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Posts posted by The Bard
Oh, well, in that case, my bad.
No one reads posts on this forums.
Nobuo Uematsu is only done the main SSBB theme.
Well excuse me If I don't have time to read through 37 pages of people (mostly) repeating the same things over and over again.
I just realised
My god what are they conjuring.
Holy Crap! He is one amazing composer...some of the FF music he's written is unparalleled...Still...I wish Yasunori Mitsuda was composing instead...he is my favourite composer of all time...He once worked under Nubuo, but In my honest opinion, he is a superior composer, because he compositions just seem so much more...heartfelt...
*Goes and plays Chrono Trigger...reaches 600AD...bursts into tears...*
Also, I don't think Snake is going to be all that great...I don't know why, explosives don't appeal to me as much as close range combat...
Just you saying that and your signature makes me want your babies :Þ
Im good for that....
Nice to see that there are some genuine metal fans here though! \m/
And If we all were not all Brothers of Metal....Would we fall? NO!
Alright, fair enough, but that reason for that probably is that as you become more experienced (read: Jaded) as a musician you're tastes develop beyond simple liking, the music I listen to, I don't just like, I love it with a serious degree of obsession, and the music I don't like, I hate and It's not really possible for me to see what makes it so appealing to other people, so I suppose those are the reasons for my being so opinionated.
The Bard: Can you provide us with a recording of you playing your instruments?
Ha! This sounds like a challenge! Brilliant, my AS exams finish next Wednesday and im getting some recording equiptment soon after, and I will then post some stuff on here. Any requests? I actually had a competition in mind where I record themes from various games, and If you guess them right I'll give you a copy of Metal Slug Advance...so to answer your question, yes, I will provide you with a recording. If you have a particular challenge or a song you would like to see me play, just name it and I'll learn it...
nu metal is fucking dog piss
This is all.
Now now, no need to be so degrading. Dog piss has it's reasons for existing, Nu metal exists primarily as a way for talentless musicians to make easy millions, and Dog piss, well what would dogs do without it? Life would lose it's appeal without the prospect of new walls to piss on or new carpets to soil. So honestly, think before you type.
Give, the guy a break, he clearly has tourettes.
Meh, you're all lightweights, they were both easy...*goes and completes it on hard mode...again" If you want a hard game, play the Golden Sun series, I don't know why, but took me yonks...
Argh...I spelt Behemoth wrong...
Aanywho...Everything I've entered has lead me to....Manowar lol...
"Heavy Metal Or No Metal At All
Wimps And Posers Leave The Hall"
Haha, awesome, they have Behemoth...\m/ \m/
I need to get back to Viewtiful Joe, Eternal Darkness, Warrior Within... and buy Two Thrones
480p is called 60Hz over here unless im mistaken.
Metaphor, Take This Life, Crawl Through Knives, Colony, Biosphere, Embody The Invisible, Gyroscope and Dialogue With The Stars by In Flames
Mordreds Song, or Nightfall by Blind Guardian
Yearning of the Wind, Singing Mountain and Peaceful Days: Chrono Trigger
Journey To The Shored of Another World: Chrono Cross
Hate Me by Children of Bodom
A Question of Heaven and Ghost of Freedom by Iced Earth
I Want Out by Helloween
Sweet Home Alabama by Lynyrd Skynyrd
They all either cheer me up in some way, or make me forget why I was sad in the first place...
Final fantasy music>all
What he said.
Slipknot aren't what I'd call "heavy"....man you need to listen to some Behemoth, Nile or Deicide if you want to know the true definition of Heavy.
You know...I totally predicted this on 23/05/06 with my post:
Everyone knows Roy is the best, even that frankly homosexual pixie, ya know, the one in the green (cmon, the hat looks preposterous) Im pretty much unbeatable with him, and the possibility that he won't be in Brawl, or that his moves will have changes is kinda frightening, but hey, we all have to play the hand the big guy dealt us, so come the dawn of online smash bros, I will be looking forward to kicking all your worthless butts thoroughly using either Roy or Link (or perhaps even some of the new characters...Pit doesn't look half bad)
Aanywho...Roy's our boy!!
See...? Now kneel before my awesome powers of prophecy!
Crazy Taxi, Shenmue 2, Skies of Arcadia, Street Fighter and Rayman 2 are some of the best games I've ever played...but this DC2 things a complete hoax, in fact, it's not even a Hoax, it's meant as comedy...
Theres a shop near where I live called Game City, you can get them preowned from there for £15, funny cause a few days ago I saw Chrono Trigger in gamestation for £70...games cost more than 4 times the console...But yeah, Ebay's probs your best bet...
Oh god, how did I not see this thread sooner...annyway, the best videogame music by far has to be from:
Chrono Trigger:
This game has some of the best music I've ever heard
Yearning of the Wind
and Singing Mountain,
you should definately download those two from Limewire
Chrono Cross:
"Journey To The Shores Of Another World", is absolutely beautiful, I used to enter the world map and just stand around doing nothing and just taking in the music...
Final Fantasy 7:
This game has the most consistently brilliant game music ever.
Theres even a metal band called "The black mages" dedicated to covering themes from Final Fantasy games.
You should Check out:
Cosmo Canyon
Boss Battle Theme
Normal Battle Theme
One Winged Angel
and FF7 Main Theme from Limewire
F-Zero X: Mute City
There's a few more that I can't remember, but the one's from FF7, and the Chrono Games are the best by a long way, check em out.
I've learnt to play most of these on guitar, so once I get my recording equiptment, I'll put them up on the site...
Oh man, I so have to get this game...shame I can't read japanese though...
Final Boss - Golden Sun - Satorus & Menardi->Fusion Dragon.
It was hard enough beating Satorus and Menardi but then when they fuse into the Fusion Dragon I was like AHHH WTF!! And was shocked you don't get a chance in between to save,heal up etc. Bloody hard. I hate it when that happens on boss fights, but the satisfaction after is superb.
Yeah, I agree, that match was a bastard, as for most annoying enemy, try any of the bosses in Contra 3, Strider or Streets of Rage 1...
Also, level 3 bots on Prime Hunters are a bitch...
Lol, don't worry about it man, It's all good in the hood.
i think its a real pitty blind guardian arent playing. they have the new album to promote, and i believe only 1 UK date so far.its a great pity that the slayer/mastodon/children of bodom unholy alliance tour in the US means none of them can play download. can't wait to hear the new mastodon album!
Exactly! I'm going to have to trek all the way to London to see them, although I think they have space to add one more date...*prays for Manchester.* I really hope they bring either the Unholy alliance or Gigantour to the UK, that would just be super de duper now wouldn't it.
Ok... If you look at his post it says:
"Quote: Originally Posted by The Bard"
Did you get that? Or do you want me to write it on a mallet and repeatedly hit you over the head with it?
I'm The Bard, that is who I am, I have a Chrono Trigger avater. I most definately don't have a Korn avatar, not now, not ever, mmnkay Tiffany?
You should, because unless you're good at it, you're going to get your ass kicked so hard you won't have any fun at all, hence the reason you should get better, keep focused on how much satisfaction you get when you master a move or technique and are a better player as a result.
Phil Harrison: "We didn't copy the Wiimote, We invented 3D games & PC's are obsolete"
in Nintendo Gaming
This is quite amusing, not least because of the sheer transparency of his lies, but also because he looks like Lurch from the Adams family. The first 3D game I remember was Virtual Fighter, which came out in Arcades in 1993, and then on the Megadrive in the same year. Oh...remind me when Wolfenstein 3D came out? Point is, Philly, you've lost all your integrity by copying and tailcoat riding on other people's ideas, you should at least try to maintain even the tiniest flicker of respect that some people may have had for you by saying outright that you copied Nintendo.
EDIT: Battlezone in 1980 also had quasi 3D graphics. Man this guy has an unparalled ability to talk out of his ass.