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Everything posted by Aneres11

  1. Unsure... All the 3ds models I've seen have a warmer screen compared to my original one (which I sold aaages ago). That was the best. I don't think this Pika one is still as crisp as that (but it may be because it's bigger also) but it's definitely not a yellow screen. May be luck of the draw?!
  2. Santa Claus came!! Looks like me and @canand are Pika 3DS twins!! It's beautiful! Also - noticed that there is no 'yellow' tinge to the screen on this one. Which is a huge bonus!
  3. I'm all over this later! I like that Alex Kidd is back. He may become my permanent racer as I'm still toying with the character list to find the one I like best!
  4. Here's hoping! I miss Billy in this game! Played a lot more of this this evening. One thing I ABSOLUTELY LOVE in the world tour mode is the ring races! Flying through the rings and getting to the checkpoints in time. I'd quite like a full game of just this please Sega. Sod the car and hovercraft (or whatever it is) - I want plane dammnit! I could play them bits all day!!
  5. I intend to be putting a lot of time into this over christmas. I have only played it for around 8 hours according to the activity log - and that's not unlocking / doing very much at all. All my time has been spent on Mario! Forgot about the Christmas character! If it isn't Billy Hatcher or Eggman in a santa suit / beard - I'll be fuming.
  6. Getting this for Christmas. Those packs look unbelievable. Especially the impossible danger one!! Bring it on!
  7. Yeah I agree I think it is definitely a good idea for retailers to have download codes / cards. Only thing is though - will they be able to set the price or will it be the price it is on the eshop (basically, full whack!)? Or does the retailer get to decide?
  8. This game looks really intriguing. It's been reviewed really well but they do say it's better to have watched the program to really appreciate it. But I've never even heard of this thing!
  9. I've looked - there are no prices. But thanks
  10. Looks like it is coming soon... From Nintendo website: Using a Download Code purchased in a shop or online store Coming soon! Purchase a Download Code and enter it in Nintendo eShop to download the game. Download Codes can be purchased in many shops and online stores that sell Nintendo products. Download method using a Download Code 1. Start "Nintendo eShop" from your HOME Menu 2. Tap the "Menu" tab on the top left of the lower screen 3. Tap "Settings/Other" 4. Tap "Redeem Download Code" 5. Enter the 16-figure Download Code in the screen that is displayed and tap "OK"
  11. Hey guys. So I'm looking at what games I can buy for my 3ds and am interested in digitally downloading some titles. However... I am aware that the prices tend to be a little steeper than the retail versions. This irks me slightly given that you get a box and box art and sleeves etc with a cheaper retail copy!! So, my question is: is there a list of retail games available to download on the eshop anywhere? And if so - is the price also listed? Any help would be great!
  12. Goals? What are these 'goals' that you speak of?! Don't forget to spoiler people!!
  13. I have £10 off shopto and this is £20. So I'd need to pay a tenner. People who've played this - is a tenner worth it or should I put the £10 off I have to an AAA title like NSMB2 and get that cheaper?!
  14. We don't all have surround sound Dazzy! Although I do imagine this game would be pretty awesome if I did have it! : peace:
  15. Ha. It will definitely be lights off headphones in - but can't do the empty house... I'll be sure to wrap myself in a bin liner form the waist down. You know, just in case it gets a bit too much... Haha.
  16. Picked this up earlier. Traded in Ninty Land at GAME (£30 back - not bad!) and Pokemon (as have both versions) so only paid £7 for this. Looking forward to giving it a go - will prob start it later on tonight!
  17. Well I have 4 stars on my profile and just needed to:
  18. Hmm so what's the deal with this. Anyone who finished the game - can you help?
  19. Don't really understand the frame rate complaints. I have played every mode of the game and haven't had any frame rate drops at all. And there are some courses in this game where there is all sorts going on! Overall, (though I haven't played as much as I could so far), I like it, but I preferred the first one. One thing I really don't get with this game is the items. They are not memorable at all and a lot of them don't really do much. Though this may be good as it just becomes about the driving, for the harder difficulties you sometimes do need a little item assist to help get you back into the race. I preferred the missions in the last game too, though they return in a similar style in the World Tour mode. I do see the difficulty of this game a little on the harsh side. Some of the 'missions' in the world tour are very very difficult to 3 star, even the ones where you have to win the race. But I guess it's one of those things that brings lots of reward when you do manage to crack it! My biggest gripe - is the character rosta. What a dreadful set up of characters. Half of them - I've never even heard of. And why oh why did they take characters like Billy Hatcher out etc? Do not understand that at all. That aside this is a very solid game, definitely deserving of the praise it's (mostly) had. It's almost so different to Mario Kart that it can't be compared to it I don't think! Mario Kart doesn't feel as 'serious' if that makes any sense, and that's not a criticism of MK at all as I love it - but this series does seem to play a little more realistic. Looking forward to playing some online - be interesting to see how it holds up.
  20. Just to let you guys know I am selling a motion plus Wii remote in the Private Trades / Bargain Board. £20 delivered. Link below: http://www.n-europe.com/forum/showthread.php?t=36196
  21. I'm late to the party. But congrats! : peace: And yeah - stay safe on the roads! Pot holes are the devil!
  22. To be honest - some of the star coins would have been a little easier to pick up if I had a friend to play the game with! But I didn't
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