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Everything posted by Aneres11

  1. Well I never played the Wii version so I am seriously looking forward to this. Isn't it meant to be a really good game? If so then I think a remake / port onto the 3DS is a great idea. New games would also be nice, but this is probably gonna reach a whole new market with the 3DS and could in turn see more games in this series!
  2. Made carrot cake today - minus the nuts The frosting on top is absolute filth. In a good way.
  3. Hmm don't see it myself. It may well be, but it certainly doesn't look the flying type!
  4. I do love me an Eeveelution. I wonder on the type though?! I'm thinking normal - like a powerful normal as Eevee was basically shit unless evolved. I'm excited.
  5. Marmite as in love / hate haha. And you're right - it actually is called 'Hot Mustad' But yes, I was aware re the resale value being slightly down but I just didn't want it in any other colour than that once I saw it! And I never thought about the car park scenario! That is a win haha. : peace:
  6. A new car ... as you do haha. My current car is costing me too much money both in repayment, insurance and general running. New Fiesta's are zero tax (then £20 year), 1.0 litre eco boost engine so cheap to insure as low insurance group, and much better MPG. Colour of that is what I chose - I get it's a marmite colour, but I loved it the first time I saw it! I had to haggle loads but managed to get the woman to throw in every optional extra going virtually, as she only budged slightly on the price. I pretended I had a quote from Renault on the new Clio and we managed to come to an arrangement! Anyway, it doesn't arrive until April and I guess it's not really a 'buy' as such, but it's a long term buy ha.
  7. Bloody hell that's a bobby dazzler of a price Thanks for posting!
  8. Cracking price Dem0. I have a tenner to spend on shop to as we'll so this is very tempting!
  9. Only the one point to argue against? Progress. :p As for the exclusive thing - I am aware how much gaming needs titles to be exclusive, and I am all for third parties making multiplatform games. My problem here is that it was labelled an exclusive title and was ready to be released on the console is was meant to be exclusive to. Instead it got multiplatform (no problem) but also got pushed back to the same time the other systems will be getting it - when we know it has got to be release ready now. Why not just release on Wii U as per the original plan and then release on other consoles? That's where people are getting a bit annoyed I think - or certainly I am. And as I said, though it may seem worse due to Nintendo's major launch window fuck up, it still sucks ass given how bloody good the game looked in the first place - and played! It's a shame.
  10. Thanks for posting your impressions Ike. Seems to be one to look out for when it goes down in price slightly. I expected slightly more given that it was delayed from the console versions. Or at least a total change from the home consoles? Just something other than a straight port that was never gonna live up to the heights of the 'main' game. Still, it's a solid racer and a good MK alternative so I may look into it with a cheeky price drop!
  11. For the majority I like it. Not so keen on mixture of 3ds and Wii U though. I liked the 3ds forum when it was stand alone as I personally think it deserves separation due to their being a slightly different community who venture there. It's not like it's the Vita for instance where only 3 people have one in the UK and there's next to nothing to talk about with it. That aside it's quite good. More streamlined.
  12. On the back of the demo and the information we already had about the game, it's not a fair assumption to say that no one would have noticed it slipping back. The game is a very promising looking title - especially after the success of Origins too, and was on the top of many peoples to buy lists even when all the games you mentioned looked likely to be out around the same time. Like I previously said, everyone knows Nintendo haven't delivered for a good launch window so this makes the situation a little worse, but Ubisoft have been pricks in the way this has been done, regardless of the situation Nintendo have put themselves in.
  13. Everybody knows Nintendo should have had more games to support the console. But even if there were additional games, I'd still be annoyed that this has been pushed back AND that what was an exclusive now isn't. Regardless of how poor the launch has been handled by Nintendo, people still have a right to be pissed off that a game that is virtually finished has been put back 7 months.
  14. There's no problem with the game going multi platform. If Ubi want to do that then it makes good business sense for them I guess. The issue is the fact that the game was pushed back to February and looked to be a real highlight for Wii U owners. We got an eshop demo that was pretty amazing and lots of us eagerly slapped down early preorders - only to then be told its now not out for another 7 months and what was an exclusive game, now isn't. It's a blow for Wii U early adopters and it could potentially be a silly move for Ubisoft if there are higher profile games out for all consoles come September - which could happen.
  15. Wouldn't even rise to it yesteryear.
  16. Thanks @Lens of Truth I am the same, I tend to always have the 3d effect on too. I think this looks like it holds up well compared to the console versions, better than I expected anyway. I'm not sure I see myself paying full price for it, but I definitely am interested if it goes to £20. We'll have to get Locky on the case!
  17. Thanks for posting some more info! This looks pretty good to me. The video looks very nice - no frame rate drops and seems to run really nicely indeed! Might be worth a look at for me possibly as I loved the Wii U version so am interested in this one! The guy playing also looks pretty skilled which is good. There's nothing worse than a YouTube vid of someone trying to show a game off they can't play for shit!
  18. Lets keep on topic shall we... Bad news really. This is one game that looked pretty good and was maybe worth a purchase for me but the push backs are getting tiresome. Plus I don't know how much longevity this game has for me - I know there's probably loads of depth to it but its whether or not I delve deep enough into it / invest enough time. I think we're owed a reason why there is a delay though.
  19. I'd love to see a full remake of Wii Sports personally. I loved the first game and it'd be great to see all the sports revisited in a remake but with added extras, and more modes to choose from. To be honest, we might even get this as a Wii U game which would be great! Add to that some HD visuals and I'm sold! I mean it would be very easy for Nintendo to do this anyway, as it's such a lazy title with no effort, thought or creativity required to make it. It's just a collection of shit thrown onto a disc really quickly so it'll be dead easy for them to just churn out. Hillarious stuff.
  20. @Retro_Link if you want to play Wii Sports tennis on a hard court then just hold the '2' button on the wii remote when you select tennis and then your Mii and the screen goes black. Once it loads up, you're playin on the practice court in the park You prob already know this though and are talking about actual court selection in the game to make a deeper experience ha - which I agree with!
  21. TBH I don't get why people wouldn't want it to change. It is becoming really tedious. There's nothing wrong with keeping the fundamental game play the same - but please can they just add some more content for the single player. If it wasn't for the N-E league, I personally wouldn't play this with anyone else. There's just not much fun to be had anymore in replaying the same levels against the computer when you have to play through each class to unlock everything (usually). Also, who enjoys playing 50cc?! Surely, no one looks forward to 50cc haha. I get why it's there what with it being a slower pace for youngsters etc, but why must we HAVE to play through it to unlock everything? I'd just like a proper mission mode that builds on the DS version, I'd like to see the removal of the Wuhu Island tracks (although these are totally obviously gonna be the 3ds retro tracks ) and I'd like faster carts. 150cc just does not feel all that fast to me. Item customisation would be great, just to give you a different view of racing - it adds to the tedium when you're first all the way through a track and bang, blue shell. It happens every race and it's just a cheap way to help the AI. I'd also like to see the Ice Flower next time. 3 shots to fire, when you hit someone they freeze in a block of ice momentarily (rather than spin out). That'd be cool. It'd also be nice if we could see more of the air / water sections included - only this time maybe make the vehicles feel slightly different when in the air / underwater. And why can't we have items specific to the terrain? Or items that react differently when underwater or in air?! Just a few thoughts really. Nothing that 'breaks' the formula, just adds to it. That's what it's crying out for imo. More content.
  22. Apparently the game has sold around 2.7 million copies in Japan since launch with 800,000 of those sales being download. http://nintendo3dsblog.com/nintendo-has-sold-over-800000-digital-copies-of-animal-crossing-new-leaf/ That's quite impressive! Not sure how it fares to other 3DS games such as NSMB2 and MK etc, but it seems like a very solid number. I am unsure how I plan to pick this up when it eventually comes out here. I think digital may be the way to go. Perfect to always have with you.
  23. Is anyone a member of the Pokemon Daisuki Club... Anyone at all?! Anyone who is can buy the amazing Charizard 3DS XL! http://www.officialnintendomagazine.co.uk/46212/charizard-3ds-xl-being-offered-to-pokemon-daisuki-club-members/ I mean, that thing is just pure beauty. Maybe they will begin selling them to the general public soon too?! I hope and pray anyway!
  24. Whoa whoa whoa now Hero. Let's not get personal! The Princess is a lady!!
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