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Posts posted by The Bard
I understand what you're saying. But, music does not have to be complex to be enjoyable. When you said you could play the entire Blink catalogue in one day, does that make the music any less impressive?
Some of us like to look for simplicity in our music. Take, for example, the YeahYeahYeahs. Drums, Guitar and Lyrics. Simple. But, there is professionalism. Brian Chase is an amazing drummer, and Nick (guitarist) is pretty damn good, himself.
Music does not have to be complex to be enjoyed, and this is where bands like Tool just lose their edge with me. I can listen to their songs, i can appreciate them as 'art', but i just can't appreciate it as music as it's too complex, technical, and just generally not good listening.
You mentioned professionalism, and that to me is everything that is wrong with music today. Take musicians such as Leadbelly and Nirvana, they played their songs that were written from the heart, and If they fucked up, or made a mistake in recording or playing them, then that was fine, since it's only human to do so, but there was true depth of feeling infused within those songs, and that's what matters, bands like Franz Ferdinand (god, even saying that name makes me angry. What do the band have to do with Franz Ferdinand? Why does Franz Ferdinand mean anything to that bunch of shitty pretentious losers?) use pro tools and expensive machines that clean songs (that were already written to appeal to your average cardigan wearing, acoustic guitar playing, emo looking, no good confounded buffoon) to within an inch of their lives...In the beginning, there was only a man with his instrument and his ability to turn his thoughts and feelings into sounds, and that's something that changed when people realised that music could be used to market an image and to line the wallets of no good theiving corporate bastards with gold. This is the reason why Metal is one of the only forms of music that I consider to be true, it's not done for money, it's made as something more cerebral than your average indie/britpop band...take it as the difference between reading Harry Potter, and Catcher In The Rye, One book will give you a good time, but that experience will end once you turn the last page...the other, if you spend enough time with it trying to understand it, has the capacity to enthrall you and change you for the rest of your life. It's your call, but if you want to know god's honest truth, it's that this over simplification and bastardisation of everything, from music to the way in which we are educated, has turned us into a nation of rampant dumbasses.
Also, tool are not complex, they are by all descriptions, incredibly boring. I've tried to like Oasis, I really have, but they just give me the worst sort of feeling...I liken them to sitting inside a car with 6 other people, with it almost raining outside, but not quite, so you get the sense of misery, but without any of the sense of wonderment...they just exude cheapness and a lack of any real character...I don't know why, but thats just the way it is...
Also, people choose to express themselves through music, because there's no way to do it through words. If it's possible to do so with just words, then the music is redundant...sometimes, when you hear something, you feel something overwhelming, but you can't find words to describe that feeling, because it's so complex that there are no tangible words to describe it...
I don't mean to say you're wrong, in all probability, there's a good chance that you're right and I'm wrong, but that is the way I feel about things, and as you can see, I feel pretty strongly about it so I think I should stop here so as to avoid making any more of a fool of myself.
Laters. :wink:
Oh, and if you want amazing drummers, check out:
Dave Lombardo
Gene Hoglan
Richard Christie
on Youtube, or wherever else.
...don't know you all that well, but have a good Bday dude!
Ha. That is all.
Goes and hides under bed due to the inevitable shitstorm that will ensue as a result...
That's not very nice, there's a lot of stuff here that I didn't know and I found it pretty informative...
Saw Clutch when I saw CKY earlier this year, they were good.
Quite a few of the bands you want to be there were last year.
KoRn and Deftones should be there because they are both talented and popular bands. Dont bother going into the "true" metal Vs "Nu" metal thing, I like both and dont make the distinction. Gun 'n' Roses should be there but not as headliners IMO. If it was original lineup then of course but as this incarnation, there are many bands that could have had that spot.
Your name indicates you like Korn, so you're obviously going to disagree with me, anyway, you can't not go into Nu vs True, because Nu isn't metal at all, anyway, and I don't mind some Nu stuff, Rage against the Machine are pretty good...
Incorrect.They have sucked ever since Slash and the others left, it's not that I don't like the music, I liked Appetite and Illusion quite a bit, but they aren't the same band they were 12 years ago.
Well, me and thebenmaster, all we do at school is play videogames, so we'll have plenty of time to practice, and I daresay well pose a decent challenge, me as Marth or Roy, and him as Samus, should be a fun match...
