grabbing again, thats shite, and easy to do, secondly, If Roy's completely useless like you say, they would'nt have put him in the game to begin with, I'm sure you only get that impression because all the Noobs use him...but what the hey, you're entitled to your opinion...

  12. Why did you write such a long post when i was clearly being sarcastic and really don't care about square enix's history. I'm aloud my opinion and don't think Cloud deserves to be in it.


    Weren't you 14 once.:heh:


    Yep, as I said in an earlier post, I take it all back...but only cause you like Spirited Away :yay: ...oh, and as you may have noticed, I am God, hence the reason I was never 14 years old, infact, I've only decided to take up a tangible human existence so I can pwn you all daily in the forum...


    Did you just say Roy was better than Marth...:shakehead


    Marth is stronger, faster, can chaingrab fast fallers with the up throw and chaingrab floaties with the forward throw, he has the BEST reach of any character in the game, and he falls ALOT slower than Roy (and roys Up+B barely sends him anywhere). Roy is good for beginners because they can just spam the F-smash as it will more than likely hit the sweetspot, but Marth is just too good. Honestly, I play a solid marth and even i admit he's kinda unfair to his foes, he's just too good (also, Roy has MORE lag than marth).


    ANyway, i definately think Toad should be in the next game, aswell as Boo. I can't believe Nintendo missed them out of Melee :nono:


    If you read the IGN and Cheatcc guides on Smash Bros Melee, they (aswell as me, and everyone else) will tell you that Roy is much more powerful than Marth, Marth in opposition is faster, but they both have the same reach and are pretty evenly matched (although I am particularly partial to Roy) It all depends on who's using the partiular character. Roy should stay though, because he has more supporters...also what in the name of the dark prince do you mean by "lag?" and "chaingrab with the up throw?" stop talking crap.


    Infact, why doesn't a Mod or someone start a Roy VS Marth thread??

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