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Everything posted by Aneres11

  1. Ahh you’d have been welcome to him haha
  2. Reneigh is making an iron worktable for anyone interested. I can open up.
  3. OMG! Vic moved out yesterday so his plot is free so I just bought four Nook Tickets to try and fill the tenth house and the only character I’ve seen on the internet that I just loved is the kangaroo with her little baby. Well... look who I came across!! She’s moving in!
  4. Thanks @drahkon!! Kabuki is making a gong on my island for anyone interested.
  5. You diamond. I’ll forgive you giving my character corona for this! Let me know when you open again!
  6. What is this app / tool you are using for your turnip prices. Looks more user friendly than the one I’m using...
  7. Literally every time someone wants rid of something @Eddage gets here first with the things I also want! Curse you @Eddage !!
  8. Marshal is crafting a Gold-screen wall if anyone needs the DIY. It’s also raining and Kicks is here if people want to visit.
  9. I didn’t wanna say... not as if there isn’t a clothes shop on his island!!
  10. A legend! Top flower waterer and all round good man! Thank you!
  11. Bloody hell. Missed this!! Damn work.
  12. Myself and @Mike1988uk completed this in coop earlier. I played the original on the mega drive but it’s not a game / series that i hold in memory as an absolute classic. As such, I went into this as a way to break up my Animal Crossing play tome and nothing too much more. We struggled a bit with it in parts. And only played on normal. But having replayed the first level again on manic we didn’t do too badly, so we must have improved as the game went on. Overall it was good. We both said we didn’t think it’d be particularly memorable in 6 months time, but was nice to play as a freebie with game pass.
  13. Mint is crafting a bamboo lunch box. I’m online for a little while now should anyone want to nab it.
  14. Let me just check I opened the gates... no I didn’t lol. Open now!
  15. Purple or blue? I watched a YouTube video on how to make blue roses and Jesus... it’s not easy. Apparently you need to create a ‘good’ red rose from two other roses and there’s no way to know which is a good and bad. They’re also different from the standard red roses you can plant.
  16. Fauna is delivering the goods again and is crafting an log extra-long sofa which looks pretty sweet! Gates are open for anyone who may want to nab the recipe if they don’t already have it.
  17. I have Marshal, and know he’s a bit of a favourite... but I don’t really know why?! One of my least favourites...
  18. Thank the lord for that. My least favourite islander is on his way out. We just never really clicked me an ol Vic.
  19. 97 for me. Think I’m just going to buy at that although won’t be buying many this week.
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