Yeah you should definately go see Clutch...unfortunately, the Download 06 lineup isnt all that appealing...I'd much rather go to Wacken Open Air...but what the hey, I'm not trekking all the way to Germany...
Bands that I would like to see are:
Arch Enemy
In Flames
Strapping Young Lad
Tool (maybe, cause I've heard good things about them)
God Forbid (maybe...even though I've seen them twice before, and they weren't all that great...)
Bands that should have been on the Bill:
Blind Guardian
Iced Earth
Children of Bodom
Iron Maiden
The Black Mages!! (they do metal versions of Final Fantasy music...)
Amon Amarth
Black Label Society
HIM (hahah, I actually like them...oh dear...what is the world coming to...)
Killswitch Engage
The Haunted
Machine Head
Lamb Of God
Sonata Arctica
Bands that definately shouldn't be on there are:
Funeral for a Friend
Guns N Roses
Coheed And Cambria
Eighteen Visions
Johnny Truant
All American Rejects
Billy Talent
...for the simple reason that they suck the manbone...
My favourite band atm is Iron Maiden. They are simply mind-blowing (im going to see them at the NEC in december!!!!) My favourite album by them has to be The Number of the beast.
Damn! How could I forget to add Powerslave to my list...???
Edit: Going to see Iron Maiden with Trivium in December at the MEN arena!! Gonna kick so much ass...
Going to Download Ireland on 11th June!! Cant wait to see em again! 3rd time in 4 years.
Main Stage:
Avenge Sevenfold
Tent Stage:
Stone Sour
Alice in Chains
Ten Years
Wicked Wisdom
Living Things
Lucky! I have AS exams, so I can't...besides, im not that much of a festival guy anyway, I'll prolly catch em when they tour after the album comes out...
The funny thing is, at leeds, Slayer are playing...and are being followed by My Chemical Romance...they're gonna get bottled so hard lol
Hurrah!...*goes and practices*
Holy Crap...theres far too many amazing albums for me to pick my favourite...
but it's between these:
Children of Bodom: Hatebreeder
Metallica: And Justice for all:
Megadeth: Rust In Peace
In Flames: Colony
Blind Guardian: NFIME
Slayer: Reign In Blood
Pantera: Vulgar Display of Power
Mastodon: Leviathan
Trivium: Ascendancy
The last ones a bit iffy, but I put in there because despite peoples preconceptions about them being a Metalcore band, they are not, they are metal through and through and Ascendancy is one of the best albums put out in recent years...
Mine has to be Master of Puppets - Metallica.Love it.
Right on!
Iron Maiden: Powerslave
You two sound like a good team...hows about when Brawl comes out, you play me and Thebenmaster online sometime in a team battle...?
Yea ur right she didnt look as awesome as she did in prime (with the massive shoulder pads). They will probably make the game look better when it is release. I thought samus looked best in her "light suit" in prime 2. Very sexc.
Yeah, the light suit was pretty cool, but my fave was by far the Phazon Suit, It just looked sooo amazing...Red on black is a pretty evil colour scheme
What new video are you guys on about?
Harr be a link fur ye!
Dragonforce are good, but every song sounds the same as the last, and they go on for too long.
