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Everything posted by Aneres11

  1. So jealous of your mask!! Right I'm off to get me some fortune cookie!! EDIT Oooooh I won a Varia suit!!
  2. What's all this fortune cookie stuff people are getting?!
  3. Oooh it's on! I had a firefly I caught last night before I went to sleep and was gonna sell it but gave it in by chance and netted myself 68 points! So I have won 2 items off him now! Happenstance - that's a good score! We should all post and see which N-E member gets the best bug! I have to say, when I first started playing this last night I felt like I wasn't going to 'get it'. But now, I just can't put it down. It's just unlike anything else! Really loving it!
  4. Added you. My FC: 1864-8594-8334 Also added you @Nintendo Fan
  5. I'm really enjoying this so far. Had a vist from Ville before but felt quite bad as I had no cherries to provide him with Gutted that there is not much for me to do now as all shops are shut and the trees are fruitless! Looking forward to continuing on with this tomorrow!
  6. Every time I try and go to visit a town I get an error code I wanna be nosey damnit! Edit - scrap that. Just catching the train to @Sheikah's place! : peace: I got disconnected from Sheikah. Only just got there an all! My town gate is open btw guys. Fell free to come to ETERNIA!!
  7. How are you guys getting your screenshots on here? Prob a stupid question sorry!
  8. So I started this just now. First AC game ever. Loving it. I started taking things slow. Found my place to live - admired the view, casually chatted to the locals. Even wrote them some letters to thank them all for welcoming me! Then Tom Nook got on my case re down payment for my house... so got my arse into gear and started collecting the fruit and fossils to sell. Wasn't getting very far to be honest and panic has set in. It's got to the point where I'm running round town barefoot as I've had to sell my shoes and socks to Tommy to put money towards my gaff this isn't how I imagined it to be! Times are tough at the min!!
  9. Yup. I ordered 2. Mike1988uk ordered his around same time as me and got his a week or so ago (maybe more). I just hope it isn't Royal Fail striking again who have been absolutely pathetic recently with deliveries.
  10. Well quite frankly I hate you all. But I did get my code when I woke up this morning and slected sleep download so when I come home from work (is it 5:15 yet? ) it should be all ready. My very first AC game! Can't wait to get immersed. I hope I like it as much as you guys!
  11. That is pretty interesting. It would be nice if Nintendo had all of the third party titles too though. Although saying that, with this amount of first party titles (all of which I wish to purchase), I haven't got time for yet another shooter!
  12. So I guess a lot of lucky people (or rather those who order from shopto!) will probably be getting this today! Exciting times!! Ill be waiting for my free code from Ninty which will prob be launch day or after so thank god for DKCR to tide me over! Lookin forward to reading the hype in this thread as people get it delivered!!
  13. Totally printing that awesome list of games out and sticking it on my desk
  14. Never really paid much attention to this until recently. Looks EPIC. Totally epic. I love the green kid
  15. Thanks for the add Blade, S.C.G. I've deleted everyone else I'd added previously who didn't add back. Pretty much got everyone I wanted on there now
  16. Lol at people saying that the new Eevee-lution was a flying type. I knew it wouldn't be!! And Gardevoir (one of my fave Pokemon) just got even better now it's half fairy type!!
  17. I guess those pissed off it's just an upscaled 3ds game, or that it's not a Galaxy 3 will not be buying this then? Not sure. Also, the multiplayer is thrown in to add a different feel to a 3d Mario game. I don't honestly think they would be able to add multiplayer like this to a game like Galaxy, Sunshine, 64 etc. It's quite refreshing to see that Nintendo are trying to push something 'new' even if it may appear 'old' because it 'looks' like a 3ds game. Which can I just say it looks nothing like a 3ds game. As Serebii says it uses the same art style - but the 3ds could never produce the beautiful textures and effects that I've seen from this in screenshots and videos. One more thing. Nintendo are still trying to cater this as a family console, for families to play together and enjoy. That's what they're all about. So when people see that this is a 4 player full Mario 3d adventure, I think there will be a lot of people who want to get involved - and I personally think that's great. So well done Nintendo. *Stands up and applauds on his own*
  18. Thing is, people want these games. Like I said - on other not so game central forums, people were really impressed with what they saw and a lot of people were saying they wanted to buy into the Wii U when they were released. If Nintendo brought out a new IP which could be potentially risky with the Wii U not selling well at the min, or a franchise like Star Fox, Metroid etc - it would not sell. The mass market who bought the Wii who haven't yet bought into the Wii U do not want those games and they wouldn't be beneficial from a finance perspective for Nintendo. Maybe as the console sales grow with the release of these games (which it surely will) we'll see some new IP's or the revival of some older franchises. But for now I saw enjoy what's coming! : peace:
  19. Whoa whoa whoa - we're not all as old as you old man Hero. I kid I kid. More gems for people to discover though in the wait for all these amazing games coming to Wii U - that's what I say!!
  20. Never played the GC version so pretty excited about this. Looks lovely.
  21. This looks so damn good. Need. Need. Need.
  22. It's interesting the difference in opinions to this forum and places that are not so game orientated like digital spy etc. People on there have generally had nothing but great things to say about the reveals of MK8, Mario 3d, and DKCR as well as Smash Bros etc. Loads of comments from people saying that these are the games that could finally tempt them to buy a Wii U. It's really great to see. Although I understand there was a lot of disappointed people, what Nintendo needs to do right now is get some people interested in buying the Wii U. These games will go a long way to doing that in my opinion and that is the main thing here. As much as people were crying out for Metroid or Star Fox or a new IP, I don't think that's what the majority of people want. And I think Nintendo know that. I didn't see the conference but @Mike1988uk text me all the reveals and I felt somewhat underwhelmed. That was until I saw the games in action, saw some screen shots and some videos of the games - and i just saw fun fun times ahead. And that's exactly what I want from my Nintendo Wii U. Fun. It's what the 3ds has provided me for almost 2 years now (and looks to continue to do so) and it seems the Wii U will do exactly the same. And I can't wait. Good stuff Ninty. Just get promoting now and get these new games advertised properly!
  23. Its clearly not for you then Rummy. Fair enough!
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