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Posts posted by The Bard
Yeah, we thought we'd get the ATI guy to tell you this so that you won't think were pushing it with the $250 price tag, and it's awesome because you're all a bunch of gullible morons and were never actually going to release the real spec sheet anyway. Sooo..... In between finding ways to underwhelm you with our way sub par toddler friendly online service and robbing you poor bastards blind, if we have time to actually develop any games worth playing past the first two years of the consoles lifespan, we'll let you know... mmmnkay?
Wow, Kudos for honesty there Nintendo...
Is that really a subject, isn't Buddhist beliefs amalgamated into the R.S. GCSE syllabus as aren't you supposed to aware of lots of different types of religions? Not just one, otherwise people are ignorant about religion, then when they come across it scares them as it seems alien, and so can lead to violence or segregation. I thought that was the government stance on it.
I'm not sure I understand what you're saying...But yes, we had to do 2 religions for GCSE, Buddhism was compulsory, and I did Islam besides.
But surely you cannot help these thoughts popping into our minds?
Are you supposed to confess things like that? Like what if a person confessed, "I saw Amy walking along one day and I thought really hard about ramming her from behind?!" Surely even Jesus got these thoughts as it's natural part of human genetic make up to be wanting to find a mate to reproduce with?
Irrelevent, christianity and all organised religion is a scam. Something I came to realise when I studied these religions closely and gained some life experience.
Yeah, I kind of agree with Sarka here, some of you seem to have a very totalitarian mindset. Remember when Hitler was murdering homosexuals? Well back then nobody gave a damn, homosexuality was treated in the same way paedophilia is now, I don't think punishing people for their sexual orientation is right. I mean, I cannot for the life of me see why a bloke would want to have sex with another guy, but they do, a lot, and regardless of whether it's something I understand or not, I suppose I respect it...well, no I don't, I suppose I kind of accept it...like cafeteria food....or the constant threat of terrorism...
...all jokes aside, I'm 17, my girlfriend is 16 next month, does that make me a paedophile? Hells no, I don't give two shits about some law thats going to prevent me from having a meaningful relationship with someone, because thats really what matters. It doesn't matter what your sexual orientation is, it's the quality of the relationship that counts. Loveless sex isn't a thing I endorse by any means...those of you who did GCSE Buddhism will probably understand this philosophy, although the more right wing of you are likely not to care, but hell, that's my opinion on the matter....
fieldsofanfieldroad: I think your ability to say innocent people deserve death makes you much more disturbing in my eyes than any Paedophile I can think of from the top of my head.
Edit: I also think sex and chastity has been over sanctified by religion and the (regretfully) christian mindset of the British public...
Disturbing fetishes aside, Paedophiles sure are wierd, why would you want to bone a kid?...Still I think it is wrong unless the child consents to it, in which case, it's nobody elses concern...but then there's the whole issue of when a child is capable of making it's own life decisions...meh, although I think adults truly underestimate the capabilities and intelligence of kids, I don't think they should make such decisions that could have such a huge impact on the rest of their lives...but anyway, I doubt any kid would want to have sex with a sweaty, fat and balding 40 something, which is what I imagine most paedophiles to be...except of course:
So seeing as Paedophiles are unlikely to get what they want, they will most probably resort to violence and blackmail, which I suppose is the real grounds for throwing them in the slammer.
Such a cool line, I might have to sit through youtube and watch them again sometime.
I think you're confusing Cool with Lame.
Oh, cool, I'll prolly check it out over summer then.
Considering what we know, I think he's absolutely right. It's pretty amusing seeing people here commenting on "the nerve" of the guy, or how this time he's "gone too far" too far for what? To be accepted back into the fold of rabid Nintendo fanboys? The guy is speaking his opinion on the matter, and I think he's one of the only people who's made a level headed analysis of the launch price, I don't want to pay more than I did for a Gamecube on launch, for essentially, a slight expansion of the same hardware with a few bells and whistles attatched. I mean c'mon, I think some of you are going out of your way to validate the price point of the Wii, but the majority of people who buy a Wii aren't hardcore Ninty fanboys, such as the denizens of the Revo-europe forums, they're going to be your average Joe, who remembers that the N64 launched for $199...and how cool it Zelda was back in the day...noone want's to buy an underpowered console for more than the cost of the sum of it's parts, including me, expecially when there's really not all that much showing us what the controller can really be used for...
How the hell could I have forgotten Xenogears???!!
Never even heard of Valkyrie Profile though...
So far, you win
Those graphics look horrible, I can safely say Twilight Princess looks so much better...
Exactly, the materia system was the best way of managing abilities in any Final Fantasy, that's part of what made 7 so special, that you had full control of your characters abilities, they weren't just branded "a mage" or "a summoner" you could make them whatever you wanted, unfortunately, they can't bring it back, because the materia system was based on the story and world of FF7...
I bought 4 copies of Chrono Trigger from ebay for an average of £10 and sold 3 of them to gamestation for £55 each...
Oh man, theres so many, but only if you've got a chipped PSone, If you don't then, unlucky.