That's entirely my point, every song sounds the same if you're hearing the music, but there's a difference between merely hearing, and listening. Unless you're interested in the way songs or compositions are structured and played, and the skill thats involved in playing them, they will sound the same. That is why Rap is so popular, most "songs" involve only a single melody and around 5 or 6 different notes played in the entirety of the song, and this makes it easy to understand for people who aren't interested in the mechanisms of music. Dragonforce are a power metal band and some of their songs run at 16th notes at 280beats per minute...thats 4480 notes per minute...and unless you're listening, you don't catch all the tiny nuances and details that make it what it is. Like most metal bands they don't make for easy listening but their songs are intended to be fast and complex. Unfortunately, much of this complexity is lost on the people who don't actively listen to music, or play it in some way themselves and this causes them to become disinterested in it. I feel that if anything is to be considered music, it has to evoke an emotion of some sort (and this excludes boredom) Metallica, Megadeth and Trivium evoke righteous anger, In Flames, Dragonforce and Blind Guardian have a hopeful, cheerful nature and Children of Bodom and Iced Earth do both. Unfortunately, people usually have trouble getting past the singers lyrics or voice, and that's completely taking the wrong stance. Lyrics are there mainly so that the singer has a pattern of words he can accociate notes with, if you want expression through speech and words, there's poetry and books for that. Keep in mind however that Im not saying Lyrics are pointless, I think they can add a great deal to music, but only if they're not the prime aspect of the song. Hence why I think Indie is the prime offender, bands like The Killers are so completely professional and rigidly bland and Franz Ferdinand who are centered on being completely pretentious and spastic that they're taking away from what makes it music in the first place: an expression of emotion through virtuosity...but the thing is, you can't have one without the other. You have to be good at your instrument before you attempt to make music, because otherwise your attempts will fall flat, any song by Blink 182 can be played with just one good listen through the song. In fact, give me one day, and I'll play you Blink 182's entire back catalogue on guitar. Take instrumental virtuosity as a vocabulary, those with a more expansive vocabularity will be better equipped to express themselves. Of course there will always be exceptions, I'm actually a fan of early Green Day, songs such as When I come around and Time of Your Life are simple, but that what gives them their charm, in fact, I even like one song by The Coral...but If you want real music, it's Metal, Blues, Jazz or Classical all the way...
> It's likely (if you read this) that you wont "get" what im talking about and even if you do, you probably won't care and most likely a great deal of flaming is likely to ensue as a result of this, but what the hey, it's not like I give a crap anyway.
(Note: "bands" such as Korn, Slipknot, Limp Bizkit, Linkin Park etc, are not metal)
what.. the... just.. what?Interestingly coherent question.
Hoookay...moving on....
Did anyone else thing that the Corruption model of Samus didn't look quite as good as in Metroid Prime? I mean, the surroundings and everything else looks much better (in fact, im starting to think Wii has the upper hand in terms of lighting capabilities...) but I don't think samus herself looks quite as good...
Thats wierd...I bought Timesplitters: Future Perfect for £20 a few weeks after it came out...and gamecube games are no way expensive! I just picked up Eternal Darkness and Viewtiful Joe from gamestation for a grand total of £8.
Yeah, that happens a lot, turns out people play games to win, at school we have a PS2 which we play Tekken 5 on every lunch and free period, unfortunately, nobody want's to play me on versus...so we end up doing team battles with 4 people a side...but I still kick their asses...people get pretty bitter when they lose.
Yep, totally agree with you there, Only racing games I ever really liked are Burnout 2 and F-Zero. Excite Truck looks immense though, cant wait for that.
^ How is Mario Power Tennis? Is it as good as Virtual Tennis?
Hurrah! Although I would have thought Raphael from Soul Calibur 2 would have taken that prize...
Lol, ok, ok, I'll back off...
Edit: I never said Metal was the only good type of music....
ok, I'll shutup now....
Re-Edit: See, commments like above happen when im sat home bored all day...
I'm not that big a fan of Mario kart on any platform. The DS one is quite fun online though...Im sucky at mario kart, its the one game i utterly blow at.
I don't think "gay" is an appropriate word to use there. :p
Although Street Fighter 2 turbo was a great game, is wasn't the main reason people bought a snes. Mario Allstars, Super Mario World and many others probably helped a lot more.
Nah, Street Fighter 2 was better and more popular than both those games, and before all of you cry "Sacrelige!" ye shalt know that firstly, it's my opinion and secondly, that game has given me at least 500 hours of multiplayer goodness, more than most of you can say for any game, anyone who thinks it sucks, has obviously never sat down with it and learnt how to play it properly, it is still to this day, the most perfectly crafted fighter in existence...perhaps bar Soul Calibur...
EDIT: Capcom ,why haven't you released an online version of Street Fighter Alpha 3 for DS yet?? That would make mine and Goron 3's day...
The terms of smash
in General Gaming Discussion
Actually, it is more fun, the better you get, the better your opponents want to get, and the more the sense of competition there is, anyway, how can anyone say they don't love it when they're able to kick everyones ass at a game, I know I sure love the feeling. Don't get bitter because you can't be arsed mastering these moves and you know other people have and are better at this game than you...