The best Playstation RPG's are (in order of Greatness)
1. Chrono Cross
2. Final Fantasy 7
3. Lunar: Silver Star Story Complete
4. Thousand Arms
5. Vagrant Story
6. Wild Arms
7. Alundra (this is basically zelda: a link to the past but more crazy)
8. Final Fantasy 9
9. Persona (bloody difficult)
10. Final Fantasy Chronicles
those should be more than enough to keep you busy...
Oh, found a really cool site that has bio's of some of the most prominent game music composers and Midi's of music from games, it's:
Yasunori Mitsuda FTW!
I never played Disgaea...do you think it's worth getting now?
Thats right, this thread is FULL of noobs!
Final fantasy VII one of the best RPGs of all time?
Final Fantasy VII first game of its kind?
Final Fantasy VII first game to contain emotional music/memorable scenes??!!
WAKE UP PS-NOOBS, THE FINAL FANTASY SERIES DID NOT BEGIN WITH PART 7. you need to look at the older final fantasy games, such as FF4, FF5 and FF6. FF6 IS the greatest RPG of all time possibly, but certainly is the greatest FF game of all time. Those were the days before the FF games became nothing more than interactive movies.
Infact (having played and finished ALL final fntasys)_ id go so far to say that FF7 was the EASIEST FF of the series - the games have been simplified for the Playstation generation. Now its all fmv. Even random battles have been disposed of now!
Firstly, contrary to what you might think, none of what you stated is fact, all of it is opinion. Having played all Final Fantasies myself, It's pretty obvious to me that 7 is my favourite, closely followed by 6 and 4, but I don't consider the final fantasies to be the best RPG's of all time (the Chrono series takes that crown...im still holding out for a Chrono Trigger and Cross port to the DS). The reason im saying this is because this is a "Forum" ie. A public meeting place for open discussion of opinions, so theres no need to be that aggressive. Also, FF7 probably wasn't the easiest, I found 10, 9, 4, 5 and 3 to be easier, I don't know, maybe that was because 7 was my first, but it was definately the one that had the most things you could do in terms of side quests and minigames and it damnsure had the best music and storyline. I think it was the best Fantasy, and easily one of the best games I've ever played, and I say this after having played a great many more RPG's than most...final fantasy 6 doesn't appeal to me as much as certain other rpg's, such as:
Chrono Trigger and Cross (the obvious ones)
Lunar: The Silver Star
Thousand Arms
Vagrant Story
Wild Arms
Persona 2
but it is brilliant, and I can see where you're coming from...but I don't think you should brand people as noobs because they have different opinions to yours.
^ Believe me, It's a good thing.
*Listens to Nile...\m/\m/\m/\m/\m/\m/*
You know, Giant Crabs do actually exist, as Rudolf here will testify
I was watching Animal Planet (as you do) a few weeks ago, and they had this feature on giant Arthropods, and there was this crab the size of a fully grown man...It was scary to say the least...
I thought ToS was a lot better than FFX and Kingdom Hearts, FFX really disappointed me...In fact, there hasn't really been a really good FF game since IX...
Yeah...they are, Time readers are your average pseudo intellectuals that have a really annoying way of acting all pompous and selfrighteous on subjects that it's clear they know nothing about.
The first one is stupidly cool.
Hahaha, man that has to be one of the best things ive seen for a long time...
Nintendo believes that nongamers do not play video games because they are “really hard” and the “learning curve is steep.” As a nongamer, I have another take: we do not play video games because we prefer fresh air and sunshine, exercise, good books and conventional card and board games that allow us to interact with other humans.
She raises some good points there, I think that maybe Nintendo should accept that the people who don't play games, don't want to play games, and never will, instead of alienating the people that do. She was wrong about one thing though, Video games can allow pretty great social interaction with people, and it's one of the reasons for multiplayer gaming. She also seems to think that if you play videogames, you can't like "fresh air and sunshine, exercise and good books" I love all of these things, but it doesn't mean I don't have a reason to play videogames. And as every gamer knows, videogames are far superior to traditional board games in every way.
- Possibility of virtual console games being region specific in terms of the countries they were released in. We may not be able to get games like Earthbound and Super Mario RPG here in Europe.
If Chrono Trigger isn't released here, I might just kill myself. Of course, for most of you that would probably be a good thing, but make no mistake If there is an afterlife, I will be breaking open the gates of Valhalla so that the bitter rain of a thousand aeons and those slain gloriously in battle against the all knowing, all seeing, all plagarising evil (sony) may come back to haunt Nintendo.
Ok, enough with the melodrama, I will be seriously pissed If that does happen to be the case.
Super Smash Bros. Brawl (Spoilers Topic)
in Nintendo Gaming
Oh Please let it be Crono...please
If it is, I have no idea how happy I'd be, I would probably break down crying tears of joy and then down half a bottle of jack daniels before powerwalking naked though Manchester town....
Seriously though, he'd be perfect! He could be the replacement for Marth or Roy...and he is without a doubt the most lovable videogame character of all time
or even marle would be awesome: